Yesterday I ended up going to and on the way an idea struck me. The idea hit me like out of nowhere, the only reason i think it about it even now is because of how detailed it came to me.
I've always wanted to write a book. However, the general idea of it never hit me, I've always complained and delayed saying "My grammar sucks, I don't have enough ideas, i can't make my thoughts come out coherent" etc. But in reality I think i've just been making excuses the whole time.
The plot of my book essentially revolves around three boys, an 18 year old, 19, and 23. The story starts off with the 18 year old whose' had a terrible life, mother and father dying in a crash when he was but 13 years old. This moment in his life made him grow up fast. Being with only a sister in his life, he had to lie about his age to get a job, drop out of school just to support his sister. They move in to an decrepit apartment building which can barely support life. All the while the boy still trying to remain positive for his sister.
In the end, his sister ends up dying from a terminal disease and the young adult now at the age of 17 struggles to keep calm and is constantly tormented by dreams of his sister blaming him for abandoning her or not trying hard enough. On the day of his birthday, him forgetting his birthday due to not celebrating it for a solid 4 years decides to end his life. At the stroke of midnight he takes out a razor and makes a vertical incision down and across a vein.
this is the moment in his life where he exits the hospital and eventually ends up trying to go home. Before he could his head starts pounding like something thats never happened before. He looks around, no sounds whatsoever, cars, people, birds, wind, everything made absolutely no sound. The world around him changes to something much more sinister, a chaotic world ravaged with fire, smoky skies, cars dismantled. He looks around but sees no sign of life. A minute goes by and hes completely infatuated with the world until it turns hazy and hes sent back to the world he's known. He doesn't quite understand as he treks back home.
well this is just basically an idea of what im thinking of writing, it's NOT what i want to write exactly, i understand grammar, spelling, punctuation is going to be a huge outcome on how well the writing goes. I'm also going to take writing classes and get tips from some coaches at a later date. But this is a general idea of what im trying to convey.
The story starts off revolving around the 18 year, and his new "ability" to be able to assimilate himself into this chaotic world, the anti-thesis of his own world. Eventually meeting up with a 19 year old who's in an asylum for thinking his insane. And a 23 year old who's in complete denial. The three boys share this intriguing yet terrifying ability. This story will revolve around these 3 characters trying to solve the mystery to their ability and create a sort of bond between the three surrogate brothers that is just as if not stronger than any blood relative.
If you can, give me any constructive criticism about the plot and idea of the story. The ideas struck me, i know that i probably can't write the whole story in 1 book, so I'm aiming for a trilogy. What do you guys think so far, is the story somewhat compelling or just rather played out and unoriginal??
i don't get what his new power is.
Do it now, otherwise, all of the exuberance of your epiphany will wane and so will the story. In short, go do it now, or it won't be as good.
is awesome32268 Posts
On July 29 2007 15:45 A3iL3r0n wrote: Do it now, otherwise, all of the exuberance of your epiphany will wane and so will the story. In short, go do it now, or it won't be as good.
this story seriously sounds pretty awesome.
it sounds awesome but maybe you shouldnt have posted it here (what if someone steals your idea ROFL)
thanks for the replies guys, and i understand a3. I've already started a first draft yesterday when i got the idea. I'm 300 pages in so far, developing story, background, characters is cool. I love being able to manipulate everything i have.
I'll give you guys a sneak peak in a couple days! Remember its just a draft
On July 29 2007 15:38 geometryb wrote: i don't get what his new power is.
it's the ability to assimulate into this chaotic, new world. The ability to reach another plains :O. The three boys all have the same ability.
I'll give you guys a hint, regardless of their age, 18 was a key moment for all three of them, which connects them more than you know.
They all tried to kill themselves at 18, each in different ways, and while in the hospital the alien doctors planted dark archons in their brains to MC them.
You should explain it more, becuase this "chaotic new world" seems like its just the future where there's been a big war or something and everthings burning and dead.
On July 29 2007 16:39 .kaz wrote: They all tried to kill themselves at 18, each in different ways, and while in the hospital the alien doctors planted dark archons in their brains to MC them.
You should explain it more, becuase this "chaotic new world" seems like its just the future where there's been a big war or something and everthings burning and dead.
i haven't thought everything through yet, i've come up with several ideas. The first was the the "chaotic" world is the plain where all souls go to enter heaven or hell.
Well, I wouldn't suggest writing 300 pages if you haven't thought this all through.
Canada7170 Posts
300 pages already? Holy shit.
it would probably be better to show the draft to close friends and people you know in real life. posting something like that on the internet is kind of iffy. gotta be careful about these things
Seems like the kind of surreal book I like reading (neil gaiman style). I'm looking forward to the draft
300 pages sounds like a lot more dedication than I've ever had in my life, so I bid you very good luck on your writing venture. I hope it goes well for you, whatever you're trying to accomplish.
United States24495 Posts
I don't think he means he had 300 pages of actual writing, just planning.
I think it will work much better if their ages are 18, 19, and 22.
On July 29 2007 19:18 micronesia wrote: I don't think he means he had 300 pages of actual writing, just planning.
I think it will work much better if their ages are 18, 19, and 22.
you read my mind, as i typed that post, i got the realization of 22 for the third character. All three characters are connected by more than just their ability, and to gain the ability, you don't necessarily have to kill yourself. Theres a big connection between the third character and the first (18)'s tragedy.
ah screw it, ill reveal a good spoiler. 22 year old's 18th birthday was one of great joy and excitement, his family so happy with him turning 18 that they decided to buy him a brand new car, something he's been begging his family all year for. On that faithful day, he decided to take it out for a cruise and meet up with some friends. Boasting about his new ride; he was on top of the world. Eventually as the night dwindled down he ended up driving home much later than he wanted. On the way home he got into an accident that took the lives of 2 people, leaving 1 survivor.
How is that book coming along?
Do it now, otherwise, all of the exuberance of your epiphany will wane and so will the story. In short, go do it now, or it won't be as good. If I had been here when this was first posted, I would have said: This, except write an outline (what you want to happen each chapter) and character profiles, because if you just dive into writing a book right away, you'll get confused 3 months into writing it and give up. It's quicker to write ideas than it is to write description (and description is easy to write anytime), and your ideas are going to dwindle as time passes. You want to write the ideas while you're excited about what's going to happen the characters, not while you're trying to "just end the book already TT." because you're tired and just want to finish it.
But since I wasn't, I guess I get to see if their advice was disastrous or not?
United States3573 Posts
Would be kind of interesting to see if you wrote your book.