It seems I barely made it into the top 100. I'm happy to make it that far as a high school student, but I can't help feeling I would have placed much higher if I hadn't screwed up A1. Anyone else from teamliquid do well?
EDIT: For Slithe, my favorite problem of the ones I solved:
Let n be a positive integer. Find the number of pairs of polynomials (P(x),Q(x)) with real coefficients such that: 1. P squared plus Q squared is equal to x^(2n) + 1 and 2. The degree of Q is strictly greater than the degree of P
Here, x^(2n) means x to the (2n)th power.
I like it because it has a relatively short, clever solution 
EDIT 2: One of my friends who did high school tests with me last year placed in the top 6!
That's pretty fucking impressive. Second high school student I know to do that, other than of course Gabe Carroll.
This is very, very impressive. From someone who is probably gonna struggle with AIME next week, i want you to know how fucking good you are at math, in case you didn't know before. Teach teamliquid your ways :o
United States3573 Posts
On March 14 2008 12:22 Muirhead wrote: It seems I barely made it into the top 100. I'm happy to make it that far as a high school student, but I can't help feeling I would have placed much higher if I hadn't screwed up A1. Anyone else from teamliquid do well?
You're fucking crazy. OMG :O
props man
Very nice. That is quite an accomplishment, especially at the high school level. Care to post any of the more interesting problems so that we can give it a whirl?
I find it very ironic that this blog is right above the other one:http://www.teamliquid.net/blogs/viewblog.php?topic_id=67956
did not realize there were such math nerds at TL
what was your score?
That is insanely good (that might as well be a typo of Godly). You are basically a high school student who owns most college math majors in math.
Reading the wiki page, this sounds nuts O_o
Did you get accepted into MIT yet? XD
On March 14 2008 12:22 Muirhead wrote: It seems I barely made it into the top 100. I'm happy to make it that far as a high school student, but I can't help feeling I would have placed much higher if I hadn't screwed up A1. Anyone else from teamliquid do well?
You forgot to write /brag at the end.