On January 30 2011 15:22 StorkHwaiting wrote: lol ffs, stork fast third again! This time without even the reaver! well more ground units, won't lose the shuttle to goliaths
obs checking out fantasy's main - hangs out over the armory
haha stork's solution is to play even greedier than before. brilliant!
stork sending a probe to the NW - don't tell me he wants a 4th that quickly
fantasy scans and destroys an obs at his choke
slow obs tailing 2 of fantasy's vultures
Fantasy with great vulture harass. That's what we know him for!
lolol 1.2k viewers on stream, makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside
fantasy's 2 vultures get away in the red stork with a forge up and spinning
stork's goons now hanging out outside fantasy's nat
stork taking a 4th at 10.5
if fantasy has a timing push...
Stork macroing like a beast... just don't get too greedy :/
On January 30 2011 15:25 Turbovolver wrote: Fantasy with great vulture harass. That's what we know him for! What O_o
stork such a scrooge mc duck
2 vultures check out 10.5, see the early 4th, drop 2 mines at 10
fantasy adding 2 more factories +1 ground weapons done for fantasy!
United States5582 Posts
Holy crap, I come back to Fantasy vs. Stork rematch... Well, it was kinda expected though.
Fantasy pushing out just an inch, mines being laid ahead of his army
goons with speed-obs clearing mines on the path to 11
goons raping pure tank army
2 vultures hit the nex at 10.5, it starts burning actually before stork's goons clear things out
fantasy already with a vessel out
unsieged tanks walk into stork's goons - a blunder!
but fantasy quick with his vultures - stork's goons get obliterated fantasy lost so many tanks though
ROFLMAO. Oh so this is what happens when Fanta doesn't get hard build order wins!
fantasy loses all but one tank!
fantasy should not have sieged there
fantasy loses all but 1 tank i believe
10387 Posts
seems like Fantasy had too much partying last night