GhostOutlaw, a newly registered member of Teamliquid.net and not to be confused with Ghostclaw, is developing a student-documentary on the Starcraft E-Sports scene. Still in his probationary period, he's asked that I post his message for him.
I am currently working on a documentary about the game Starcraft and need interviews with former players!
I am looking for anyone who played/competed at any major or minor live events or anyone who would consider themselves a professional or former professional player. Semi-pro is great too, so is live spectator!
This is for a documentary film and shooting will be occuring during the month of March.
Please PM me (GhostOutlaw) or e-mail me (ghostoutlaw@gmail.com) for more info and to set up the interview!. Unfortunately this is a low-budget documentary and only those willing to travel to the NJ/NY/NYC can be interviewed.
If you're available to help, be sure to let GhostOutlaw know.
Katowice25012 Posts
I can't help but I want to wish you the best of luck GhostOutlaw, this sounds awesome!
Osaka27118 Posts
Surely you could record a webcam and save that traveling trouble.
Best of luck!
Sounds interesting...be sure to post about it here once you're done!
Anyone know what the documentary title is?
Belgium9944 Posts
Belgium9944 Posts
I'd love to help the documentary, but unfortunately I'm belgian
Looking forward to it, good luck!
Don't forget to include Boxer
Yay! I can respond to posts!
Ok to answer some questions.
1) Webcam intervews are no good. The quality is very poor, the lighting is weak, and it does not allow for any effects I have planned. It's an absolute last resort.
2) The working title is just 'Starcraft', for now. If I come up with something wittier I will go with it, and totally open to suggestions.
The goal of the doc is to bring light to how starcraft changed the gaming scene both competitively and for game producers. Starcraft is now the benchmark for any RTS game made! As for the competitive scene, well no game is bigger then starcraft. What baseball is to the US, SC is to Korea!
I want to tell the story of Starcraft and what it's all about, how things in the game work, how the competitions came to be and generate exposure. I also want to set up the release of SCII some as well.
Unfortunately one of the key aspects of the documentary is the interviews. The interviews are what I want to use to drive the narrative where visuals just aren't enough. Interviews add not only add a personal touch that people can more easily relate to, but they also add a level of integrity. The importance is on multiple levels.
One thing I may mix it up and make a request is for some audio interviews, but I do need a solid amount of video interviews as well.
My goal is 50 interviews to allow me to have the maximum amount of footage to work with. If I can get half of that I'll be happy. Anything less then 10 though and I may have an issue. The other reason travel is an issue is because I have to work in my university studio to be able to utilize the green screen.
So please, if want to be interviewed and can make it to the NJ/NY/NYC area in the month of march, please let me know! The interviews are absolutely vital!
I'm sure if you came to one of the lans in boston you'd get alot of interviews, there are some good players that come such as slog4 who's been to WCG usa like 5 times.
Hey, I'm in the NYC area, and I'm an avid fan of Starcraft. I can do a short interview if I'm free. In fact, over spring break NYC area starcraft players may possibly meet up for a lan party at web2zone =D By the way, what uni do you attend?
Wow. Best of luck GhostOutlaw. Really looking forward to this!
GL!!! Hope it turns out great so we can all watch it :D
I'm from the NYC area, but I'm not a professional player. T_T I'll still be willing to help if you want though =)
Go and ask Mondragon, he should be great help!
Awesome awesome awesome guys.
If you are available for an interview or are interested in being interviewed, please PM or email me (ghostoutlaw@gmail.com) ASAP! I need to start scheduling them immediately.
These events in boston you speak of, can you please PM or email me more details with dates of upcoming events or contact information for frequent players? That would be perfect!
On another note, if you or someone you know has video footage from live events (please no camera phones, lol), I am also interested in this! Any footage used will of course be credited but gaining that extra footage allows more content for me to work with.
So if anyone has anything for me please PM or email me ASAP!
Thanks again everyone!
Korea (South)11568 Posts
I am not some highly skilled player, like JF or Mondragon. I have been playing competitively since 2003, and I have played in the WCG since then. I finished semi-finals in Virginia in 2003 and semi-finals for USA Atlantic in 2005, haven't competed since. I did go to WCG last year in July, not meaning to play but got put into brackets for Atlantic semifinals since 2 of the competiting players dind't show up. I play(ed) for Revoltados eSports, and was sponsored for playing starcraft and managing the team. Got to div. 2a, and then poker took over. If that is something that you would be willing to put into it, then sure.
Just wondering, when do you need all of this by?
Needed by: The sooner the better.
Do you qualify: YES!
Definitly interested and I will PM you and right now I am going to make an example of you! (The good kind)
CaucasianAsian is basically overqualified for what I am looking for. To be honest, all I need is players (past or present) who are aware of the competitive scene. If your apart of it, great! If your a big part of it, better! If your a spectator or local competitor, thats exactly what I want too!
The amount of information you may posses and can bring forward and explain is FAR greater then experience. Although experience is absolutely and 100% a big plus. Been on the sidelines just watching the big names go at it the entire time? Thats fine! If you fall into that category you actually are unique because you bring a different perspective to the table! Which is what I am going for. So if you think you can be useful, odds are you're right and should get in touch with me!
Again, thanks for the great response so far but keep them coming. The more content I have the better this will turn out! The better this turns out the more exposure it can create bringing more attention, competition and legs to the game!
With the quantity of interviews you want, I'd strongly suggest you reconsider some webcam interviews, especially if you want to get multiple semi-pros/pros. Live interviews would be ideal, I agree, but be a little creative with the webcam interviews and I don't think it'll be half-bad (don't use the full screen for the webcam-- have the webcam interview-feed as an inset with a larger picture surrounding it). Again, best of luck.