So for the past 2 nights I have been playing Left4Dead for like 6 hours at a time with some clan mates. I learned some cool stuff from them that I wanted to share with the TL community. I'll add pictures later when I'm not on a work computer.
1: Bypass an event completely on Ch. 3 The Sewer
When you come out of the little diner towards the open back lot with the explodable gas station, don't run towards the event lift. Instead, you can go to the far back corner towards lifty gate thing. Its to the left of the back of the first semi truck (kind of confusing, I'll add pics later). Melee it while one person stands guard and it will break open.
2: How to kill tanks ridiculously fast (if you're in the open)
When the tank music plays, make sure someone has a molotov and move your whole party to a corner in plain sight where the tank is going to come through. When you see it, throw the molotov because the fire damage is the main factor in its death. But in that corner it can only attack one of you at a time, so just blast away at it and it will die fairly quickly. Auto weapons will kill it in like 7 seconds, its hilarious. This corner tactic works a lot better than just running around because the rest of the infected will interfere with you putting damage on the tank.
3: Better places to post up during events or end game events
There are better places for your party to post up when the event is activated. For example in Chapter 2: Subway, when you come across the area with the minigun and event gate, and you're staring directly at the gate look 90 degrees to your left and you'll see a corner that has pipes covering an exposed side. get in here and have 2 people meleeing at all times so hunters and smokers can't to anything. Just look for small corners or areas where boss infected can only attack in at one or 2 directions
This is all I could think of on the spot, and feel free to share knowledge of your own!
thnaks for the tips, although me, masami, and a friend beat it together.
the tank tip should help, one of us usually get raped lolol
when are new l4d maps coming out??
If set on fire, the tank just dies after 45 seconds (on expert). It doesn't take any damage but simply dies once the timer runs out. : / So just set it on fire and run like crazy.
the molotov doesn't do any damage, it just has a timer like poilord said. end of timer = dead tank.
and another good tip is to get under the ramp up to the helicopter pad on the hospital roof. it's so fucking imba the infected will whine about it for the entire game. i haven't played l4d in a while, so they might have removed this spot because it's so imba.
On December 28 2008 06:14 Nitrogen wrote: the molotov doesn't do any damage, it just has a timer like poilord said. end of timer = dead tank.
and another good tip is to get under the ramp up to the helicopter pad on the hospital roof. it's so fucking imba the infected will whine about it for the entire game. i haven't played l4d in a while, so they might have removed this spot because it's so imba.
No they haven't I use it lol. Its so much better than the roof.
And yea, about the tank, maybe I'm just a huge noob lol
hahah that reminds me of one time we all climbed out of the ladder to the roof where the helipad was and we jumped down, but my friend fell off and need to be rescued and we couldn't ge tback up to him it was so gay lol
Northern Ireland22207 Posts
On December 28 2008 06:01 clazziquai wrote: thnaks for the tips, although me, masami, and a friend beat it together.
the tank tip should help, one of us usually get raped lolol
when are new l4d maps coming out?? They're releasing new campaigns? :o
new downloadable content i think
Naaaah. It's not fun if nobody dies.
Molotovs do damage, the display is just glitched in versus as a tank. If you shoot a molotoved tank it will die much, much more quickly. Walk into a fire as any other boss infected and the display isn't glitched...
Also, meleeing the door open is a bug and the fact that everyone does it in versus makes that map not very fun at all.
Dead Air... there's fence area behind the airplane you fuel up. It's wide open and zombies only come at you from 2-3 directions, and you see them from a mile away. It's the easiest place to hold in the game.
In terms of new content, check out this page; there are a bunch of people working on various projects and some of them are looking really really promising already. Can't wait until they all get ready to release. There will be a bunch of new content coming up; Apart from the stuff Valve said will be coming out in the future.
In the Dead Air final area there is a room with a single entrance somewhere in the airport building. This makes the whole event ridiculously easy...
I think the gayest spot is the finale on No Mercy where everybody hides under the ramp that leads up to the helipoad. Infected can't duck under there, specials can't hit anybody and neither can the tank. No Mercy is just a bug filled scenario. I hate it.
Maybe this is a bit basic but you can reload and melee zombies at the same time...
On December 28 2008 09:27 writer22816 wrote: Maybe this is a bit basic but you can reload and melee zombies at the same time...
this is true.
If you want to melee super fast, switch between your handgun and your main gun while meleeing.
L4D fucking overrated ATM.
The strongest strategy as survivors is to constantly run, rushing eliminates the amount of infected spawns. Less infected spawns= more alive survivors normally. Oh and the tank dies in 30 seconds once on fire in normal, the fire does negligible damage, but he times out after 30 seconds regardless of health.
