Walking home from my best friends house I started to recall a detail that I've overlooked. His rather unhealthy obsession with the Undead. I remember him telling my about everything he knew about the zombies he nearly worships. I've picked up and skimmed the pages of his 2 favorite books. Zombie Survival Guide ands World War Z. He picked his room based on the evacuation root in case of zombies. When he grocery shops with his dad, he let's his fantasy dictate his choices. I don't know how I overlooked that. It seems so silly.
Without realizing it I've come home from the seemingly 5 minute walk which is usually 25 minutes... 9:00 PM... An hour late. I try as hard as a 17 year old teenage boy can to ignore my parents. I sit on my bed, pull out my Ipod, crank up the volume to drown my parents out and indulge in 2 things. my favorite band, Slipknot and my own thoughts about the Zombie invasion. I thought about how someone could believe some of these things. It didn't take long to come up with a logical answer.
He was put into a state of mind where when he read those books, he was able to believe what happens in there is true. He is often afraid of the Government because he thinks that they have the virus locked up. I connected it with how a child can be influenced into religion. I am Atheist, as I feel I have a strong mind.
I temporarily halted my thinking to just listen to my favorite solo that I've heard at least 10 thousand times. Then I heard a car crash, the loudest sound I've heard in my life. I look outside and the car was actually a Pickup truck, about a 1997 model I'd say. It caught on fire and the driver was screaming in pain for help.
I immediately ripped off my headphones, crept down the hall. My parents must have fallen asleep arguing. I opened the window and realize that he's still there. I crossed the street in near panic, trying to find out what happened to this man. He screamed "Get back inside! Barricade your doors!" I was shocked that he didn't want me to help him. I noticed he was looking down the street. I, naturally, turned my head to see why. I found the sight of at least 7 or 8 walking silhouettes slowly half-running half-walking.
My head tuns to the worst. Zombies.
I ran inside to awake my parents.
"Mom! Dad! Wake up! Zombie Apocalypse!"
"What now, Henry."
"Mom! I'm not lying I see zombies outside! Quickly We gott- we gotta d-d-d-do something!!!"
My dad got up and peered out the window, he looks at my mom and I and he said. "Oh shit he's right!" My mom got up right away and started barricading every window, the front and back doors and started bringing food out. My dad was heading down the basement and motioned for me to follow. He started to explain, "Son, I've never told you this enough, I love you. Now I want you to take this gun, and come with me. The community has spoken about this before. We have an entire community watch team.. Come with me.
I was so nervous I can barely recall what happened next. I remember driving in a pickup much like the one that crashed outside my house. Every time we would see a zombie, the driver would slow down and one person would shoot. I couldn't believe how accurate these people were. They were also so organized, how could they know how to do this.
I was stationed at the back with my dad and his neighborhood friends. We had the radio from my house on and we were listening to the radio. It said.
"The Undead threat has been eliminated, however be on guard and remember, if you spot a zombie, call 911 immediately and if you can neutralize the zombie yourself without putting yourself in danger, do so."
The radio started playing what started to be a Slipknot song but ended as an annoying, buzz that sounded like my alarm clock.
I found myself in my bed, pondering how I got there. My Ipod was out of power and when I turned my head to the clock, I realized this was a dream. Boy, one hell of a dream....