On September 04 2016 23:42 Esp1noza wrote: There are many ladders (in other games), in which you just almost always play opponents of your level. Sc2 for example. I know it has automatchmaking, but I believe similar could be done for bw ladder too. That is what I looking for, not noobbashing. In the beginning of the season in SC2 and most games, it is just as difficult..
In a little over 20 games I've played mostly ppl who are C- max, a few D max, and some legit D- players (my game title just said "D fs"). Considering there are huge skill differences between a negative winrate C- player and a 80% winrate C-, I don't think this is that bad. It's good to play some vs better and some vs worse players anyway.
On September 05 2016 01:01 GGzerG wrote: Just be thankful you have an outlet to play BW on still, and stop bitching.
An outlet to get raped. That's just what I need! LOL.
On September 05 2016 02:22 Scarbo wrote:Show nested quote +On September 05 2016 01:01 GGzerG wrote: Just be thankful you have an outlet to play BW on still, and stop bitching. An outlet to get raped. That's just what I need! LOL.
You are free to find players on your skill level to practice with instead of laddering. Guess what the purpose of laddering is? To see when you hit your ceiling. This whining is getting ridiculous. If you feel to bad for ladder then train off ladder. If you enjoy learning from better opponents then go play some ladder, you will eventually meet players that are much better and that's the great thing.
On September 04 2016 23:14 [sc1f]eonzerg wrote:Show nested quote +On September 04 2016 22:06 Scarbo wrote: Gonna have to disagree with you there. Liquipedia is outdated and as far as vods or replays go, it's mostly pros doing normal builds, against pros doing normal builds. For example, it would take a considerable amount of time, if at all possible, to find a replay of a pro doing a 2-hatch lurker build, which is very common at lower levels. This is very discouraging to noobs. 2h lurker is not a new uild,this build is even more old than the 3h variation,im pretty sure all the material on lisuipedia is enoughto out you from d ranks,we all started atsome point from 0 .
yeah 2h Lurker is old school. Look 2008-2009 for VODs. We poor Terran had to deal with that shit nonstop back in the day!
http://wiki.teamliquid.net/starcraft/2_Hatch_Lurker_(vs._Terran) ^ Nicely done article on the build, useful to read as Z or T
http://www.teamliquid.net/tlpd/korean/games/11776_July_vs_Really/vod http://www.teamliquid.net/tlpd/korean/games/9579_Hwasin_vs_Jaedong/vod
Some VODs of pros (ahh old 2009 potato quality <3)
http://wiki.teamliquid.net/starcraft/Terran_Counter_to_2_Hatch_Lurker ^ Decent page on some tips for T players vs 2H
Considerable amount of time spent getting you those links: less than 5 minutes with a google search.
Getting shit on by a good player is a good opportunity to learn, too, at least when I play against someone way better than me I make mental (or physical notes in a notepad) on things I need to look forward to working on in the future. ATM my marine control vs muta harass is SHIT and I am just not good enough to practice it right now, but I know it's a problem and something I need to address in the future as I play more - whereas I can control my marines "good enough" vs someone who is just as bad at unit control as I am...but that doesn't mean it's something I don't need work on.
Way better players are a good way to prepare for what is down the road. "Holy shit THAT is proper muta timing on this map? They always come so much slower in my ladder games" "He has 2 more marines than I do??? How?" Shit like that is useful information. Instead of complaining and feeling bad, use every opportunity to find holes or mistakes, and build on them.
Gotta put in that effort, yo.
On September 05 2016 02:55 CoL_DarkstaR wrote: You are free to find players on your skill level to practice with instead of laddering. Guess what the purpose of laddering is? To see when you hit your ceiling. This whining is getting ridiculous. If you feel to bad for ladder then train off ladder. If you enjoy learning from better opponents then go play some ladder, you will eventually meet players that are much better and that's the great thing.
Adding this quote to my post because it's so, so true.
Check here - http://www.teamliquid.net/forum/brood-war/427026-practice-partners-official
Not sure how updated the OP is but this thread is a great place to find like-level players to practice with.
On September 05 2016 02:22 Scarbo wrote:Show nested quote +On September 05 2016 01:01 GGzerG wrote: Just be thankful you have an outlet to play BW on still, and stop bitching. An outlet to get raped. That's just what I need! LOL.
When I was your age we walked 50 miles in the snow barefoot too a PC Bang to get raped by Koreans 12 hours a day, grow some hair on your chest boy.
