United States22883 Posts
Typing notes on laptops is totally overrated. I type over 90wpm and I still prefer writing. There's a lot more customizing you can do, in case the professor jumps around a lot or something.
With that said, my new computer for college is a laptop but for the main purpose of getting work done outside of my room. For that limited budget, I'd probably go for the desktop as any laptop will be pretty weak around that range.
If you really want a portable, you could build the desktop and then buy a EEpc or something.
I use a laptop for university, but then again, I'm studying Software Development so it's kind of required for my tutorial classes etc. But for the mathematical classes I took, laptop was a definitive no-no. Get a laptop though, because it's not just useful at university (and you're probably not doing math, like you said), you can use it everywhere. (watching replays on the train is a good time-killer )
just get the laptop. yes, all shit becomes obsolete, especially with how quickly tech is progressing, but if youre only using casually, might as well get something portable. shop around, and you can easily get a good laptop for that budget
On June 02 2008 09:20 ThE_OsToJiY wrote: HMM, get a desktop, and just carry it with you to class. If you have a small monitor, you'll be fine. lolll. idk it is really up to u bro, i would go with..
Mmh well i got a desktop as well as a laptop, and as probably only my laptop will be able to run sc2 i guess i have to play it there, but i think i would buy a different laptop if i had the choice again. I think i would rather have a good desktop pc for gaming and a business laptop with onboard grafik for university. If you want a laptop with a good grafik card for gaming, the battery is always a problem. Although the grafik cards are usualy able to adjust the power, they still need so much more than those onboard chips. And 700$ for a laptop that is good for gaming seems quite low.
So go with a desktop and try to get a cheaper laptop later, because if you just use it for office things, you don't really need such a new machine.
I'd say get a laptop...but don't expect to take notes on it, lol. Anything thats just text will either be available to you on the class website or in the textbook. Most of the stuff in class will be equations/diagrams, or haphazard notes.
Laptop is the way to go. Even though desktops are cheaper and can be specifically tailored, I still prefer laptops >_>
and if you do plan to take notes or tote it around often, be wary of size and weight. 14.1'' or lower should be comfortable. i have a dell vostro 1500 (thats 15.4'' widescreen) and its still a beast to carry around
taking notes on laptop sucks. yes it sounds good on paper, but trust me, in practice it's just absolutely terrible (this is coming from someone who types way over 100 wpm..)
maaaaaaaaaaybe if you're taking a class where the notes are primarily words (like law or w/e) but even then the occasional diagram will have you scrambling for a piece of paper or mucking about in visio (or god forbid paint) for longer than you should be
instead get one of those digital note things, they're absolutely amazing. my roomate has one and it's just sick. it looks something like this not sure if that's the one he has but it's similar
you get a hard copy of your notes and also a digital one that's easily transferable to the computer as a high-res image and it even has a sort of text-converter where it takes what you've written and translates it to text like you'd see in word. it's surprisingly accurate (my handwriting is reaaaaaally terrible and it got it just fine)
im so getting one asap
I echo the previous posters' statements that it really isn't that great to use the laptop to type notes. Not only is it usually easier for me to just write out my notes (and any diagrams), but I study better off of printed notes. However, it really is a huge plus to be able to do work away from home... Sure, the university might have computers but it just isn't the same. So a vote for a laptop.
39489 Posts
nothing beats TL during lecture.
yeap do not take notes on laptops, it's the worst possible idea. Pencil + Paper is the best. I graduated with a CS Major couple of years ago and during all my years, I have never! taken notes with a laptop, even though some classes involved writing code.
Get the laptop
didnt feel like making a new blog so ill write it here..
is it possible to make a decent desktop with only $500? is it worth it?