Estonia4504 Posts
I have returned. Sunday, April 24th 2011, 04:00 GMT (+00:00), Channel OnGameNet
+ Show Spoiler ++ Show Spoiler [Game 1] + Poll: Would you recommend game 1?No (3) 43% Yes (2) 29% Maybe. What's in it for me? (2) 29% 7 total votes Your vote: Would you recommend game 1? (Vote): Yes (Vote): No (Vote): Maybe. What's in it for me?
+ Show Spoiler [Game 2] + Poll: Would you recommend game 2?Yes (7) 54% No (3) 23% Check it out if you have time. (3) 23% 13 total votes Your vote: Would you recommend game 2? (Vote): Yes (Vote): No (Vote): Check it out if you have time.
+ Show Spoiler [Game 3] + Poll: Would you recommend game 3?No (4) 57% Yes (3) 43% Check it out if you have time. (0) 0% 7 total votes Your vote: Would you recommend game 3? (Vote): Yes (Vote): No (Vote): Check it out if you have time.
+ Show Spoiler [Game 4] +Poll: Would you recommend game 4?Yes (7) 70% No (2) 20% Check it out if you have time. (1) 10% 10 total votes Your vote: Would you recommend game 4? (Vote): Yes (Vote): No (Vote): Check it out if you have time.
+ Show Spoiler [Game 5] + Poll: Would you recommend game 5?Yes (8) 73% No (3) 27% Check it out if you have time. (0) 0% 11 total votes Your vote: Would you recommend game 5? (Vote): Yes (Vote): No (Vote): Check it out if you have time.
+ Show Spoiler [Game 6] + Poll: Would you recommend game 6?Check it out if you have time. (hint, noone has that much time) (7) 64% Maybe. (3) 27% Yes (1) 9% 11 total votes Your vote: Would you recommend game 6? (Vote): Yes (Vote): Check it out if you have time. (hint, noone has that much time) (Vote): Maybe.
+ Show Spoiler [Ace Match] + Post your stream links here and I'll add them as soon as I see them or PM them to me.Craton's stream!Craton's LQ stream!Tbrown 47's stream!
Estonia4504 Posts
![[image loading]](http://imgur.com/IHoqg.png) (unplayed games will be given random description to avoid spoilers). + Show Spoiler [Game 1] + Nothing too special, but not bad either. If you have time. + Show Spoiler [Game 2] + In mirror matches, a single battle can be decisive. Such was the case in this game. Recommendation for FPL, but for game value, kind of low. + Show Spoiler [Game 3] + Aggression lead to a pretty easy victory. It's ZvZ, so it wasn't exactly unexpected. No. + Show Spoiler [Game 4] + Great TvT domination. Definitely check it out if that's your sort of thing. A bit one-sided, though. + Show Spoiler [Game 5] + Interesting low-macro game. I'd definitely recommend it for some great micro and some interesting ideas. + Show Spoiler [Game 6] + Definitely check out the opening for a lot of cool tricks on Beltway, but the ending drags on for WAY too long. Save yourself the trouble. + Show Spoiler [Game 7] + Yawn PvP. 2 nice stormdrops, though.
![[image loading]](http://imgur.com/7Yl1z.png)
Poll: Who will win?WeMade FOX (19) 54% STX SouL (16) 46% 35 total votes Your vote: Who will win? (Vote): STX SouL (Vote): WeMade FOX
Poll: Who are you rooting for?WeMade FOX (19) 50% STX SouL (11) 29% I'm just hoping for good games. (8) 21% 38 total votes Your vote: Who are you rooting for? (Vote): STX SouL (Vote): WeMade FOX (Vote): I'm just hoping for good games.
![[image loading]](http://imgur.com/UhwYg.png) Enormous thanks to moopie and DropBear for answering the questions in such short time! P.S. Congratulations on 10 000 posts moopie! Here's to 10000 more of your awesome posts on TL!
Another round, but a different format. Winners League wasn’t kind to either WeMade FOX or STX SouL, since both teams have shaky aces and are somewhat momentum driven. With this match, both start a new round, however, and both are likely to still have some hopes for the playoffs. What do our fans think what will happen? Read and find out.
1. Winners League is over now, but neither team made playoffs. WeMade in particular got all-killed several times and only placed ninth at the end of Winners League. Are you happy Winners League has ended? Or will the real hardships only begin now?
