Long story short, I decided I might as well right some mini reviews on animes I watch after I'm done with them as I see that anime recommendation thread pop up every couple of months. I'll probably be writing these up every couple of weeks as I finish them but depending on my mood I can watch many very quickly, or go long periods of time without watching anything due to certain circumstances.
Hayate no Gotoku! - 52 Episodes
Basically your average random humor comedy anime with a heavy dose of parody. Plot revolves around the life of an unlucky highschooler who, due to his parents leaving an enormous debt upon him, manages to find himself in butler servitude towards the insanely rich Sanzenin Nagi.
The plot is weak, however this is pretty much expected due to the nature of the show. Everything else is pretty much average, save for the humor, mainly the parody which a large chunk of the show consists of. + Show Spoiler +The Akira joke was especially funny to me. Overall, if you haven't seen a large number and variety of the major animes,(20+), I wouldn't bother watching it as you simply wouldn't understand the majority of the jokes, which is basically the best part. Otherwise, decent anime. [7/10]
I didn't care for the OPs as all KOTOKO songs sound the same to me but I rather liked the EDs (2 & 3)
I'll probably end up watching Double Zeta next.
Korea (South)11568 Posts
Bleach Code Geass Death Note
Gurren Lagann. Still best anime of all time.
rofl gurren lagann? bandwagon anyone? bleach? bandwagon anyone? death note is probably by far one of the best, but the other 2?? um.. spriggan is awesome, what else... hellsing was alright, but that was only because i got tired of shitty pussy characters.
Bandwagon Anyone Q_Q, If allot of people like an anime it doesn't suddenly become bad. Gurren Lagann is a very good Anime, Bleach tho not at all (never ending bullshit more please).
I started watching Macross Frontier today 6th episode atm, I really recommend this one its great.
@ OP, i was planning on watching this Guess ill keep it on hold a little while longer doesn't seem that great.
39489 Posts
On February 25 2009 14:58 ShloobeR wrote: Cromartie high school
This guy knows what he's talking about
Osaka27115 Posts
anything macross is fucking baller
bleach + naruto manga rox
anyway, if you havent seen these anime's, i would highly recommend them: Full metal alchemist Rurouni Kenshin Full Metal Panic GTO
death note is epic Until + Show Spoiler +, then it's all downhill from there.
Inuyasha's first episode well first 2 iirc were extremely well done, the characters were articulate, and intelligent, then all of a sudden, they dumbed it down 50 iq points, it was ridiculous, the potential for that series was immense.
full metal alchemist is fun.
bleach needs it's priorities straightened out.
DBZ FTW well after the cell saga it started to drop but, it was still enjoyable.
DB GT was terrible imo
Yu Yu hakusho was epic. they could've made the last season longer .
Rorouni Kensin. great, the Ova's are epic
OutLaw- Star masterpiece. i cant believe i forgot it.
Naruto, meh another series that needs it's priorities straightened out.
will edit again when i think of more
Black Lagoon check it out
is full metal panic any good?
Nobody has mentioned Haruhi yet, I assume this heralds the downfall of this place.
On February 25 2009 15:28 Etherone wrote: is full metal panic any good?
1st season - No. Average at best 2nd season - Change of genre, very enjoyable, very funny. 3rd season - Return to original style, average, at least it was better than the first.
Golden Boy and Cromartie High School!
I would regret dying if I had not seen those animes.
Manifesto thanks for dropping golden boy, I don't usually watch anime because of the action cliche (I've watched death note and FMA, couldn't resist) but this show is great, especially because i am a young adult.