On December 28 2008 10:02 Psyonic_Reaver wrote: If you want to melee super fast, switch between your handgun and your main gun while meleeing.
Yes. Press q for a quick weapon switch while right clicking. Develop a good rhythm (although lately it seems melee is slightly nerfed, i'm not sure).
In No Mercy stage 1, skip the entire apartments by running off the right side of the building onto the air ventilation boxes. To take the least damage possible, simply run off the edge. If you jump onto the boxes you will take about 40 damage instead of 10 for running off. You and your team can make a mad dash for the exit in Stage 1 and complete it in record time.
This is removed in Versus Mode for obvious reasons.
As for tanks, just have 1 person kite and the other 3 tailing behind the tank and wail on him with any of the automatics. As long as you keep firing, the tank will go down quickly. No need for a Molotov really. For Tier 2 weapons, the order goes: Auto Shotgun, Hunting Rifle, M4 Rifle, and Dualies in rate of damage. They are all very close (especially if you can fire 30 bullets in 2-3 seconds with pistols like my friend)
Dodging rocks: The best way to dodge rocks is to stand still while the tank picks up the rock and then jump away as soon as he throws it at you.
If you try to strafe and jump while he picks it up, the tank predicts where you will go and you will get nailed.
Other tips:
If you are playing Versus and you want to do as much damage as possible as a hunter while the others are dead, leap around by wall jumping and then pounce on an opponent. Your pounce damage will do about 40 at the max.
On December 28 2008 08:18 zer0das wrote: Molotovs do damage, the display is just glitched in versus as a tank. If you shoot a molotoved tank it will die much, much more quickly. Walk into a fire as any other boss infected and the display isn't glitched...
Also, meleeing the door open is a bug and the fact that everyone does it in versus makes that map not very fun at all.
Dead Air... there's fence area behind the airplane you fuel up. It's wide open and zombies only come at you from 2-3 directions, and you see them from a mile away. It's the easiest place to hold in the game.
Me and my friends have tried every spot in Dead Air and we have to say that the plane that you can walk on (around the right side close to the spawn) is the best spot. The fin blocks off the left side, the zombies can't climb up the right side, and if you have all 4 back to back (2 facing back, 2 facing front) you will be almost invincible. If you get smokered, simply melee your friend or quickly snipe the smoker. The only small risk is boomers but to me its the best spot in Dead Air Finale.
On December 28 2008 11:55 Wendal wrote: The strongest strategy as survivors is to constantly run, rushing eliminates the amount of infected spawns. Less infected spawns= more alive survivors normally. Oh and the tank dies in 30 seconds once on fire in normal, the fire does negligible damage, but he times out after 30 seconds regardless of health.
Not always, on the Riverside campaign finale, there is a bitch of a part you have to go through where zombies can drop on you from the cliffs and there are brushes that conceal boss zombies as well as usually a witch. This part, if you rush forward you will most likely get owned or lose a few people even with competent people if you get zombie rushed. There are literally almost no safe spots to huddle as zombies will surround you and drop on ur head as ur teammates get boomered, huntered, smokered.
What you do is wait for a programmed zombie rush (listen to the music) (You can be safer if you are in the small hut before the cliff of death), kill all the zombies, then quickly go past the lame cliff of death part while you are safe for a few minutes. Otherwise, your team may die again and again at this part.
Eh, I wouldn't say that's a particularly good spot. The fence area you can hold with as few as 2 people and take minimal damage if you make sure hunters don't get too close, which isn't too hard. In fact I did that with a friend, but the tank wiped us after that (with boss zombie friends).
Although we tried the plane and the high ground place with the thing that connects to planes to let passengers board. Both seemed like good places, but they didn't work very well in practice.
On December 28 2008 11:55 Wendal wrote: The strongest strategy as survivors is to constantly run, rushing eliminates the amount of infected spawns. Less infected spawns= more alive survivors normally. Oh and the tank dies in 30 seconds once on fire in normal, the fire does negligible damage, but he times out after 30 seconds regardless of health.
Yes, I should have been more clear, that advice applies almost entirely to versus mode. Obviously rushing in expert campaign will get you nothing but killed faster. On versus mode even witches arn't much of an obstacle if you can keep track of the special infected's spawns. Did you recently kill their smoker, hunter, and a boomer? I would say its safe if to just deal with the witch quickly rather than risking getting a quick incap. Obviously the counter-strategy to getting boomed/huntered/smoked is to cluster on top of eachother and melee untill the rush finishes, and then continue rushing (through versus).
Oh and I'm relatively sure the maximum amount of pure "pounce damage" is 25 for the hunter, clawing afterwards does 10 per 2 swings