On April 20 2012 22:45 LighT. wrote: Anyone have news of Stork? So par there is confirmed reports of Bisu, Fantasy, Jaedong, Leta, Flash, all playing sc2 but it almost seems like Stork is straying away from it? As he's one of my favorite toss, I'd love to see him play sc2 rather than playing something like LoL or Dota2 or something along those lines (And I'm not trying to bash either one of those games ^^)
On April 20 2012 22:39 Ripebananaa wrote: I really hope not too many big-names quit when the transition happens
I actually hope for the opposite. My heart will be shattered if I see my favorite BW players lose to cheap strategies and shallow cheese that are a big part of SC2 Actually this would be one more reason to actually not follow SC2. Players can't have consistent performance in SC2 and these players will be hurt the most by it.
On April 20 2012 22:42 figq wrote: I refuse to believe there will be no BW professional leagues at some point. In fact, it's pretty impossible - even if the current scene is forced into SC2, at the very least BW will have its foreign scene, which is currently enjoying quite some tournaments; and I'm convinced many Koreans will continue to organize at least top amateur level events.
This is very true. I sincerely doubt we'll stop seeing A+ level on ICCUP or better tournaments for a long time. Just not on TV for six figures. I think BW will kind of exist in this weird place, before getting to a new equilibrium of being bigger than, say, counter-strike, but smaller than LoL.
It'll be interesting to see, then, who in the BW scene loves BW and who loves the large salaries of BW. I kind of expect any TLBS who switch to SC2 to switch back to BW after they retire (because you don't get to the tippy-top like that without loving the game), while a few with less to lose will play outside of KeSPA in small-money tournaments, which'd be bigger than the ISLs we foreign fans can get.
On April 20 2012 22:58 fabiano wrote: :|
The last hope is that BW top pros can somehow make SC2 fun.
Right before the LAST thread of this topic was closed, someone posted a Korean article on the switch mentioning that SC2 being less interesting to watch that BW was a problem for KeSPA to fix. That, honestly, was much more interesting to me than anything else that's come out of this rumor mill in months and months. I'm really curious to how KeSPA would make force SC2 to be better. 6m1hyg is showing promise, but also showing a lot of weird cheeses.
On April 20 2012 22:45 Stratos wrote: While I'm glad some people will still get to enjoy the little that progamers will be capable of showing in SC2, I still feel like if there was no SC2 in the first place, BW would be still strong and we would be able to see more entertaining games of a more entertaining game. This will certainly take more time for me to get over than any breakup. ㅠㅠ
However, let's not forget BW is still out there brethren! Personally I'm excited about the game as ever, there are still numbers of oustanding players and characters I can look up to and a huge thanks for this goes to TL, despite its 'SC2 switch' as well.
If you ever loved the game and not just the drama, now is the time to step up and keep BW strong and alive. Since there will be less and less content, think of this as an opportunity to play more and more. And hopefully we'll see BW live for another 10 years and more. As long as there's one more guy that will play the game, you can count on me as your shabby opponent!
My sincere apologies for the perhaps pathetic emotional outburst, it's the best I could come up with at a time like this.
The situation is already pretty grim when sc2 was released most of the D- rank players left bw for sc2 and have already join the legions of hardcore sc2 fans . If the pro scene switches to sc2 you can bet the scene is only going deteriorate in to small numbers of fan left . Most likely fan's will not bother to play bw any more when you don't have some one you can relate it in the pro scene .
I want to stay optimistic about the situation but It's hard to do so when bw life line was only proleague and if that's gone it's over .
ty all.. Hopefully I can see my fav toss, in the bw scene and make some apperances in the sc2 scene as well.
But after coach hoon's comments. I'm so excited to see the final boss walking every so gradually inching towards the sc2 scene....I'd pay to see the man play haha
Sad news. I wonder if their opinion that the switch to SC2 is 'inevitable' is actually true.. feels like a self-fulfilling prophecy to me.
I would tell BW fans to give SC2 another chance, as the game is played at a much higher level now than it was only a few months ago, but with so many expansions and balance patches to come I'm not sure how long that will hold - and the game is still nothing compared to what BW is now. Hopefully the addition of so many talented players will accelerate the scene to something close to what you're used to.
Meh the broodwar forum is starting to look like got frag forums already pretty much stagnant and not lively any more . I hope Kespa would at least give us another year of broodwar awesomeness before they retire broodwar forever.
