Hong Jin Ho, "I will work hard enough to pick up my teammates' share of the work."
"In my opinion, the game turned out as I planned."
![[image loading]](http://img195.imageshack.us/img195/4757/86548728j.jpg)
"In my opinion, the game turned out as I planned."
![[image loading]](http://img195.imageshack.us/img195/4757/86548728j.jpg)
-With your two wins, it is very likely that you are going to advance to the round of 4.
▲Because I beat my senior officer, I feel conflicted. Because Lim Yo Hwan hyung won twice against my fellow Air Force ACE members, the probability that they will advance has dropped significantly. In the case that both of my teammates are unable to advance, I will have to work even harder so that I will get a good result at least .
-Because your game was against your teammate, Oh Young Jeong (

▲I was almost totally unable to practice. After the season ended, we went back to being riot police in Daejeon and therefore we were always together; it was not a situation in which we could practice. Therefore, I relied on my fundamentals and just did some image training. Because the game turned out the way I expected it to, I was able to win.
-Today you played in a very opulent (macro) style.
▲I was limited to playing in a macro style game. Ordinarily, I play a very aggressive style, but during practice,

-In this tournament, they are using old maps, as well as current maps. What do you think about this?
▲When I play on the old maps against the newer players, it's true that I have an advantage, but the players who qualified for the heritage tournament have a lot of experience on the older maps, so I think that it's better to play on the newer maps.
-It's been 1442 days since you've last faced

▲For the most part, it seems that players get their nicknames after beating me (laughs). (Anytime's nickname is Sashin toss, sashin meaning Death God) There was no dark templar Rush at the time. I lost to a strategy that I was not expecting, but it was very impressive for Anytime to attempt that kind of strategy. Even though I lost, I feel like it was a good experience.
-Is it difficult for you to travel between here and Daejeon?
▲It is true that going between Seoul and Daejeon is more tiring than just moving around Seoul. Although conditioning myself is my responsibility, Daejeon gives consideration to my situation and therefore, there isn't a large problem.
-Your win percentage is high on the nights that it rains.
▲I said that I will lose if it doesn't rain during my games, but since it wasn't raining and I won today, I thought I broke the jinx. But then it rained (laughs). Normally, I dislike days when it rains, but I suppose it's okay to like rainy days now (laughs).
-Your next opponent is Lim Yo Hwan (

