Starcraft Broodwar Interviews:
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- Has won 18 Tournaments
- 4 Seasons in a row Olympic Rank on iCCup
- Is known as "the Coach"
1. Why did you pick your main race as zerg? How does it suit you better than other races?
pretty much everyone from my computer lab class played zerg,most of my friends were zerg,so the most natural for me was to be a zerg too.
I also liked how fast u can attack other players with a 4 pool.
2. Can you tell us what mainyarding workers is? how many percentage of drones should one player transfer to a new base?
Unless u are mentioning the distance from hatchery to minerals for this term and using the yard size.i have no idea what mainyarding means,i like to leave always 9 drones mining ,sometimes i leave 8 and send 1 2, it depends cuz sometimes i dont transfer drones but leave it for gaz,depends of the build really.
3. How do you prepare for a tournament? What actions do you take?
5 years ago i used to ask players to train by matchup and specific maps,i also put lot of pressure cuz i wanted to win so bad,it a was a long a hard process to learn all this,yet in 2017 i sometimes fall for old mistakes,but it got better.sadly nowadays i dont train or prepare for tourney like i used to,the actual train is fighting spirit on fish server.
4. Do you practice bw or just play? If so how and what do you practice or improve?
since 2015 i dont really practise but play,lets say i watch a pro build and play it vs many oponents,then i execute it the best i can faster and cleaner.But in general im a player that can copy a build from a vod very fast,i see it and i can play it instantly and always tune it to my comfort.
5. What is your preferred matchup to play? What is your strongest matchup?
my favorite matchup is zvt,but strongest by natural process is zvp.
6. How would you say you make any kind of decision while in game? What factors do you consider when taking a decision? Can you give us an example?
every game a is a different story but lets say if i see a player making mistakes i like to punish him for it,if you micro bad a zealot u will die most likely by infinite lings,this can also make me loss games.
7. When you watch a replay of a game you lost, what are you looking for in the replay? Can you give us some specific examples?
I look the process of my oponent decisions and usually stop watching when i find the critical moment that could cost me the game.
for example in zvz depending on the spawn if you are doing 12pool vs 9pool and u only have 4 larves when your pool finish u can loss pretty much the game cuz the 9pool player no matter what can make lot of damage,well except if he doesnt controll well enough the lings.
in zvt i look for the mech timing transition and what spot i was transitioning to the hive tech timings
8. How does hold lurker trick work, and when should one use it?
u borrow your lurkers and attack a terran base or a protoss base far from range,well it works good vs terran,he is pushing careless u can punish him with 2 lurkers killing his bio,u can hide 2 lurkers in a future third expo of protoss or terran and erase the workers,u can do it vs protoss if you know he doesnt have obs and u can snipe ht this way,but this one is harder.
9. Can you tell us how a reverse ramp map, like jade, affects your openings, as opposed to a normal ramp map like Fighting spirit?
i guess is more difficult to defend a third base in zvt,in zvp the reverse is not a problem at all but the example u did mention Jade has lot of problems to wall for zerg,so u can see often a zerg dying to an standard 11-12 zealots +1 attack.
10. What is your favorite foreigner made map that you played on?
11. How do you set your F2 F3 F4 keys in the late game?
i almost never change is always f2 main f3 natural expo,f3 third expo.
12. Which korean top level player would you like to play against?
I would like to play jangbi in Lan.i loved watching his stream even if he played the inferior race,i think jagnbi style of play is very difficult and i respect him for his creativity.I respect creative players doesnt matter the race or the game,for example Maru from sc2.
13. Do you ever get frustrated when you lose a game? How do you deal with that?
yeah sometimes its a pretty bad moment,i expect high results in tourneys and is not always the case.I trained alot for TLS championship,my personal score at the time vs dewalt was like 14-2 but then i got eliminated against him 0-2,i think that was my worse moment in BW,after that i just told myself im not good enough to play this game lol,afterthat i won a lot of tourneys in and so it got a lot better,the most frustrating for me is to loss a win game,it affect me so bad that i usually loss the next 8-9 games cuz that,i have no solution for it yet.
