Starcraft's top scientists have discovered, the mass game effect. It's a never ending chain that goes something like this. (What happened to me)
Noob buys Starcraft Noob beats Computer Noob goes on Battle.net Noob gets pwned Noob discovers WCG and Tasteless's commentary Noob watchs game Noob plays more B.net Noob gets frustrated Noob keeps playing Noob wins Noob loses again Noob loses for 6 months more Noob starts winning Noob becomes Amateur Amateur signs for leagues Amateur loses Amateur mass games Amateur quits due to hatred of mass losses Amateur comes back Amateur writes in blog about mass game effect
The worst part about this "illness" is that it cannot be cured without further losses. It happens to every noob. I've taken breaks but that decreased my skill level. I've even played games against computers just to win.
You seem to be on the same path I was on, so I'll tell you what will probably happen.
Amateur masses games again. Amateur loses more. Amateur finds another game. Repeat from step one on.
Eventually you'll move on to this game.
and hopefully
Amatuer becomes pro.
Falcynn, that is absolutely hilarious! OUTSIDE!!!
That's essentially the game I have moved on to (with occasional little ventures into Tetris world and other silly games like that).
To the OP, as long as you enjoy it, keep at it. You play enough and you'll win a lot vs a lot of people. Of course, with a competitive game such as this, as long as you play competitively on ladders and with good players, you will lose very often. Woohoo!!!!
where do i download this game?
I'm not sure about Oustide, something tells me if I pull an elite bear mob, I wont be rezzed
Hmm... Outside lies, I seem to only find dumb NPC AI .
Heh, massing games is fun, I'm actually starting to play again so I'm massing on ICCup. It probably won't last too terribly long though as I'm playing Terran and I suck.
I'm still trying to figure out how to play Outside without monthly fee, the stupid AIs keep telling me to pay rents and buy foods and the like.
Also its hard to find people who wants to PVP
On January 02 2008 15:13 freedom yay wrote: I'm not sure about Oustide, something tells me if I pull an elite bear mob, I wont be rezzed
did anyone else read thsi title as "The Game Mass Effect" T_T
OMG im freakin noob at outside. my loot suckz and my mount is a 1996 geo, wtf....
need to grind more epic mawbz
On January 02 2008 16:17 decafchicken wrote: did anyone else read thsi title as "The Game Mass Effect" T_T
Only you my friend...only you..
lol Oo no monthly fee is a lie!! btw i get better when i dont play for months >.> weird heh?
On January 02 2008 16:46 -WGT-Stars- wrote: lol Oo no monthly fee is a lie!! btw i get better when i dont play for months >.> weird heh? No you don't.
im serious lol i get online and i play better then the last time i played ;p
United States7166 Posts
If you want to start winning games a lot I advise a training regimen period rather than more mass games. First is APM training (search you'll easily find the thread describing it), it's pretty brutal but if you do it correctly I think it will greatly increase your APM, assuming you want it higher. Most people have the potential, just need to bring it out. Second would be examine your game or have someone else examine it for you (through replays) and see what kind of typical poor decisions you make and change them. For example, say you often like to be overly aggressive or do risky all-inish type of moves rather than playing the safe macro route. Third is watch replays, or play with friends who share vision with you during games so you can understand the timings of the game, then use that to say maximize your efficiency. (by say building cannons at the latest possible time to defend had he gone 3 hatch muta).
Just some questions, if you commit suicide, does that mean you delete your account? Also, is it possible to get epic armour the size of your upper body from a boar? I don't know how it got over 6 billion players.
Nothing beats the graphics of OUTISDE, but it has a shitty story and unimaginitive levels and work grinding is awful.
And still why don't the graphic whores go play OUTSIDE, so game designers stop making(and successifully selling) retarded games.