Is there a point to trying to get better at starcraft if youre a 700 player on iccup? I really do try, and I never ever win if I try to play standard. I know its all "oh oh well its about learning and thats the fun part" but every fucking faggot I play is leagues higher than me, plays protoss (I play T) and is just like "its ok just try" "go try" and its quite demoralizing knowing that "go try" will never ever work, and this person just wants some points off of a noob. Then they have the audacity to ask for a re.
Many times I will play a C or C- player, they will cheese me, which also kinda reflects on the community as a whole. I do want to express to anyone like this, fuck you. Its hard to convey the amount of emotion in that fuck you through text but its there.
TL;DR is it worth trying to get better at this game if you dont find enjoyment in losing over
and over
and over?
because I dont find exclusively losing (or winning on a fluke) enjoyable, and no im not like 30 apm retarded. It just feels that no matter how hard I try, how well I do my build or micro my units, they just arent strong enough to win.
Have you tried to look Practice partners thread? Because I am sure that there are plenty of low level players on iccup (including myself). Or maybe you should try sgs skype group to find someone to practice with you?
Croatia9476 Posts
No, it's not worth it. The whole "playing against better players is best practice" shtick is bullshit and may only hold true for 1-2 ranks higher than you. Not when someone is considerably better, and especially not if your opponent is not actually trying to teach you, but just wants to get a quick win. Imagine just starting out playing chess and you only play against grandmaster players; would you learn anything from getting beaten in every way possible? I doubt it. And you, or they, definitely wouldn't have any fun.
With that said, the only way you might have any enjoyment and fun is if you actually played people who are of similar skill as you. Not only would that make it competitive, which in turn increases the enjoyment, but you would also improve much more comfortably. I know it might be a problem these days to actually get to play against people who are on the same level as you, but I think there's much better chance of finding them through social networking (TL, skype groups etc.), than it is by making/joining random games on ICCup or elsewhere.
Terran is definitely the hardest for new players, tvz is very unforgiving without good mechanics and you will face all sorts of funny and ridiculous builds with tvp.
Yeah find someone similarly skilled and perhaps willing to play macro games to improve your mechanics. Elsewise, maybe switch races (though its kinda sad with few foreign terran players left)
Do you know why at the end of the game I don't see my apms/eapms and those of my opponent anymore? Did I change something in my mca launcher for that to happen? Also Is there a way to avoid to have all the green indication everytime someone enters the channel? It's pretty boring.
Japan11285 Posts
@Filco - I think you have to check the AdvBnet checkbox. Don't know about the green indication though.
On February 17 2015 23:18 sigh.. wrote: -snip- No, no one finds losing enjoyable, I mean is this even a question?.
Just taking from your post, if your micro/build is really good then it must mean that there is another part of the game you are extremely lacking in. But my real advice is cheese the hell out of anyone. Cheese is good, you have fun, you learn the basic stuff all while (potentially) winning. Once you're confident, then move on to standard builds
On February 18 2015 00:25 Filco wrote: Do you know why at the end of the game I don't see my apms/eapms and those of my opponent anymore? You might have disabled AdvBnet which only works when playing fullscreen
On February 18 2015 00:25 Filco wrote: Also Is there a way to avoid to have all the green indication everytime someone enters the channel? alt+v
On February 17 2015 07:08 foreverBW wrote:someone please explain further what this is exactly.. again WTF is this.
User was temp banned for this post.
On February 17 2015 23:18 sigh.. wrote: Is there a point to trying to get better at starcraft if youre a 700 player on iccup? I really do try, and I never ever win if I try to play standard. I know its all "oh oh well its about learning and thats the fun part" but every fucking faggot I play is leagues higher than me, plays protoss (I play T) and is just like "its ok just try" "go try" and its quite demoralizing knowing that "go try" will never ever work, and this person just wants some points off of a noob. Then they have the audacity to ask for a re.
Many times I will play a C or C- player, they will cheese me, which also kinda reflects on the community as a whole. I do want to express to anyone like this, fuck you. Its hard to convey the amount of emotion in that fuck you through text but its there.
TL;DR is it worth trying to get better at this game if you dont find enjoyment in losing over
and over
and over?
because I dont find exclusively losing (or winning on a fluke) enjoyable, and no im not like 30 apm retarded. It just feels that no matter how hard I try, how well I do my build or micro my units, they just arent strong enough to win. As others have mentioned, search for practice partners around your level to improve. That being said, a major part of the remaining players on ICCUP are Protoss or play PvT so if you don't like TvP, maybe you should stop playing, because it won't get better at higher ranks. ~75% of my games are TvP.