DropBear: I am stoked that Winner's League is over! WeMade doesn't have a star ace player to get multiple kills often, nor to stop the rampaging of an S-Class player. We do however have a large number of good, solid, above-average players who will win more than they lose so we'll start coming back up the rankings! There is after all little separating all the teams from rank 4-9 so we aren't out of the running yet!
moopie: In a way I guess I'm happy that SWL is over just so we can have a change of pace for a while. For teams like STX and WeMade, I think SWL being over is a blessing. Both teams lack the S-ranked player to carry them through miracle comebacks reliably time and time again, but they do each have a solid lineup of very capable players who perform great when they prepare for a single map.
2. BaBy and Kal, the aces of WeMade and STX both got knocked out of MSL. BaBy didn’t even make it past offline qualifiers, and Kal got knocked out of an arguably easy group 0-2. Similarily, neither Shine nor Bogus went far in the tournament, both being pillars of their teams. Can we talk about a collective teamslump or were these just flukes?
DropBear: I think it's an overreaction to call a team slump. BaBy has historically been bad in individual leagues and good in team leagues so I can't see it being a problem for him. Shine is quite hit and miss anyway so again no surprises there. As for STX, Kal is kind of bad anyway and Bogus hasn't seen much game time so he's probably just out of practice.
moopie: I don't think that either BaBy or Kal are really slumping, they are still delivering consistently most of the time. The group stages are always tricky, and while I feel Kal really should have made it, alas it wasn't in the cards this time. On the plus side, no MSL means more time to prepare for Proleague 
3. STX and WeMade FOX are among the teams with the smallest fanbases. Why do you think that is, and how can this be changed?
DropBear: For mine, teams either get fans through very strong players or players with great personality or style. The problem for both teams is that they don't really have any superstars and their players are quiet and dull, seeming reserved a lot of the time. If they loosened up a bit and acted with more abandon and gregariousness they could gain more fans.
moopie: I am definitely a fan of both of these teams, but I think the reason not many are is that they both lack that star player that fans love to gravitate to in large numbers (as do anti-fans). STX and WeMade players have great personality about them and are very fun to cheer for, but what they lack is the aura that makes opposing teams cower in fear. If either team's ace player goes on a rampage in R5 and takes down some big names it will go a long way towards getting that team "on the map", which is where the big fanbases are.
4. The maps were changed a lot for this round. Will the changes in your opinion either benefit or disadvantage your team in the match to come?
DropBear: WeMade is a Terran heavy team, so I think they'll do ok out of Beltway but will do worse on Alternative than Benzene. It seems hard to secure a 3rd base on Alternative but Terrans don't need as many bases so that's a plus. The problems will be with mutas and drops, plus there is plenty of room for flanks. I am interested to see if any of our players utilise the other player's inbase island for tank drops and how effective they are. I think Beltway will help terrans, it seems choke heavy and as shown in some of yesterday's matches it's hard to get a recall off into a terran main.
moopie: There were quite a few of changes to the map pool so its a bit hard to judge the overall race balance shift. Losing Benzene will hurt WeMade a bit due to their terran-heavy lineup, but at the same time if the new Aztec and BR are less of a Protoss haven they might be better off overall. As far as STX goes, they have a pretty varied lineup race-wise, so they shouldn't be affected as much by a change in the map pool.
5. If it comes to the sixth set, who should be sent out to best take advantage of the new map Beltway?
DropBear: I think if Midas hasn't been sent yet he will be ideal for Beltway. His bunker-rush if near 14cc if far strategy seems ideal. With short rush distances between the close naturals and high ground surrounding the natural, he will be well placed to win.
moopie: Beltway seems to be a pretty solid macro map, I think both Terran and Protoss will show good results on it. I could see Zerg being pretty scary on it after an early-game advantage, but otherwise that 3rd gas might be a bit tricky. I'm also not quite sure how Terrans will deal with mutalisk harass with the mutas being able to get behind the natural min line, but it could be interesting. For the time being I'll just play it safe and go with BaBy and Kal as ace players.
6. Similarly, the Ace Match takes place on the entirely new map Alternative. Will we see a BaBy vs. Kal or do you think other players will make a better fit?
