i thought piano didnt play that well, but it was good enough ^_^ gG hope they can win before ace match.. altho i guess it might be zero twice so doesnt matter too much
On May 17 2011 20:47 kuroshiroi wrote: I think Guemchi should've just stayed retired. When you can't even take out Piano on Aztec in a PvT...
Piano played really good.
Piano is the worst TvP player by elo. Maybe he got really good in Ace (since Ace probably has the second best T line atm) or maybe he just didn't get the chance to show off his baller TvP until now (almost no TvP games in 2010 and 2011) but it's hard to find a less worthy opponent, imao.
Still, Piano played really well and I'm not trying to trivialise his victory, but Guemchi couldn't really ask for an easier match.
On May 17 2011 20:47 kuroshiroi wrote: I think Guemchi should've just stayed retired. When you can't even take out Piano on Aztec in a PvT...
Piano played really good.
Piano is the worst TvP player by elo... maybe he got really good in Ace (since Ace probably has the second best T line atm) or maybe he just didn't get the chance to show off his baller TvP until now (almost no TvP games in 2010 and 2011) but it's hard to find a less worthy opponent, imao.
Still, Piano played really well and I'm not trying to trivialise his victory but Guemchi can't really ask for an easier match...
I felt he was extremely well prepared. Maybe i havent seen enough pvt in aztec but him seige frogging to his third on the low ground was what wn him the game rather than guemchis incompetence. That positon was super easy to hold as well as allowing him to easily deny guemchi's 5th as well as let him easily defend his own 4/5 with out any trouble.