This has been a very different experience for me compared to prior fights. Aside from being out with injuries from the majority of the last two years, the coaching team of Carlos Zapata (BJJ) and Josh Hernandez (Muay Thai) that I've been with for over 8 years, split from the Gracie banner and each opened their own gyms focusing on their fields of martial arts. Which has lead to former fight teammates choosing to pick one or the other. In a sense dissolving the MMA team that has been by far the most dominant in the area for the last 10 years.
Resulting in rather large changes to my training schedule due to conflicting times and a 20-30min drive between the two. No more 3-4hours, 5-6nights a week of classes/sparring with 1-2hours of cardio on my own like I did for my last fight. Instead been on more of a 90m-2hours of solo cardio with 90m-2hours 7days a week of classes.
As always for more updates and pictures of my puppies you can follow me at:
Twitter: @SpeedMMA
Instagram: speedmma