So it seems I got a 138 on the AMC 12A, missing two early problems because I can't add without a calculator :/. Did anyone else from teamliquid take it?
I thought I would devote this entry to some interesting mathematics rather than a problem.
All of us know how to solve quadratic equations, and if you know Galois theory you know it is impossible to solve a quintic. Recently I saw a very cool way to solve the general quartic equation, relying on a bit of geometry. It does assume that we can already solve cubic equations.
Suppose P(x)=x^4+ax^3+bx^2+cx+d is an arbitrary quartic polynomial.
Let Q(x,y)=x-y^2 and let R(x,y)=y^2+axy+by+cx+d.
To find the zeros of P, it will suffice to find the common zeros of Q and R, two conics.
Let S(x,y,z)=xz-y^2 and let T(x,y,z)=y^2+axy+byz+cxz+dz^2
If we find the common zeros of S and T, we can set z=1 and find the common zeros of Q and R.
If C is any complex number, then CS+(1-C)T shares the same common zeros as S and T.
Our strategy will be to find a C which makes CS+(1-C)T particularly simple.
We can view CS+(1-C)T as a quadratic form on 3-space. The symmetric matrix representing this form will have entries that are linear polynomials in C.
By Sylvester's theorem, the form is degenerate if and only if the matrix has determinant 0. But the determinant will be a degree 3 polynomial in C, and since we can solve degree 3 polynomials we can find a C which makes CS+(1-C)T degenerate.
Geometrically, this means that the zeros of CS+(1-C)T are two planes. Finding the planes is a linear problem of completing the square, so we can assume the planes are known.
We want to find the common zeros of S, CS+(1-C)T, and z-1.
But the common zeros of the second two polynomials listed above are just two lines, and it is easy to find the intersections of a line with a quadratic like S!
118.5 here. Got all the ones I tried right. :D The tetrahedral question I solved using a triple integral, since I forgot the algebraic method -_-V. I know of a friend who got 144, but made a mistake on one of them. Our school probably has around 10 people to AIME right now, but some are retaking the AMC12B, so we might have more passing. Last year we had 3 make USAMO (not me ._.), but this year I expect 4 or even 5.
138 is sick man, good luck on the AIME. Get 12+ for the honor of TL.net! I'm not sure what the hell kids are learning these days in high schools that don't suck. ;o
Back when I was in HS I never got better than 126 on AMC12 and 8 on the AIME, and I've been getting stupider ever since. /end reminisce
Wow, 138 is really pwnage. Pretty much free entry into USAMO unless you screw up really bad on the AIME. I managed to make it last year with a 120-something on AMC12 and 8 on AIME... but USAMO totally raped me. Good luck on those. Hope you make IMO =D.
I don't know what the AMC or AIME or USAMO are, but I took a test on Friday about some math competition crap and got an 84 . It could've been higher (a guys got to defend himself, right) but I lingered in this rather long problem and didn't have time for the others. If only I would've started with the trigonomical functions first, I would've gotten a higher grade. It also takes into account that I was kind of slacking off. To tell you that I forgot how to rationalize the freaking denominator, jeez! Oh well.
btw, how many questions were on your test? How much time did you have? I had 36 questions and 50 minutes.
unsoundlogic who is your friend? I might know him... I've gotten 12+ on the AIME in the past, but I'll try to get a 15 for TL  If I make IMO I'll make sure to stick both TL and bisu somewhere in my proofs.
Toraxe the AMCs have 25 questions and take 75 minutes. They are the first round of the most important high school math contest in the US.
PM'd. It might bother him that I talk about him on a starcraft forum D:
I remember the amc, that shit was fun. I expect you to own up the aime and usamo. TL represent!