On December 08 2017 23:29 K.H.J wrote: 1. Larva get Partner BJ today. 2. 12/12 21:00 KST. Savior will comeback to AfreecaTV. Really fucking situation.
can he play bw again ?
Savior on afreeca???? it will be interesting, I am glad to be able to watch his gameplay
United Kingdom12022 Posts
Saviour despite having caused the entire match fixing scandal still has a butt load of fans. Maybe they're trying to counteract the star powers of Bisu and JD leaving (I can only assume about JD) with Saviour.
will TL list him on the sidebar?
Yeah, banning him from competition is good I think. And allowing him to stream can only bring profit because he is popular, so it is good move overall. I am just curious how other BJs are gonna react / treat him. Someone recently said here that ex-pros leave the game instantly when they are matched against him.
So Savior comes back to play/stream SC:R? Afaik he did stream here and there on AfreecaTV playing games like Hearthstone and was only banned from streaming SC:BW?
Questionable decision to let him back to SC:BW imo. It's kinda big what he had caused and influenced the future of many many people. Personally I don't necessarily need or want that person back in this game, even it could bring some additional hype.
e: btw thanks for this awesome thread, KHJ!
If you don't want to see Savior, then simply don't watch him.
While I think that Savior did great damage to BW, I think it's ironic that the majority calls for a permanent ban from BW while nobody calls for any ban of Blizzard from BW, yet Blizzard arguably did much more damage to BW than Savior.
On December 09 2017 01:59 duke91 wrote: If you don't want to see Savior, then simply don't watch him.
Right. Though that might not be enough power to make Savior unable to make money playing a game that he on the forefront had spoiled and ruined the future of many young people with.
If he's really coming back to SC, I wonder how the Korean audience on Afreeca will receive him. From experience I think even when someone messes up really bad, they still find back their place and have a community again of new people and people who don't mind or know as much what he did, but I don't know if that will be the case with someone who messed up as bad as Savior.
www.afreecano.com Savior cannot play Starcraft BW He cannot play any other major eSports games such as Starcraft2, Overwatch, League, and an afreeca official reached out to him warning him about it already. Savior says he is returning because he is out of money. (he had previously made arrogant remarks on how he made a lot money being an uber for affluent people) So all in all, sucks, but as long as he doesn't play BW and other KeSPA sanctioned games I don't see any reason to care about it.
So, lets go through previous events again, dating back to KeSPA asking Afreeca to 'ban' the matchfixers from streaming:
1. KeSPA requested, Afreeca accepts the request, abit late after day of community blowup when Afreeca was the only platform that didn't respond somewhat immediately. 2. Afreeca's official stance was that "We'll ban these matchfixers from playing KeSPA-sanctioned games"
Point 1: There were some doubts initially if Afreeca was going independent of what KeSPA has imposed on esports before but it got rebuked day after. We don't know if this was actually a miscommunication or if they changed their stance due to community outlash. But given how GOM didn't allow matchfixers to play in GSL and other stuff, I don't see Afreeca's stance changing as much atm.
Point 2: This is the more important bit and relevant: Savior is free to stream as long as he doesn't play (the back then) KeSPA-official games. If you were to twist this definition a little bit, if Afreeca is recognizing KeSPA official games as the ones that they're hosting tournaments for right now (pretty much close to none at this point), then Savior is free to stream anything. If it was any games that had KeSPA-sanctioned tournaments for, then he's free to stream as long as he doesn't play these games.
In fact he did return in 2016, had low viewership, and quit again.
tl;dr: Nothing new, this has been done in the past.
EDIT: If there was anything else (ban/warning from Afreeca that was unrelated to streaming game issue), please correct me.
I'm curious, could savior just stream on twitch? Or is he banned from that too?
Oh fuck yes, this is gonna be a shit show and im gonna love every minute of it.
Thank you for the info! This is indeed, a really fucking situation. ( - _-)
51349 Posts
savior probably going to try and play pubg until people get mad and petition bluehole to stop it.
I think all the savior hating has to stop eventually. I would love seeing him in an official tournament, maybe even put on a tutoring program for new talent and work his ass off to pay for the shit he has done. But seriously, the guy was a prodigy and it's sad what he's done. Also it's sad that nothing can undo it and people still hate him 10 years after.
On December 09 2017 02:20 RCCar wrote:www.afreecano.comSavior cannot play Starcraft BW He cannot play any other major eSports games such as Starcraft2, Overwatch, League, and an afreeca official reached out to him warning him about it already. Savior says he is returning because he is out of money. (he had previously made arrogant remarks on how he made a lot money being an uber for affluent people) So all in all, sucks, but as long as he doesn't play BW and other KeSPA sanctioned games I don't see any reason to care about it.