▲I feel like I have to go practice today for sure. Although I played many games against Lim Yo Hwan hyung in the past, since I haven't played against him recently, I need a lot of practice. Lim Yo Hwan hyung will surely practice a lot to prevent a rematch, so at least for the sake of my two teammates (so that they can have a possibility of advancing), I MUST win.
Source: Yellow's Interview
Kang Min: "Because I felt like I played a great game, I am very satisfied."
"I had many thoughts about the past."
![[image loading]](http://img43.imageshack.us/img43/6117/81899476.jpg)
-You succeeded in winning your first game in the tournament.
▲Yong Wook (Kingdom) said that before this game, our record against each other was 12 wins/12losses. But Jung Suk (Reach), who was listening in next to us said that because it would be difficult for us to face each other again, this match would be very important (laughs). Because it felt like this game determines the loser (last place), I am happy that I won (laughs). Players like Yoon Yeol (Nada) and Jae Yoon (Savior) are active players, while on the other hand, I haven't played a televised game in over a year. Although I want to win, truthfully, it will be difficult. I wanted to have a good game against Yong Wook (Kingdom) and because it came out the way I wanted, I was satisfied.
-The opening attack (harass) was very impressive.
▲I was planning on sending a zealot after the manner pylon, but since the manner pylon was successful, as well as the zealot's entrance into his base, I went for the a dynamic (energetic) harass. Because Kingdom was disconcerted, I was able to kill more probes than I expected.
-You chose a very aggressive strategy.
▲I didn't plan to be so aggressive. In a situation where both players are basically at the same strength, attacking is very difficult, but because I had the advantage, I went to pressure him strongly. He was very pressured because I had two gateways and he only had one. I feel that in today's game, our styles were reversed.
-Do you have any thoughts of coming back?
▲I can't make the decision by myself. You have to earnestly practice together with your team to do it correctly. But right now, I play an important role in MBCGame and there is also the team's situation to consider, which makes it difficult. Of course, if I practice, I will be able to play a few games, but for now, I'm not sure.
-The fans really want you to come back.
▲The fans that support me seem to really want to see me play. Therefore, they want me to come back, but I feel like I still lack a little (laughs).
-The interest in your game against Ma Jae Yoon is huge.
▲To prepare a complete strategy requires a lot of time. However, I have to do some casting and there isn't enough time, so coming up with a good strategy will be very difficult.
-If you reach the round of 4, which players do you want to face?
▲It would be great if I could go against Lim Yo Hwan hyung. When I play against Lim Yo Hwan hyung, the game is very fun. However, even without picking a player, I am happy to just play a good game for the fans.
-How did you practice?
▲From the time I've been a player to now, this is the first time that I've had to come out and play with almost no time to practice. With practice, I would be able to figure out how to beat my opponent, but with no time to practice, I feel that it will be very difficult. Although I practiced on Battle.net, Yellow helped me practice a lot. For 2 months, I played in public games, but Yellow introduced me to amateurs that are preparing to become pro gamers, and that helped me a lot. II would like to thank the amateurs that helped me practice: Lee Hyung Sub, Kwun Soon Bum, Ahn Sang Wun, Jung Young Joon, Kim Sung Joong and Jin Ho.
-Because it is your first games in a long time, you must be filled with newfound emotion.
▲I have many thoughts about the past. Whenever I had games against Young Wook (Kingdom) Jung Suk (Reach) would help him and I would find look for different rivals. Today, I heard that Reach helped Kingdom prepare... Hearing that really made me think of the old days. Those were good memories.
-Are you ready for your next game?
▲The next game is the climax of the tournament. On a map where it is very difficult to face Zergs, along with the fact that Jae Yoon (Savior) is an active player, means that this next game will be extremely difficult. But no matter who I face, I will try my best in whatever situation I find myself in. Supposing I win, it will be very good, even if it looks like I will lose, I will definitely try my hardest.
Source: Nal_Ra's Interview
Seo Ji Soo: "From all the games that I've played until now, this game was the one that I liked the most"
"To beat Reach oppa, my idol from a young age, was an honor"
![[image loading]](http://img529.imageshack.us/img529/3509/19792907.jpg)
"To beat Reach oppa, my idol from a young age, was an honor"
![[image loading]](http://img529.imageshack.us/img529/3509/19792907.jpg)
-Today, you were able to win your first game against a male pro gamer.
▲At first, I felt good, but since my opponent was Jung Suk oppa, I felt a little sorry. Since we are friendly, my sad feelings are stronger than my happy ones. Beating a newer player would have made me feel a little less sorry, but since I was a fan of Jung Suk (Reach) since I was an amateur, I feel even more sorry. The only player I personally went to see was Jung Suk oppa. Since he was my idol from a young age, to be able to beat him was an honor.
-How was today's game?
▲During practice, when I am in the same situation, I multitask very well, but as I was grabbing victory, I became a little tense. That's why I couldn't finish it well and since the game seemed to drag on; I was not satisfied with that aspect. However, out of all the games that I've played on tv, this is the one that I was the most satisfied with.
-How did you practice?
▲In the ESWC, my teammates helped me a lot, but because of the postseason, I played many games with amateurs. However, even in the vortex of busy work, Sung Ho (Trap) helped me practice and this was a huge help to me.
-Your loss against Hong Jin Ho (Yellow) must have been a shame.
▲Normally, I was going to play a standard game, but I changed my mind and decided to go for an unorthodox approach to unsettle my opponent. The progamers who helped me practice told me that it was a good build, but I feel like the build that Hong Jin Ho chose was the exact counter to it. Even though it's a shame that I lost, my concentration and condition were not good on that day, so I don't think that the build is what made me lose.
-From your game, it seems that you practiced a lot for this game.
▲I practiced extremely hard for this game. During my practice, I thought that if I practiced this hard and still lost, I would have no hope. Instead of concentrating on tommorrow's game, I thought only about today's game and it seems that my hard work has paid off.
-Do you have confidence in your game tommorrow against Lim Yo Hwan (Boxer)?
▲I have a build prepared, but I have to practice more to improve it. I believe that if I practice really hard, I will be able to win. Normally, I practice a lot with Shin Hyung (Bogus) and I think that today, it will also be like that.
-Do you still have thoughts about continuing to enter the preliminary matches for individual leagues?
▲I think that if I practice as hard as I have recently, it will be possible. Lately, I have developed confidence as I practiced. I believe that what's important is the mind rather than the gender difference or the age difference. I will continue to entering individual leagues so that I may finally get past them.
-Do you have any last words?
▲It's a shame that our team lost yesterday and so I thought that I must unequivocally win today and since the result came out the way I expected it to, I am gratified.
Source:Tossgirl's Interview
Sorry that it took so long, I hope you guys enjoy them.