14. If your opponent is higher or lower skill than you, does this affect your game plan?
in tourneys i play to win,doesnt matter if you started bw yesterday.
in ladder if you are an arrogant player or bm i will proly play something special,doesnt matter the level :D,i try to avoid playing low ranks,if for example i cant find games after 6-7 minutes maybe i play vs a D rank but handicap myself playing 1 gaz whole game,or scout with 2 drones leave 2 mining etc.
15. How much time did you spend playing in the last 3 months? How is your shape right now? Do you try to improve your game?
i stoped working in December so all i do right now is eat waffles,study and play BW.
16. What kind of keyboard and mouse do you own?
mouse:logitech g400 (if you have a zowie mico and want give it to me i will acept it gladly,i can even pay you but not more than 50€ :/)
17. Do you play bw fullscreen or window mode?
fullscreen,i streamed window mode on korean Afreeca,cuz my computer is so bad -.- and the afreeca studio is complicated ... and it was pretty difficult,the micro feels different.but it could be my laptop that the same time is sad cuz i had like 300 viewers in my first afreeca stream :D,much more than twitch,i think i can get twitch patner with this high number :D,but they always send me email we are sorry try in 2 weeks :/
18. What is your favorite kind of food?
Pizza,Cordon bleu,lasagne :D
19. Do you have any other passions in life other than Broodwar?
Well i love animals,and movies,i love go to Cinema i usually buy some bonus ticket to watch movies :D,i love also museums so Belgium is a good place in this aspect.but my biggest pasion is eat a waffle,nothing feels better,seriously,try it with speculoos.
20. Tell us something about you we don' t know?
Since everyone on stream ask me this even if i linked my liquipedia page.
Hi im Jose belgian player cuban origin that resided in Spain for 7 years(Tenerife) my ancesters by both sides are from Spain,the side of my mom is more interesting since The grandma of my Grandma was a poor girl living working in a rich house in tenerife that married with an old Guy,they emigrated to Cuba and started a family.oh and i born on the fourth of july.
21. What does your user name eOn mean to you?
i prefer eOnzErG like i prefer Jose Luis,but eOn means energy on,and it means alot,eon is the force that everytime something bad happens in my life i can count on not an open person so this really helps,he and I always together we will never walk alone,and as long as we dont explit we are limitless
Zerg specific questions:
1. Zergling micro: can you tell su how to block that scv from getting up your ramp with 2 zerglings? Excatly what micro actions are going on?
u can even block some ramps with 1 but okay,just put them in the good position next to other and press hold,just to be sure check that a drone cant pass.
2. Can you talk about scouting with overlods and drones a bit? How do you scout on a 4 player map?
just sending the overlord to safe place,in zvp i scout with the drone #10 ,in zvt i scout with the drone #12
3. What is a drone drill?
you pick all your drones and move them clicking mineral a patch then attack the oponent unit and making a big chaos to the oponent units,im good at this i believe,but is something hard to do in lag games.
4. What is, in your opinion, a good map choice for ZvP and why?
a Map with lot of expos and high ground places to place lurkers.u need lot of expasions to exchange with protoss hurt my soul watching zerg players getting murdered by the unfair mineral limit there is in some maps,for this reason Circuit breaker is my favorite map nowadays,a comeback is always possible.
5. What is, in your opinion, a good map choice for ZvT and why?
proly any map with vision advantage for flying units,is getting harder and harder to micro vs terran specially if he is doing 5 barracks +1 attack.
6. Do you have a favorite zerg ground and air unit?
i love zerg units,i also hate them cuz hydras and lings get freeze very often,but hey blizzard is fixing this bug with the dragon fix RIGHT ? RIGHT ?
anyway ground unit hydra,air unit muta
1. Anything that you would like to say specifically to someone new starting to learn and play zerg?
What are you thinking ? go pick protoss,the dark side is stronger and the fastest way to pick BW
if you are a Brave heart u can pick zerg,learn 2 hatch muta+ling for everymatchup and also get good results
2. Any shout outs or anything else you would like to say?
i will like to thanks tournament organizers,the people in the shadows working hard to keep the bw scene stream viewers ,my bw friends,my team mates,Blizzard for SC Remastered,gonna be awesome.