On April 20 2012 22:45 Stratos wrote: While I'm glad some people will still get to enjoy the little that progamers will be capable of showing in SC2, I still feel like if there was no SC2 in the first place, BW would be still strong and we would be able to see more entertaining games of a more entertaining game. This will certainly take more time for me to get over than any breakup. ㅠㅠ
However, let's not forget BW is still out there brethren! Personally I'm excited about the game as ever, there are still numbers of oustanding players and characters I can look up to and a huge thanks for this goes to TL, despite its 'SC2 switch' as well.
If you ever loved the game and not just the drama, now is the time to step up and keep BW strong and alive. Since there will be less and less content, think of this as an opportunity to play more and more. And hopefully we'll see BW live for another 10 years and more. As long as there's one more guy that will play the game, you can count on me as your shabby opponent!
My sincere apologies for the perhaps pathetic emotional outburst, it's the best I could come up with at a time like this.
The situation is already pretty grim when sc2 was released most of the D- rank players left bw for sc2 and have already join the legions of hardcore sc2 fans . If the pro scene switches to sc2 you can bet the scene is only going deteriorate in to small numbers of fan left . Most likely fan's will not bother to play bw any more when you don't have some one you can relate it in the pro scene .
I think everyone who was going to leave (or, in my case, follow BW more casually) has already done so. The current BW fans ARE the super-hardcore. Jesus Christ could come down from heaven to play SC2 Zerg, and no one would switch at this point.
I'm sure there'd be a lot more people splitting their attention (oh god, the LR threads ), but I don't think most of the people threatening to quit BW forever actually will.
On April 20 2012 22:39 Ripebananaa wrote: I really hope not too many big-names quit when the transition happens
I actually hope for the opposite. My heart will be shattered if I see my favorite BW players lose to cheap strategies and shallow cheese that are a big part of SC2 Actually this would be one more reason to actually not follow SC2. Players can't have consistent performance in SC2 and these players will be hurt the most by it.
Some people have over 70% in SC2 too. That's what I call consistent, usually the same people always finish in the top.
On April 20 2012 23:09 Sawamura wrote: Meh the broodwar forum is starting to look like got frag forums already pretty much stagnant and not lively any more . I hope Kespa would at least give us another year of broodwar awesomeness before they retire broodwar forever.
It sucks that it's KeSPA's decision whether BW lives or dies.
I'll be adopting a wait-and-see attitude to see how much of their skill and dedication can force Blizz to not touch the game at all. We deserve a game that doesn't swing on the whims of a few balance testers, where players and maps are the touch-stones behind the game's behavior.
On April 20 2012 22:45 Stratos wrote: While I'm glad some people will still get to enjoy the little that progamers will be capable of showing in SC2, I still feel like if there was no SC2 in the first place, BW would be still strong and we would be able to see more entertaining games of a more entertaining game. This will certainly take more time for me to get over than any breakup. ㅠㅠ
However, let's not forget BW is still out there brethren! Personally I'm excited about the game as ever, there are still numbers of oustanding players and characters I can look up to and a huge thanks for this goes to TL, despite its 'SC2 switch' as well.
If you ever loved the game and not just the drama, now is the time to step up and keep BW strong and alive. Since there will be less and less content, think of this as an opportunity to play more and more. And hopefully we'll see BW live for another 10 years and more. As long as there's one more guy that will play the game, you can count on me as your shabby opponent!
My sincere apologies for the perhaps pathetic emotional outburst, it's the best I could come up with at a time like this.
The situation is already pretty grim when sc2 was released most of the D- rank players left bw for sc2 and have already join the legions of hardcore sc2 fans . If the pro scene switches to sc2 you can bet the scene is only going deteriorate in to small numbers of fan left . Most likely fan's will not bother to play bw any more when you don't have some one you can relate it in the pro scene .
I think everyone who was going to leave (or, in my case, follow BW more casually) has already done so. The current BW fans ARE the super-hardcore. Jesus Christ could come down from heaven to play SC2 Zerg, and no one would switch at this point.
I'm sure there'd be a lot more people splitting their attention (oh god, the LR threads ), but I don't think most of the people threatening to quit BW forever actually will.
I have already started to coin sc2 fans as Sc2 elitist already especially when it comes to them talking bad about LoL and other moba games because to them the game is so easy . Although the population and interest of LoL and Dota 2 seem to be increasing every day (don't quote me for it ) and most likely will be the next biggest thing . I think some one refer to this age of gaming as the "Casual age " ?.
it was inevitable i guess, but still really sad to see BW dying. i guess all good things must come to an eventually. gonna be very interesting to see how BW progamers adopt to SC2.
- Ji-hoon 'During his (Flash's) rehabilitation, he got to Masters (in SC2) without even knowing what the new units did'