What you mean by he cannot play it? I know he can't attend tournaments but streaming? What's the reason of comeback if he can't play his game. I think forbidding him playing and just stream BW is too much.
he should just stream BW on twitch and still be able to accept donations on afreeca (you don't need to be streaming to get donations...)
Funny seeing all the same names siding with Larva in the recent drama now being happy about Savior returning.
On December 09 2017 15:39 juvenal wrote: Funny seeing all the same names siding with Larva in the recent drama now being happy about Savior returning.
Totally different matters, especially if your matters of concern are mostly about Brood War.
sAviOr was arguably the biggest franchise star the scene had since BoxeR, who proceeded to abuse his reach to lure fellow professional players into a path of throwing matches and ruining the competitive integrity of the game. The combination of his star power, and the nature of his actions allowed sAviOr to make it into the mainstream news everywhere, and this was perhaps the first large scale exposure of Korean e-Sports to the general public since BoxeR, and it had incredibly negative implications.
The last time sAviOr did anything of note as a source of inspiration as a Brood War player, not a controversial figure, was over ten years ago. The gravity of his past actions and what he stands for, whether he likes it or not, has far exceeded anything he did as a Brood War player, and this has become his most impactful legacy.
sAviOr is a household name in Korea, and for all the wrong reasons. The health of the Brood War scene is far more important than not going overboard with punishing sAviOr for what he did in the past, and this is something literally everybody who did anything of note within the Korean Brood War scene would say. He is simply not worth the hassle and disrepute he brings with his extensive baggage.
Larva was an ex-professional who finished his career as a no name practice partner, and gained notoriety and attention with his extravagant streamer antics. His name holds next to no value as a professional Brood War player, and he is a child of the streaming era, which is all that remains of the Brood War scene that holds any proper significance. Like it or not, part of his success comes with his streaming persona, because let's face it, money talks.
Outside of the big names such as Flash or Stork, streaming success is highly dependent on having a memorable streaming persona. Just ask the more reserved, game focused streamers such as Soulkey who have far superior gaming capacities than Stork as of now, but are vastly behind in terms of income. Every single Brood War content that you enjoy currently exists due to the streaming careers of these Brood War players. These guys are streamers first and foremost, and then we can judge them for their competitive integrity. Do you think Larva can sustain his current levels of streaming success by purely focusing on improving his Brood War capabilities, and hoping that his viewers will like him for that single ability alone over more established players such as Jaedong?
sAviOr brings nothing of value to the current Brood War ecosystem. Idiotic antics and clown-like behaviour carried out by the likes of Terror, Britney, and Larva are sadly, one of the key reasons for why Brood War as a medium got accepted by newer generation of the Korean populous. Just like people who ignored intellectual property was responsible for the growth of over ten years of the best competitive gaming content the world has ever seen, the vulgar streaming culture allowed Brood War to subsist as a popular internet content in Korea. Bisu's streaming persona would have disgusted some of his older fans, but he did what he must to bring in more viewers and succeed as a streamer.
I personally prefer the days when Brood War was played under a professional setting, and nothing but the skills of the players involved mattered. But that train has left years ago, and to be quite frank, once people allowed the professional scene to be killed off, it seems rather odd to see people not be ready to face the consequences of their inaction. You are not owed anything. You didn't do anything to help.
Welcome to the streaming era. In case you noticed, the professional scene has died years ago, and this is what people do to make a living. It is a model that works wonders for those who lacked any premium value as professional players. As tactless as you may find it, it brings in the extra viewers who in return can sustain the current Brood War ecosystem. Unless you have an alternative business model in mind, it is an evil that I am more than willing to put up with if it means that the Brood War scene can sustain itself. Until then, you can blame Larva all you want for acting like a total buffoon, but as somebody who welcomed Terror back with open arms even when he did the most heinous behaviour:
On August 05 2014 22:12 juvenal wrote:I support anything Terror does! high fucking five!
I get the feeling that you are more about bringing up issues of morality only when it offends you in particular. What Larva has done was indeed stupid and vulgar, but that's not the main thing that triggered the vast majority of the commotion that went on. I am most triggered when I am personally being denied the opportunity to enjoy competitive Brood War as a medium. We all have things that trigger us. Don't pretend to have the moral high ground simply based on the level of outrage you feel.