On September 05 2016 04:23 GGzerG wrote:Show nested quote +On September 05 2016 02:22 Scarbo wrote:On September 05 2016 01:01 GGzerG wrote: Just be thankful you have an outlet to play BW on still, and stop bitching. An outlet to get raped. That's just what I need! LOL. When I was your age we walked 50 miles in the snow barefoot too a PC Bang to get raped by Koreans 12 hours a day, grow some hair on your chest boy.
Yo go get therapy, you're delusional.
On September 05 2016 07:21 Scarbo wrote:Show nested quote +On September 05 2016 04:23 GGzerG wrote:On September 05 2016 02:22 Scarbo wrote:On September 05 2016 01:01 GGzerG wrote: Just be thankful you have an outlet to play BW on still, and stop bitching. An outlet to get raped. That's just what I need! LOL. When I was your age we walked 50 miles in the snow barefoot too a PC Bang to get raped by Koreans 12 hours a day, grow some hair on your chest boy. Yo go get therapy, you're delusional. Are you a therapist by any chance?
As if they couldn't make another account for nothing to smurf you as a D player anyway? And they could do it at any point in the season too! Just when you think you're safest.... I agree its not fun but this thread seems silly to create. Is there a BW QQ thread? this seems relevant for that
u see Scarbo, I won't join your game if u name it "1v1 FS max rank C-" I'm sure the majority of high ranks feel the same way as I do.
I never join d- games or games that indicate your real skill level ( e.g. "Me max c")
I am starting to wonder how this thread even got that far.
The problem is that people are scared to lose to opponents way better than them, when in all actuality if the person is relatively smart they will learn much more from losing to a higher ranked player than to a lower ranked player, just by studying timings / execution and build orders. Unfortunately people are so simple minded they would rather play easy games that are longer so they can have fun instead of improve faster.
That is just one of the reasons Koreans are better than foreigners, stop complaining and play the game.
On September 05 2016 17:28 GGzerG wrote: The problem is that people are scared to lose to opponents way better than them, when in all actuality if the person is relatively smart they will learn much more from losing to a higher ranked player than to a lower ranked player, just by studying timings / execution and build orders. Unfortunately people are so simple minded they would rather play easy games that are longer so they can have fun instead of improve faster.
That is just one of the reasons Koreans are better than foreigners, stop complaining and play the game. From your perspective it would be like when a pro kills you with scouts, I doubt you learn anything relevant from that besides that you suck.
I don't know if someone pointed it out yet and if the command even still works, but you can set a minimum and maximum of ladder points on iccup for who can join your games.
/rl 1000 3000
The first number is minimum, second maximum. Default is 0 and unlimited.
I try to play iccup (because fish lagg as hell) with top players only.I try to find good practice , noone from the top players will ever try to smash noobs for fun.Yes i smurf on ladder , and yes sometimes you are forced to play against player not at your level , in this cases i try to go offrace and just play a good macro game enjoyable for both sides and give some advice if the opponent is willing to except it.
On September 05 2016 17:28 GGzerG wrote: The problem is that people are scared to lose to opponents way better than them, when in all actuality if the person is relatively smart they will learn much more from losing to a higher ranked player than to a lower ranked player, just by studying timings / execution and build orders. Unfortunately people are so simple minded they would rather play easy games that are longer so they can have fun instead of improve faster.
That is just one of the reasons Koreans are better than foreigners, stop complaining and play the game.
What a bunch of snobbish crap
"Learn from losing, no fun, aight?"
With all due respect, consider this:
If you come home from a day at work, and you're tired, you feel like doing some BW... then you don't want to play games to study, you want a little thrill but not a beating.
Also: For every foreigner-owning-korean there are probably a few koreans who're just as good/bad as your average Iccup-b00n. They just have more players, waaay more players. That can watch professionally commentated BW 24/7.
On September 05 2016 16:53 letian wrote: I am starting to wonder how this thread even got that far.
Whining and one dude flamebaiting
On September 06 2016 02:55 r33k wrote:Show nested quote +On September 05 2016 16:53 letian wrote: I am starting to wonder how this thread even got that far.
Whining and one dude flamebaiting
Partially true, but that's not all. Even if we cannot solve it here, it is an actual problem for the foreign scene that the Iccup-ladder structurally supports noob bashing.
When I lost on iccup 15 games in a row and was sitting until morning just to get one win and go to sleep, and this never happened I felt bad. I felt bad not because of stats reset but because I didn't know how to enjoy the game with such an approach. There is nothing you can do about the flow of events, you either complain, blow off steam, get back and continue working or quit. There is a nice practice partners thread actually.