both players effectively at 4 bases but flash's 6 is about to come online and leta isn't bothering to attack? is he truly oblivious?
and flash maynards his scvs AWAY from leta's forces finally a pro that doesn't just allow his scvs to be noticed easily
but leta attacks towards north-of-6 kills all of flash's forces there, including 10 scvs
6 looks secure for flash... leta shoudl try and take 8 adn clear those 3-5 tanks blocking it
Leta's army engaging (and eating) a few tanks outside of 5 and 6. Flash's dropship army is going... north?
Leta pushes out to center, but F reinforces. F suicidng scvs to clear up supply.
United States10264 Posts
Uh oh, Leta pushes and takes out a sizable part of Flash's forces and SCVs...
Hm Flash turtling up at 6, not allowing Leta to get in there.
flash quickly transporting defensive tanks to 6 leta's delay in attacking it could cost him
flash now has a decent tank line there
Leta has a huge army at 8 but still hasnt taken the base -.-
leta allowing himself to fall behind economically both players still 0-0 ground but leta drops 5 and tanks out the forces there he can reach the 6 gas
Leta finally clears up 5.
United States10264 Posts
Leta claims 8 for his own!
Uh oh, Leta snipes Flash's 6 gas. hm.
Leta snipes Flash's bottom base gas.
Flash has 2/0 upgrades on his tanks, Leta still at 0/0.
Edit: Nevermind, Flash also at 0/0. Misread on my part.
Singapore66071 Posts
gay, those geysers are still siegable -_-
Leta's huge clump of stuff at 7 has been there like all game
leta up to 10? factories
flash moving dropships to drop leta's forces at 5 but leta attacks flash's forces north of 6 both players win their attacks with superior forces
United States10264 Posts
Leta wasting his forces on pushing up in the middle!
Not looking so hot now for Leta.
Hong Kong20321 Posts
this match is fucking awesome.
Obs can't move screen fast enough lol.
players do a little trading, Flash clears out the 5 while Leta clears out the middle
oh, flash has 2-0 ground ups? what a huge blunder by leta... especially when he got his armory up first (for goliaths)