this game makes it painfully obvious that Zergs need to come up with something radical to face lategame mech. EffOrt lost at the 20 minute mark, for the rest of the game he was just throwing units at tanks and watching them die. He knew it too.
Flash vs Zer0 and Light vs Effort deserve a good ol' + Show Spoiler +
this game makes it painfully obvious that Zergs need to come up with something radical to face lategame mech. EffOrt lost at the 20 minute mark, for the rest of the game he was just throwing units at tanks and watching them die. He knew it too.
but effort almost won because his pressure was so strong that terran almost starved. the borders on the map were constantly under dispute but once light finally secured a new expo effort starved instead
1. Attack? He just ran out of space to build more turrets. 2. I heard Cylons were in the skinjob business, but never knew about turtles. 3. If this was SC2 and the terran some no-namer on US, a certain someone would be raging right now.
On August 11 2010 22:56 Navane wrote: He cancelled his first drone. I imagine he did it by accident and thought: well I'm behind, let's 4pool.
i can think of a number of instances in which players have purposefully done this. the one that sticks out in my mind is this one: + Show Spoiler +
game starts @ 4:24
i guess it's for the dramatic effect, which you can clearly see reflected in the reactions of the commentators. it's like saying 'bitches, i'm 4-pooling!'
The last 4 posts seem to be in the wrong thread. I come here for bw vods. There are 3 posts with nothing except matchup names, no VODs, and some bizarre if not irritating formatting. Then there is a post by a mod-like figure that doesn't include any vods except some link to a star2 thing. There is clearly some confusion when it comes to this suggested VOD thread.
What is supposed to be here? Is this about SC vods? VODs of anything like crazy Korean dramas? Pseudo-ESPORTS stuff like SF4? Do posts need to even include vods or do they just need to have the names of games with 'nope' after them?
EDIT: Seeing as the last 5 posts including this one are entirely useless, is this featured thread material? Does it need rules and regulations?
I would like it to be featured if it contains bw vods. If it is simply a list of random games which is vodless and cluttered with sc2 content it doesn't seem to carry much purpose. We have LR threads which can have plenty of match-related bitching and we have the small VOD thread for all of the content this ought to be strategically be reposting.
On August 19 2010 03:11 thopol wrote: The last 4 posts seem to be in the wrong thread. I come here for bw vods. There are 3 posts with nothing except matchup names, no VODs, and some bizarre if not irritating formatting. Then there is a post by a mod-like figure that doesn't include any VODs except some link to a star2 thing. There is clearly some confusion when it comes to this suggested VOD thread.
What is supposed to be here? Is this about SC VODs? VODs of anything like crazy Korean dramas? Pseudo-ESPORTS stuff like SF4? Do posts need to even include VODs or do they just need to have the names of games with 'nope' after them?
I wouldn't bash on lack of VODs as I never tried to upload them and people who do it are volunteers(thanks nevake or jon747). Maybe they are on vacation.
Zero keeps this thread active and usefull by linking to/listing games people recommend. When VODs aren't up they are just listed for future reference or for people who want to endure wfbrood upload speeds.
As for games that aren't Starcraft:Brood War I fully agree. SC2 should go somewhere else.