I need a great opening line about this critique I have to do for school (Note: I actually don't have to do it; but I just want a good one to impress my table mates! ). The article we have to read is titled: "The Truth about Homework" by Alfie Kohn. The basic synopsis of the article is that it is against homework, but his argument is a straw-man one, imo, because he is just against homework that is busy work.
So if you can think of any cool, interesting one liners please tell me!! I am looking for something that is either random, funny, punny, or whatever.
Some that my friends are using (I think) are: Kohn didn't do his homework before he wrote this article...
This is great motivation to actually put good thought into your homework actually.. speaking of which i should probably start mine, sorry I couldn't help. :p
If you follow Kohn's advice in this article, you will undoubtably end up as uneducated as he is!
Iunno, I suck
life of lively to live to life of full life thx to homework
OK, I skimmed the article, and it does have some weird logic.
This (longer) summary should help the witty among us:
+ Show Spoiler +Assertion: Homework loads are increasing. Assertion: Homework doesn't help learning. (There is no evidence to show that it helps.) Assertion: Homework is justified by stupid people as "giving more time to learn" or "reinforcing behavior." Assertion: Stupid people are stupid, and use stupid reasons to justify stupid homework. Restatement: People might sue me, so I won't call them stupid, just people who have "misconceptions." Oh, these include researchers, so maybe that's why we don't see more research supporting my statements.
On February 05 2008 11:26 XCetron wrote: "My Life For Aiur"
This became a popular excuse for students to not do their homework ironically ,by showing the book to the teacher and say that after reading it "they disagree".
"Public education is lacking, and Alfie Kohn's 'The Truth About Homework' is a fine example of the failure." (lead into pointing out logical inconsistencies, etc)
You'll waste more time reading this paper then Alfie Kohn did writing his.
On February 05 2008 11:44 BottleAbuser wrote: Stupid people are stupid
On February 05 2008 12:08 MidnightGladius wrote: You'll waste more time reading this paper then Alfie Kohn did writing his.
ya use this one!
You guys are awesome. Although the starcraft reference was unnecessary! 
edit: this is what I have thus far!! Thank you!!!
Public education is lacking, and Alfie Kohn's 'The Truth About Homework' is a fine example of the failure. He initially asserts that stupid people are stupid, and use stupid reasons to justify stupid homework. However, later he champions that people might sue him, so he won't call them stupid, just people who have "misconceptions." Oh, these include researchers, so maybe that's why he doesn’t see more research supporting his statements.
all you tl.net
Er oops. I was just making fun of the dude with my summary. He didn't actually call anyone stupid, or say people will sue him. He keeps referring to "supporters of homework" right after statements like "[they think] intellectual pursuits are like tennis" (which would also be a straw man argument).
He doesn't use any hard words, just words with lots of negative connotations.
And he does cite some research, but I think the scope of the research was misinterpreted by the author. I think any formal research will find that testing practical knowledge with homework leads to much better understanding compared to no homework (the research he cites compares amounts of homework, from a lot to a lot more, not 0 to some amount).
Sorry Sharkey, but that opening paragraph makes almost no sense whatsoever, and it robs you of any credibility you'd have started out with otherwise. I won't take it apart sentence by sentence, but unless I'm going by a different form of English than you are, some of it just didn't click when I read it over in my mind.
I'll just say that your word choice is strange at times, and that your flow and voice are a bit disconcerting. The first line seems really out of place when you follow it up like that.
By the way, feel free to disregard me. After all, I'm only Chinese
Thanks for the feedback Mid... I appreciate it.