Kay, just transfered over. Vultures trying to poke about Hero's baes, only get one drone HydraMuta force moving towards midmap 1-0 for Muta's 0-1 for mech 0-0 for hydra's Irradiate loses another muta to it MutaHydra pushing into the nat of Bogus Vutlures killing all drones atHero's 4th Most of Hero's forces are taken out 3rd and 4th are not saturated at all
hero trying to break with mass hydra muta, tried to distract bogus with a fake drop but Bogus didn't bite. Siege finishes just in time to stave off hero's attack. A few vultures wipe out the probes at 10 and 11 during this battle. Bogus floating a cc to his third.
Hero harasses Bogus' third, an irradiate takes out one of the mutas. Bogus drops hero's main and gets 2 vultures in before losing the drop to scourge. Vults take out 7 drones before getting cleaned up
A little fighting in the middle of the map, bogus gets 2 irradiates off on the muta ball and damages them heavily. Hero loads up for a doom drop but vultures spot it on the way and immediately pulls back. Drop wipes out the scvs at his main but doesn't lose much else.
Drop in the main 8 OL's full of hydras! I thought this was the replay for a second Hero losing alot of his Hydra's to tanks All of the hydras are killed off, I think several depots and a armory for buildings teken out KEENS and Hiveuu Bogus expoing somehwere 2-2 for Mech Hero looks like hes amassing for something again, at the 2 postion, Another Drop!
Bogus attacking the 11.5 expo, hardly any befences Tons of turrets around the base, but Hero gets the drop HydraLing Bogus is at his 3rd and 4th though Queens get irradiated, all but one queen gets killed off
Hero makes a few queens and saves them between his main and nat. Hero loads up for another drop while Bogus pushes to Hero's 3rd. Drop gets cleaned up by tanks and goliaths. Sci vessel spots the queens and kills all but 1 with irradiate! Bogus keeps pushing in and gg from hero
i keep wondering why Wemade's coach keeps sending him out, if he just wants to waste a spot he could use it on Pure, at least he wins from time to time