On September 08 2007 12:42 Silver wrote: lol, your reasons for hating smoking and yet not minding drinking are messed up. drinking is evil too. and only slightly more widespread. Andy way, just show her a good time and then elope to the black forest. once she is in love with you she will stop smoking because she has better things to fill the spaces. maybe.
The body is far more able to handle the effects of drinking than it is smoking in 99% of subjects
Just step around this girl and keep moving forward. You seem focused and driven; you'll do well in university and meet someone better there.
You're going through Art School, the bastion of pseudo-intellectuals, uncreative and untalented emos, and out-homosexuals. Smoking adds much-needed character for a lot of these kids.
On September 08 2007 15:07 Auspicious wrote:Show nested quote +On September 08 2007 12:42 Silver wrote: lol, your reasons for hating smoking and yet not minding drinking are messed up. drinking is evil too. and only slightly more widespread. Andy way, just show her a good time and then elope to the black forest. once she is in love with you she will stop smoking because she has better things to fill the spaces. maybe. The body is far more able to handle the effects of drinking than it is smoking in 99% of subjects http://www.usatoday.com/news/health/2007-03-23-drug-study_N.htm
Alcohol rated 5th-worst. Tobacco, 9th.
Of course, I knew you were pulling the "99%" out of your Americanized, brainwashed-ass.
i dont think you will get over something like this through exposure. i'm pretty much the same and if my partner was a smoker it would really affect me, almost to the point of disgust. better to just avoid it all together. that taste is disgusting in your mouth, clothes stink like shit, and it just gives off a bad impression imo.
Russian Federation4235 Posts
The fact that your girl smokes means such a lot to you?
Goddamn, sometimes it seems americans are doomed.
EDIT: Btw, the scent is very dependent on what exactly she smokes. You could convince her to switch to better sigarettes or to just smoking pipe with tobacco which would be perfect. Tobacco flavors can get really pleasant and it's somewhat aristocratic.
Just give up. You don't seem like the kind of guy that can make it work anyways.
move on, i hate to kiss girls that smoke. smells like garbage
I find it weird im okay with smoking and smoke once in a while but i dont like when a girl smokes.
If under age smoking girls bother you dont go to korea. You'll see middle schoolers smoking on the streets.
On September 08 2007 19:11 Ilikestarcraft wrote: I find it weird im okay with smoking and smoke once in a while but i dont like when a girl smokes.
If under age smoking girls bother you dont go to korea. You'll see middle schoolers smoking on the streets.
hahahahahahaha middle schoolers?! ahhahahahah lmao
Vin, smoking among middle schoolers is very frequent, atleast in Romania it is. And that is a big problem.
To be on topic or on blog, i'm going to share a little story from my 11th grade.
I never liked smoking, i only smoke for about 1 month when i was 13-14.
So i was in 11th grade. I had a very nice coleague (right spelling? i meant class-mate) which i got in love with. She started smoking because her ex was smoking and all her friends were, so it kinda became natural since she spent alot of time with her friends. 1 month she fooled me. I didn't know she was smoking. She knew i'm completely against smoking so she didn't tell me and only smoke when i was not around and eating gum after. It seemed a little strange that her clothes always smelled of tobbaco but i knew her friends smoke so it was ok.
She had some "enemies" (you know.. rivalry betwen girls) and one of those girls told me she started smoking. I didn't believe her but she told me to go to the girls bathroom (where it seems they were smoking).
The door at the girls bathroom was closed but my curiosity > my embarassement. I opened the door, got in and saw her and her friends smoking. Every girl there was looking at me with a strange facial exclamation something like "wtf u doing here?" The moment i saw my gf smoking even knowing that she'll feel very ashamed in her group i get the cigarette right our of her mouth and throw it away and grab her hand and take her out (it happened quickly so she didn't have time to say anything or opose resistance). While i was getting her out of the bathroom (we were right in the middle of the door) she got back from that stone state she was into and she hit me and started yelling at me telling me she can do whatever she wants bla bla.
I told her i care too much about her so i just couldn't let her smoke. She then said she doesn't care about me bla bla.. practically she told me i love her as she is or not. I said i love her as she really is not like she's pretending to be, if she wants to keep pretending then .. fine.. and i left.
That happened on a friday. So the weekend came. I was in big pains as i was practically breaking up with her and i loved her much but i just didn't to turn back from the road i got onto.
Monday at school she didn't came, neither did on tuesday, wednesday or thursday. I barely resist without calling her (i even cried during those days). On friday she came at school but i didn't go.
I am living close to that high school so a ring woke me up. I open the door and surprise.. it was her. That was a rare moment of empathy in which i felt everything she felt and think without even a word . We hugged and so on.. and she never smoke from that day till the day we broke up. She told me later that even though she was very embarased that moment made her love me more than ever because i had the strenght to get into girls bathroom and almost broke up with her just because i care about her and i want her to be healthy and quit harmfull things.
You can't force your own morals on someone. That's a controlling relationship from the BEGINNING. It definantly won't work if you are trying to change her like that -_-
United States24576 Posts
On September 08 2007 18:04 BluzMan wrote: The fact that your girl smokes means such a lot to you?
Goddamn, sometimes it seems americans are doomed.
There is nothing wrong with having a non-negotiable demand that your close relationships with others need to exclude smoking.
"If you quit smoking I'll take you out to dinner"
This should work