ASK GOKU - Page 3
Blogs > FakeSteve[TPR] |
United States3360 Posts
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Canada11084 Posts
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5225 Posts
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United States4658 Posts
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United States3824 Posts
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Taiwan1059 Posts
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United States872 Posts
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5225 Posts
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10319 Posts
On September 04 2008 01:26 Nightmarjoo wrote: Why were you the hero in GT when the younger generation is supposed to be way more powerful? ie why did Gohan only surpass you for a couple episodes, and then Goten through fusing with Trunks becomes a super saiyan 3 out of no where way younger than you, then suddenly becomes a giant pussy after, and why did Pan suck so goddamn much? And why did GT end with everyone like quiting being super fighters? And why were most fights throughout both shows really child-like, with few really cool, brutal fights; why did everyone become so much faster/stronger and resort to the same shit as always? - ie everyone way surpassed Frieza who could easily destroy a planet with one of his smaller attacks, and yet everyone after that uses blasts which don't come close to destroying a planet? And how did Piccolo destroy the moon with a blast when he was a complete weakling, and how did the moon being blown up not fuck up Earth at all? And why do they always find some other "strongest fighter in the universe" as the show goes on, despite everyone else they fight already being the "strongest fighter in the universe" ? Mystic Gohan was the strongest unfused fighter in the series. GT is made by people who bought the license to DBZ characters, so it is not following any original storyline. Gohan decided to settle down and follow up his education to go to work, in other words he became a geek and sucks at fighting. The moon not fucking up the Earth is because this is a fantasy world and obviously physics do not apply, since it is fiction. How did the moon get back up there so many times in the first place? Strongest fighter in the universe is current fighter... Frieza was strongest when Cell was not yet made, when the Androids were not yet made either, and Buu was still locked up in that egg or some shit. | ||
10319 Posts
On September 04 2008 02:58 GrayArea wrote: How come you never get fat with all the food you eat? I mean other super sayins can go ssj and not require so much food to eat (eg vegeta), but you eat so much food and do the same work as other sayins yet you don't gain any weight? Fast metabolism... Look at all the skinny kids that allegedly eat like normal people. | ||
Valhalla18444 Posts
On September 03 2008 19:50 FirstBorn wrote: Do you use some special products to maintain your hair in ssj state ? "This is actually kind of gross, but a saiyan's sweat is very oily and acts like mousse. It makes me look pretty badass, but the odor after a battle is unsettling to say the least..." | ||
Valhalla18444 Posts
On September 03 2008 21:26 Hawk wrote: You look like round eye, but fight like Japan Man. WHY? "My home planet is an alternate universe of Earth, where the Nazis won. Why do you think I turn blonde? White Power!" | ||
Valhalla18444 Posts
On September 03 2008 22:22 Artosis wrote: god i've been waiting to talk to goku for so long. 1) why was dbz so GODDAMN AMAZING and yet GT was filthy trash? 2) why did the 2 or 3 last minutes of namek's life during freiza saga get stretched out into like 5 weeks of my life? 3) why was GT so goddamn horribly bad? 4) dbz is amazing. "1: I didn't get paid nearly as much for GT, so my heart wasn't in it. If I ain't getting paid, monsters are gonna take out entire cities and I just kill 'em before they get to my house. 2: Freiza's had a hidden ability that allowed him to slow down time while he was giving speeches, and that dude never shut the fuck up. 3: None of the cast really gave a shit. We found out that some of the bad guys were getting paid more than us stars were, and everything went down the tubes. 4: Hell yeah bro high fuckin' five" | ||
Valhalla18444 Posts
On September 03 2008 23:27 3clipse wrote: Does the customary 10 minutes of grunting and twitching before a battle serve some sort of purpose or is it just tradition? "It used to be necessary, back when we were all new to this whole "Super Saiyan" thing. Now it's just something we do to piss off the director." | ||
Valhalla18444 Posts
On September 04 2008 00:40 Mickey wrote: ![]() HA HA HA HA FOOL GOKU IS NO MATCH FOR MY STRENGTH!!!! "This guy... we didn't pay him a dime. He just showed up one day and started... 'acting' in a bunch of the scenes we were running. He took it all pretty seriously, so we just let him do his thing. He cleared the buffet cart before left every time, so he didn't last long anyway." | ||
Valhalla18444 Posts
On September 04 2008 01:26 Nightmarjoo wrote: Why were you the hero in GT when the younger generation is supposed to be way more powerful? ie why did Gohan only surpass you for a couple episodes, and then Goten through fusing with Trunks becomes a super saiyan 3 out of no where way younger than you, then suddenly becomes a giant pussy after, and why did Pan suck so goddamn much? And why did GT end with everyone like quiting being super fighters? And why were most fights throughout both shows really child-like, with few really cool, brutal fights; why did everyone become so much faster/stronger and resort to the same shit as always? - ie everyone way surpassed Frieza who could easily destroy a planet with one of his smaller attacks, and yet everyone after that uses blasts which don't come close to destroying a planet? And how did Piccolo destroy the moon with a blast when he was a complete weakling, and how did the moon being blown up not fuck up Earth at all? And why do they always find some other "strongest fighter in the universe" as the show goes on, despite everyone else they fight already being the "strongest fighter in the universe" ? "First of all, kids are stupid. No amount of natural ability can compare to what I have. Hell, I was DEAD for a while, and I came back even more powerful than before. Let's see that little shit Trunks do that, eh? We recognize the inherent danger of blowing up a planet we're standing on. And that whole "Piccolo blew up the moon" thing - what a pain in the ass that was. Piccolo has trained his whole life for blowing up the moon, it's like a really odd fetish or something. When we'd make camp he'd mumble about it in his sleep. I had to fly around space in a shitty little pod for six weeks before finding a similar moon I could steal from an inhabited planet. About that last thing, everyone thinks they're the strongest fighter in the universe. You've gotta understand, everyone on Earth is far, far weaker than I am. When the new "strongest fighter" inevitably shows up, I just play along because I really have nothing better to do." | ||
Stockholm4640 Posts
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Valhalla18444 Posts
On September 04 2008 01:39 XCetron wrote: can you teach us how to do kamehameha? I mean krilin was able to did it, heck he made up Destructo Disk and that move pwns. "I taught Krillin the Kamehameha because, despite his laughable stature and fighting ability, he's my homeboy. Unless you've battled a saiyan's true form with me, I ain't teaching you shit." | ||
Valhalla18444 Posts
On September 04 2008 07:03 Hittegods wrote: Where did I put my glasses and why don't girls like me? "Glasses are a nuisance in a fight, and girls don't like you because your power level is in the negatives. Anyone can tell." | ||
Aiur21549 Posts
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