DropBear:I'd like to see Roro on Alternative. Hydra busts will be super strong with such a wide choke (plus the back door as well) and he's fairly effective with mutalisks against a Terran. He's fairly clutch too.
moopie: Its anyone's guess as to how Alternative will play out, but I wouldn't send BaBy out on it. I think RorO/ Shine will be a better call. The mains are huge and accessible from a very large angle, so mutalisk harass and doom drops could be quite deadly. Similarly, recalls will play a big role in TvPs so I don't envy Terrans trying to block/defend that. I think ZvP or ZvZ is not out of the question here.
7. STX has transferred a lot of players into the B-team recently, including former Terran main-stay FrOzen and Zerg sniper/OSL semifinalist Modesty. Can we expect them back soon or will the depth of STX-s lineup make it difficult to rise to prominence again?
DropBear: I don't understand what's happened to Modesty. He makes an OSL semi and then never gets another game. I don't understand that decision at all and there surely must be more to it than form because he was performing. It's not like the rest of STX was dominating to keep him out of the lineup! FrOzen is more understandable for me. STX need good Terrans bad and unfortunately FrOzen is not a good Terran. Rookies will be tried and I doubt we'll see much more of him.
moopie: They will probably return soon enough, having more race options to fill 6 slots will come in quite handy. I hope we see them back in form if only to make it harder to figure out and snipe STX's lineup.
8. Similarly, Pure hasn’t seen a lot of playtime, and he’s arguably in the deepest slump of all the current progamers. How much playtime do you think he’ll get during round 5, seeing as WeMade doesn’t have a deep Protoss line to pick from?
DropBear: I think limited. WeMade can get away with sending mass Terrans now and they will. A rookie, P7GAB, was tried in Winner's League and even though he got absolutely brutalised by Action I think he'll be given more of a chance to prove himself. We picked up a couple of rookie Protosses in the recent draft too so we might see some of them.
moopie: Pure has always been an odd player as far as Proleague goes. While he makes constant appearances in the individual leagues and often makes it relatively far, he hasn't been very meaningful to his team in Proleague since around 2008. Because of that, I don't think this slump will change much for for WeMade's coaching decisions.
9. Who is your favorite and least favorite player from the opposing team and why?
DropBear: I like Shuttle, he seems like a nice guy and he's underrated. He seems to have a lot more personality than most STX players. There isn't anyone I actively dislike for STX but if I had to choose I'd say Kal, just because he fails all the time and not in a funny way.
moopie: Favorite would definitely be Midas. You can't not like that guy. Least favorite is a bit of a hard call because their main players all have good qualities, but I'll probably go with Pure (yes, I'm kicking him while he's down, sorry).
10. Any last words?
DropBear: I nearly picked Calm for FPL, but I didn't. I hope he loses today to vindicate my decision Also Midas better play!
moopie: looking forward to seeing how games will play on the new (and modified) maps
Pretty STX fighting!
Estonia4504 Posts
STX Fighting indeed! ^^
EDIT: Hell yeah, 2500 posts.
Wow the colours! Soooooooooooo can I steal these headers ? Oh and WeMade fighting!
First match of WeMade since I switched teams and it's against my former team. Well... WeMade fighting (but hope Kal wins his match )!
Rooting for WeMade! Go Baby!
The sig still remains??
Those kitty eyes are like green marbles O.o
ahh both teams haven't been performing too well this season.. i'm thinking stx will win. nonetheless, i'm hoping for some good games and hopefully the winners deserve their win!
Nice to know you are free from the vile clutches of lightwip and Bisu fanboys...
Gogogo Baby!!~~~
Sorry to break it to you, but mustaju is one of us, sincerely from the bottom of his fanboy heart <3
no midas but shine in the op, makes me sad = (
go stx, hoping kal performs again !
Russian Federation3329 Posts
congrats on 2500 posts mustaju~ wow... where's midas, kal and calm?
Estonia4504 Posts
Huge update with fan interviews! Again, congratulations to moopie on 10 000 posts!
mustaju, I feel your pain about that quote.. T.T I LBed WeMade, so gogo FOX!
great banners, though i would prefer roro there instead of pure :s
Wemade has this, mind fighting
WMF 4-0 inc~ Baby fighting!~ Good luck to both teams. I really enjoy watching Kal play but still hope he gets whooped x)
Wemade Fox for life ~_~
With the absence of WL, Wemade going to roll some teams.
Wemade fighting! hope they can keep it up now that WL is over.