vulture/tank/goliath a-moving into 5 - suneksn fall quickly
one ultra attacking the turrets at 2.5
one irradiated ultra acting like an eraser by the mineral line
ultras taking down depots while the terran mech army rips apart all the drones at 5 - about a dozen, and takes down the base
a few mutas there trying to whittle down the army
wow another 3 idle drones at 3 2 ultras fighting about a half dozen goliaths in mind's main
morphing hatch at 6 being taken down by 3 vultures while a few mutas chill nearby
6 ultras attacking inner 1
cleared out by irradiate/units well one left attacking a depot
scvs transferring to inner 5, which mind has taken
mind's tanks shelling the hatch at 3 from north of 4
another ultra on a suicide mission into mines/tanks
u gotta skate8152 Posts
Damn, Flying is down 0:1 to yhc :/ cmon mannn
Philadelphia, PA10406 Posts
27 kill ultralisk STILL ALIVE in the main, killing scvs and depots and stuff.
hmmmm, zerg losing momentum though
On October 28 2010 14:04 Zona wrote: IIRC canata failed the prelims for the first time in AGES late last year
Yeah but he also did great last year during the Avalon MSL, he almost defeated Jaedong in the Ro8 ! Too bad because his next opponents would have all been zergs so he could have had a decent shot :D
ultraling attacking the depot grid/obstacles towards inner 1 - vultures lay mines south of them and the ultras run into them
miso's losing control of this game
a few mutas move out to harass scvs
what a fail game by both players
vultures attacking a morphing hatch at 11
wow the hatch at 3 lives with like 20 hp
3 goliaths dropped at 6, takes out the few drones there
United States13143 Posts
Mind looks like he's setting up to take the other main
a line of zerg blood leading towards inner 5
3 uncontrolled weakened mutas dying to 2 goliaths
match at 3 finally killed by a tank to the north
haha the goliaths at 6 kill another 2 drones
miso doing nothing about the 2 mines still there left of his base there
mind's base at 2.5 still full of minerals as is inner 4
mind with a big vulture force taking down the eggs east of 6 wow, lings almost mine dragged into a huge cluster of mind's tanks (7 of them hugging each other)
a dozen vultures vs one ultralisk on defense at 6
lings loaded up into ol's
drones burrowed at 6 - the 7 vultures vs the sunekn now - ultraling dropped to defend but now mind moving in with like 10 goliaths miso's gonna lose the base all the drones there IDLE they burrow but mind has vesssels...
miso failing hard
well a new base for him setting up at inner 9
lol mbc switches away from the game, it was so bad
an stx zerg is up against a terran!
hyvaa vs fbh!
both players have their nats
fbh on 2 rax, adding acad
I wish someone could've switched in that one PL game that was terrible.
lair done - where's the spire?
4 lings pick off an scv at the nat - a bunker at the nat doesn't cover the left of the mineral line another picked off!
another 7 lings streaming out
ebay starting for fbh, stim researching
about 8/9 lings try to run by the bunker, 2 make it through - get one kill
another 4 lings at the nat getting scv kills
hyvaa's drone saturaction at his nat is really poor though
mutas heading out, fbh adding turrets to his nat still, should be in time
mutas flying around the main - get a stim off the rines but no confrontation
hyvaa taking his 3rd at 11