Seriously, what is it with so many Protosses? At this point my main goal is learning the 3 hatch hydra bust because so many of them are just trying to cheese. What caused the huge amount of Protoss? Doesn't PvP get boring after a while? Luckily I enjoy ZvP, but it must suck for Terrans.
On February 18 2015 12:11 WarSame wrote: Seriously, what is it with so many Protosses? At this point my main goal is learning the 3 hatch hydra bust because so many of them are just trying to cheese. What caused the huge amount of Protoss? Doesn't PvP get boring after a while? Luckily I enjoy ZvP, but it must suck for Terrans. Yeah lol for awhile I hosted Fighting Spirit D/D+ and only got TvPs got so bored I now only host FS D/D+ TvZ you Z otherwise its a never ending TvP which I don't really enjoy anyways.
Its not so bad when I'm playing Zerg as the matchup is fun but TvP bores me to death.
Ahahaha I was hosting FS D/D+ as well. That probably helps attract it. TvP is probably the single hardest matchup to learn. It looks tough for Protoss at higher levels, but up until then the Terran is so hard to play. Unfortunately, my port forwarding with mca broke itself somehow, so I can't play anything at all! :'(
France1919 Posts
Recently quit SC2 and started playing BW again after so many years, it feels so good! :D
Hong Kong9151 Posts
On February 18 2015 12:11 WarSame wrote: Seriously, what is it with so many Protosses? At this point my main goal is learning the 3 hatch hydra bust because so many of them are just trying to cheese. What caused the huge amount of Protoss? Doesn't PvP get boring after a while? Luckily I enjoy ZvP, but it must suck for Terrans.
Protoss is the easiest race at low skill levels Mechanically and strategically
As someone who grew up with WC3 and not with broodwar and watching the SSL interested, i must ask these things:
Why where the Ro32 and Ro16 played Bo1 roundrobin and not Bo3?
Why dont they use during cast the space they got with 16 on the sides to show the players all time like they do when they show first person perspective? Or using this space to only show the minerals/gas/supply you see in first person perspective, like picture in picture
United States2948 Posts
On February 18 2015 17:00 Clonester wrote:As someone who grew up with WC3 and not with broodwar and watching the SSL interested, i must ask these things: Why where the Ro32 and Ro16 played Bo1 roundrobin and not Bo3? Why dont they use during cast the space they got with 16  on the sides to show the players all time like they do when they show first person perspective? Or using this space to only show the minerals/gas/supply you see in first person perspective, like picture in picture Yea these were questions fans/viewers of the snipealot Twitch stream discussed a few times...I imagine the Bo1 was likely a conservative move to save time (and money), with this the first Brood War production on OGN in years and there likely being some uncertainty about the game's popularity/viewership and sponsorship revenue.
I, too, would have loved to see player-focused camera views throughout and OSL-like resources/supply displayed. I wonder if these were some patented technology that had to be licensed (i.e. paid for)... Hopefully improvements for SSL 11 
Japan11285 Posts
On February 18 2015 17:00 Clonester wrote:As someone who grew up with WC3 and not with broodwar and watching the SSL interested, i must ask these things: Why where the Ro32 and Ro16 played Bo1 roundrobin and not Bo3? Why dont they use during cast the space they got with 16  on the sides to show the players all time like they do when they show first person perspective? Or using this space to only show the minerals/gas/supply you see in first person perspective, like picture in picture It's the discretion of the tournament organizers. I personally think it's to show the audience matches b/w different players as opposed to 1 on 1 which looks more suitable for the drama in later stages of a tournament.
I personally think that faces on the sides will be too distracting for what's really important (aka the explosions). And I agree, OGN should bring back the supply counters so we're not clueless when the game goes down to a few minerals.
51334 Posts
Sorry if this is a bit advertisey, but I'm planning to do a lot more live BW broadcasts with commentary since I don't really see anyone doing it right now. Hopefully I can build some sort of following (regardless of how crappy I am).
More info can be found in my stream thread: http://www.teamliquid.net/forum/viewpost.php?post_id=23776737
Hong Kong9151 Posts