On January 23 2010 19:36 Shikyo wrote:Show nested quote +On January 23 2010 19:32 I_Love_Bacon wrote: I'm with the people saying Flash is never out of a game. Both the first 2 games had large swings where the other player appeared to have a lead... then lost it. Jaedong was ahead, but he wasn't so far ahead that Flash was somehow all ready on the gallows. One min only in the middle of the map, main and nat mined out, and with such perfect macro before that he wouldn't have anything saved up, with Flash's entire MnM force crushed right before the power cut, with defilers defending the base. First, JD wouldn't have lost the bottom left. Second, a Z with 2 bases with a third coming > T with one min only IN THE MIDDLE OF THE MAP how do you defend that?
Defend it the way you normally defend that type of thing. Don't mistake my post as those crazy enough to suggest Flash was ahead. He wasn't and Jaedong most definitely was in much better position. However, Flash still had some science vessles (unless more were scourged off screen), some reinforcements coming (albeit not enough to actually take 7), and for Jaedong to win he was still going to have to use those defilers and push into flash. Flash's attack might've been pushed back further away from JD's base, but it wasn't knocking on flash's natural.
And, others have stated... It's Flash. That's not fanboyism or a delusion; just a fact.
On January 23 2010 19:42 FireGuyX wrote: Even TL is fucking up as much as MBC
Jaedong vs Flash is just too much
Regardless of the results, I think I'm going to steer clear of TeamLiquid for a while after this. The shitstorm won't blow over for at least a week.
Yeah, Jaedong had an advantage, but anything can happen...I know that replaying the set wouldn't be fair to Jaedong, but giving JD the free win isn't fair for Flash, either. No good solution.
I feel bad for both players. Flash for getting fucked by MBC, Jaedong for having his potential MSL gold tarnished by MBC's ineptitude.
On January 23 2010 19:37 SuperArc wrote: This is not the worst decision ever since
THERE IS NO RIGHT DECISION, rematch is unfair towards Jaedong and giving win is unfair towards Flash.
MBC is to be blamed for not having enough power.
I still find it's less fair to FlaSh to give a free win that is just totally against what makes eSports (and all sports) exciting - anything can happen.
I think a rematch would be the right decision 100% though KeSPA does have the luxury of a replay where there might have been something that changed their mind. From our perspective though flash was not far enough behind to justify a free win no way.
I wish unk was KeSPA he would have city banned all the MBC staff long ago
JD did have an advantage but it was faaaar from over. Lol @ fanboys on either side claiming whoever they were rooting for was going to win for sure...
Game should have been replayed :/
MBC sucks
This fail will forever be in e-sports epic moments.
On January 23 2010 19:42 Tuke wrote: It's impossible to mbc make a decicion that would satisfy everyone im pretty sure EVERYONE would be okay with a rematch, no one would oppose it and if anyone did it would probably be die hard JD fans
All you people saying it was even, did you see IDRA say JD had a massive advantage a few pages back? I hate to pull the "he knows more than you" card, but yeah. It's a shitty decision, but there's no fair one.
JD's build was pretty unique and he couldn't exactly just play it out again with the suprise factor...
Flash also wasn't so behind that it was *completely* over. It was a shitty decision, but the only way to stop it was to prevent he black out in the first place ><
the banner is wrong
this is a BO4 1/2
On January 23 2010 19:42 Mooncat wrote:Show nested quote +On January 23 2010 19:31 GinNtoniC wrote:On January 23 2010 19:23 Malinor wrote:On January 23 2010 19:21 Mooncat wrote: Omg this is SO ridiculous. Flash CLEARLY had that game. I can't believe this. Jaedong should lose the next game on purpose...
Are you fucking serious? That's Mooncat for you ladies and gentlemen. A biased troll. Have a look at his other posts, for starters in this very thread. Fuck you. Why don't you go ahead and start calling every passionate fan a biased troll? Of course it wasn't clear that Flash had this, but there no way in hell you can tell me for sure that JD would've held 7, which was to decide the rest of the game. What?
3 sunkens and a defiler at the base, about 3 ultras with like 5-3 at least very soon and some cracklings, about 6-7 hatcheries when Flash had 6-7 medics and 8 or so marines, main and nat mined out. One min only in the middle of the map.
Watch the game when the vod is out, don't talk until you have watched the game objectively. You clearly missed the fact that Flash got mined out and the fact that JD couldn't have lost the base even if he tried.
Well first off... while it was the MSL who had the blackout, it was kespa who gave JD the win (which he deserves imo).
The reason? Because it would be just as unfair, if not more, to make JD replay that map and potentially lose when he had such a significant lead (after finding out that he had the 3 mining which I didn't know about).
People need to look at this from JD point of view. He was perhaps only 2-3min away from winning that game with a swarm at the min only forcing the CC to lift, but because of the blackout he is robbed of an epic victory and will forever be questioned if he wins this series.
On January 23 2010 19:43 Alethios wrote: The amount of mbc hate is pretty disgusting guys. They had nothing to do with the decision. Their only fault was a blackout. You guys don't even know if was the entire building or a city block that went down... something which MBC couldn't do anything about. Doesn't stop you guys going after them like a pack of wild dogs.
Cut it out.
They put KeSPA in an impossible situation due their blackout.
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On January 23 2010 19:26 IdrA wrote: jd had a massive advantage but it was not entirely over and a player should never lose a game because of something like that
I feel that anyone disagreeing with this statement wasn't watching the stream I was.
pre-edit: pay attention to the entire statement
Why can't they buy a $100 backup power supply? Anyone can buy one for their home computer.
Well you know, MBC could kind of be at fault for NOT HAVING THEIR EQUIPMENT TESTED AND READY
Jaedong was just barely able to "win" despite getting away with 3 hatch before pool, getting a good ling surround early game, having his 3rd go unscouted for so long because flash was expecting him to take bottom left first, on top of just incredible mutaling play.
As much as I hate how the game ended, I don't think they could have done anything else; giving a rematch would have turned a big advantage for JD into a big disadvantage because his entire, somewhat risky, game plan was already revealed on a map that is T favored.
On January 23 2010 19:44 KwarK wrote: There was no way Flash was winning that. He went 2 base allin and needed to shut down JDs economy with his last big push. He failed, his push gaining no ground and his vessel count being totally destroyed. With only 2 vessels against 5 gas defilers it would be impossible for Flash to push into 7. That left him on two mining bases (his main was empty) with one of those about to be mined out. He'd lost map control, his push had failed and JD had the entire Z tech tree and the gas to use it. Not giving JD the win would have been unfair. Flash's build failed and there was no fallback option for him. JD's income was several times his and Flash had no new bases coming. It was done.
did u watch the fucking game !?
flash DID to MUCH damage JD hat a LOW economy flash had his 2nd expansion up and running
giving JD the win IS UNFAIR T_T
lol those empty seats. were they for kt?