Haha... tricked you
I have some terrible study habits. Even though I'm only taking 4 classes this semester, let's say each class is about 3-4 hours of classes + 4-6 hours of hw/reading per week on average. So this means 30-40 total hours of learning per week for me to do a good job in school. Theoretically, that leaves me plenty of time to do extracurriculars, play games, and not do homework on the weekends.
This is the third week of classes, and apparently that's turning out to be far more difficult than I anticipated. I end up procrastinating and wasting all my afternoons. I don't start my homework until 10pm and at most two days before they're due. When I finally do get started, I get sidetracked and distracted extremely easily so that I'm very inefficient. This leaves me barely finishing my homework on time and then being too tired to go to morning classes. In fact I'm usually too lazy to even go to my afternoon classes.
I guess I'm more complaining than asking for advice, but any good tips will be appreciated. I just need to learn to pull myself together and get my stuff done in a timely manner, so I'll actually be able to do other things besides wasting time.
And if you were actually looking for a problem to do because you're weird like that, you better hope you know programming. Or go read Artificial Intelligence, A Modern Approch by Russell & Norvig.
(In the context of searching algorithms). Show that if a heuristic is consistent, then it must be admissible. Construct an admissible heuristic that is not consistent.
I have the same problem
I'm always browsing TL.net and other sites while doing HW and it's really bad a 1 hr hw takes like 4 hrs but I've never been able to stop
Same problem here. What worse is that I work too, and I always go on TLnet or Bash.org or watching some random VODs on youtube T_T
lmao, I'm doing that right now as I read this blog post...
Cayman Islands24199 Posts
Am I the only one who's "weird like that"? Solved.
I had horrible study habits in school, but for some reason I'm all over the TL homework threads. I found the hardest part for me on assignments was getting started. Once I'd got past actually taking out my books and carefully reading a problem, actually solving and writing it up rarely seemed that bad. Something you might try to get over that hurdle is telling yourself that you'll just read the problems and let you or your subconscious think about it while you're in the shower/eating/whatever. That'll make it a lot easier to continue after. Or even if you do end up procrastinating more, there IS some value to letting it dwell in your mind.
I have this problem I have no problem with doing my homework its just starting it. Usually when i start i pretty much finish everything and keep on going but starting is really hard.
Canada6683 Posts
Ahh.. I used to have the same problem but you have to realize that in university, you can't procrastinate. The only thing I procrastinate on is business but I find my advanced algebra & calc, and computer science really interesting so I don't get that distracted once I actually start my assignments (which is as soon as possible). Plus, econ is so easy that I usually get it done way before the due dates.
The only problem seems to be that I'm doing my work diligently yet I seem to have very little free time. Last time I played a game (Kart Rider; lol), I ended up being behind in assignments. Maybe it's because I'm taking fairly tough courses that require 100% of my time to keep up with.
It's really a motivation problem. Tell yourself to finish all your assignments before doing other things because you don't know how long it will take to finish them.
pssst yang, just get away from the computer
works like a charm for me
A good tip is to work in the library. Don't bring your laptop, don't bring games, hell don't even bring your cellphone (it's fucking annoying when someone calls you while you're in the library, happened to me twice yesterday, just turn it on silent and leave it in your backpack). The quality of studying and doing homework at the library is so amazing; for every 1 hour I study in the library, it's like studying 4 hours in my room. Try it out, 1 hour at a time maybe during your breaks, you won't regret it.
United States6657 Posts
ArC_man's advice is exactly what I was gonna say.
The best solution is to remove yourself from the environment that would distract you. Take your books and your notes and go to the library. Leave everything else behind (and don't be retarded enough to sit by a computer). Once you're there it's much different. You don't have access to the stuff that would distract you so you can't get distracted, everyone else around you is studying so it propells you to do the same, and the atmosphere is quiet and calm, making it easy to concentrate.
CA10824 Posts
write down a work schedule and force yourself to adhere to it
3PM reading for class X 4PM reading for class Y 5pm homework for class Z 6pm dinner + freetime 8pm whateverelseyouneedtodo 9pm whateverelseyouneedtodo
it really helps, for me at least. lol
United States24510 Posts
I procrastinate a lot. The more busy I am the more justified I feel in doing it and the more I do it. From the sound of it, your college schedule is similar to what mine was like. I have much more to do now and I'm just barely managing haha.
Seriously though, I don't know wtf you are supposed to do sometimes. I got in to work early to do work (an hour early lets me get ~2 hours of work at home done), tutored for extra money after work until 6, then sat in traffic for 2 hours and 15 minutes. Now I'm procrastinating starting my work but I just can't seem to blame myself.