But a big thanks to MCA64 and his Launcher,We can say in 2016-2017 anyone playing BW in modern systems is thanks to him,the awesome twitch chat app that shows chat in game.the easy streaming system,the auto activation on fish.and now all that work will be gone with the SC i will like to show some love for MCALAUNCHER <3 <3 <3
and last go watch my stream
KogeT ![[image loading]](
![[image loading]](
- Is Leader of Polish Team
- Commentates and Explains his actions on his Stream
- iCCup A Rank 6 Seasons in a row
1. Why did you pick your main race as terran? How did you choose it over the other races?
When I started playing StarCraft (1998 and 2000 online) I played all 3 races with more focus on zerg and protoss. After few years I switched to 100% zerg and played it till 2014. End of 2014, I permanently switched to terran. All 3 races are amazing and have their unique things in both strategy and StarCraft mechanics, and that's why I encourage everyone to play each race at least a bit. I recently switched to terran as I believe it's the most versatile race when it comes to different tactics and strategies. I prefer playing with initiative as it doesn’t require as much practice as playing reactive. Also zerg is just harder than terran, you need more APM and more clicking, which I didn’t like a lot considering I’m maybe 20% as active as I was in the past. Protoss I didn’t consider as I played it more in the past and wanted to try something else.
2. How do you prepare for a tournament? What actions do you take?
Sleep well, don’t eat heavy before the games, get sugar drinks, know maps and have something prepared for each game.
3. Do you practice or just play? If so how do you practice?
I mostly just play, but in times I have some time off and can’t just go ladder I will check some build orders, play some unit control maps or just watch a stream.
4. What is your strongest matchup?
I often try to play “my things” and it gives mixed results depending maps and opponents. Only looking at sample it would probably be TvZ>TvT=TvP, but if I were to judge games vs top opponents it may look differently.
5. What is your favorite matchup besides playing terran?
ZvP, ZvT, PvT, PvZ, ZvZ, PvP
6. Can you tell us how a reverse ramp map, like jade, affects your openings, as opposed to a normal ramp map like Fighting spirit?
That depends on so many things.. you can wall off on two positions vs Z to be ling safe, so you can play that. You can wall off in your main in 2 positions, so you can play gas 1st even. Other wise you can just go standard and make sure you scout in time to pull off scvs or make a bunker. It’s the same stuff as on any other map, but features are a bit different. In general you may want to consider rush and how to deflect it.
7. What is your favorite foreigner made map that you have played?
Lost Temple.
8. Who is your favorite player? Why so?
For many years it was Jaedong, but since when I saw Flash stream he is my favourite player and I consider him being the best.
9. Do you ever get frustrated when you lose a game? How do you deal with that?
I’m not frustrated about losing games, but there is obviously a sense of frustration when I lose games that I had a very big advantage. For example getting a statis on all your tanks, DT all in that you were prepared for but you still didn’t make it, scrab connecting with 20 SCVs etc.. You read it right, it’s only vs Protoss loses that can be frustrating, as otherwise you know what mistake you made that lead to your defeat.
10. How much time did you spend playing in the last 3 months? How is your shape right now? Do you try to improve your game?
I can only play late evenings few days a week, hence my shape isn’t really close to where I would like it to be. Especially last months I have maybe played 5-10 games a week. I hope I can catch up when all my real life activities are completed.
11. What kind of keyboard and mouse do you own?
Keyboard: Filco Majestouch 2
Mouse: Logitech G Pro
12. Do you play bw fullscreen or window mode?
Full screen
13. What is your favorite kind of drink?
I like to drink fresh juice when playing.
14. Do you have any other passions in life other than Broodwar?
Yes, for over half of my life I’ve been playing guitar. I like games in general, I tend to play MTG, chess and other strategic games.
15. What other games do you play, besides Broodwar?
Back in days I would try every major title, especially RTS games. Currently I rarely play other games, mostly because of lack of time. Sometimes I return to Heroes 3, Kingdom Rush TD, Q3/Unreal for LAN parties, some RPGs.
16. Do you think math is a usefull skill to play broodwar?
I think having an analytical mind is usefull skill for BW. It’s not possible to calculate much on the fly during a game, so it’s more important that you understand and connect facts quickly.
Terran specific questions:
1. When do you usually scout, and how do you scout your opponent? Do you use any kind of specific strategy for scouting?
There are few schools of scouting for each matchup depending on what you like to play.I can only name few of them. I’ll explain this in “game terms”..:
TvZ: You can scout 11/13 or 12/14 depending on map size – this allows to deflect any zerg rush and allows to chose a build order (15 CC or 17 CC or later if 9 pool speed). You can also scout at 14 SCV to check if the overlord is approaching your natural and if you meet a scouting drone to limit the number of locations to be checked (that forces to play heavy on marine that can be used for aggression too + you get extra minerals). Most gas 1st openings relay on 13/14 scout, or later for 2 port wraith. These are just basics.
TvP: You usually scout 13 SCV for gas 1st build to check if protoss goes 12 nex. When going rax FE you can scout 12 to check one location and middle to go 15 CC or go 17 CC after depot. You can also go straight to 17 CC with later scout. Or you can go 14 CC and not scout at all…
TvT: 12 scout for rax fe (or later, matter of personal tase), 13,5 scout for gas 1st builds.
2. What options do you have and would do, when you scout a 12 nexus from protoss, on a map like fs?
Depends on what I play and what I scout.
If I play gas 1st:
6 scv 1 vult marine rush.
If he’s on cross: vulture into 3 CC.
If he goes nex 1 gateway gas on cross: 6scv 1 vult marine rush.
If I play rax fe:
If scouted 1st rine rush
If scouted last you just play what you feel best, as you cant rush (you can go for timing before researching siege mode as you don’t need to defend the bunkier with siege mode as range is delayed)
3. How many factories do you like to have with 3 saturated bases in TvP?
If I got to 3 saturated bases with no dmg or delay I would go for 11 fact
If I got to 3 saturated base after long time (so there is less minerals in my bases) I would make around 9 facts.
4. What control groups do you use in the middle game TvZ?
Depending at which part of middle game:
Early: 123 M&M 45678 Rax 90 Scan
Later mid-game: 123 M&M 4 Tank or M&M 5 vessel 67 barrack 890 scan
5. What is, in your opinion, a map that favores terran in TvP and why?
Maps that favour terran in TvP are maps with: limited space to move with you army, maps with cliffs etc, maps with easy access to 3rd expo with gas, maps that allow to split them in half for late game, maps that allow walling, maps with narrow natural choke, maps that allow easy defense of your main base, maps that doesn’t have exposed mineral lines etc.. Depending on your style there are maps that will fit terran or not. I think FS is a good map for terran for early-mid game, but it’s bad in late game because of so many high ground expansions
6. What is, in your opinion,a map that favores terran in TvZ and why?
Mineral heavy maps with no easy 3rd gas for zerg. Maps where terran can wall off it’s natural. Maps with a lot of open areas that can be controlled in few key points. Maps without much highground.
7. How do you decide how many vultures, goliaths, and siege tanks from your factories?
Depending on what my opponents plays. If I see shuttle(s), I’ll add goliaths. If I see no tech, I’ll make only vulture tank. If you can afford 3 addons and nonstop tank production (you need 3 gas), you do that and add vultures/goliaths on top. If he goes carriers… etc.
8. Anything that you would like to say to someone new starting to learn and play Terran?
I could mention:
TvZ is about not-dying, limiting zergs economy and putting pressure.
TvP is about constantly reading your opponent, defending and never being surprised (by a recall, cheese, ambush..). And you need to macro A LOT. Read and macro.
TvT is about forcing your opponent to attack you by getting a stronger and inconvenient for him position.
9. Any shout outs or anything else you would like to share?
I encourage everyone to do what they like and best as they can. Both in StarCraft and their life.