A Blog Novel Series by Seeker
Graphics by shiroiusagi
Table of Contents
The Delay (read after Ch. 11)The Comeback (read after The Delay)
Special New Year Chapter
Plexa and Waffles: Chapter Summaries
Here is a list of chapter summaries so that people don't have to go back and re-read every single chapter.
- Chapter 1:
- Nazgul calls Plexa and requests an immediate SC2 writers’ meeting because Waxangel is stepping down from his position as Editor in Chief.
- lichter is introduced. Plexa calls him to announce the writers’ meeting.
- Plexa enters Nazgul’s office and notices that there is an argument going on between Nazgul and Heyoka. The conversation does not end well and Heyoka angrily storms off.
- Plexa and Nazgul discuss a solution to the Wax stepping down issue. Nazgul suggests an unorthodox solution that has never been implemented before.
- S is introduced, A1 is introduced, Wax is captive as prisoner and has been mistreated badly.
- Phase One is introduced. S and A1 confirm that there are spies within the meeting.
- Chapter ends with S making a comment that alludes to a past between him and Nazgul that ignited his hatred toward Nazgul.
Chapter 2: - SC2 writers’ meeting commences within conference room TLO.
- CosmicSpiral, Zealously, Darkhorse, Olli (DarkLordOlli), and Peanuts are introduced.
- Plexa announces the chimaera solution (Zealously, lichter, and DLO will take over)
- lichter nominates himself to take over Wax’s position alone and not as a trio but Zealously is firmly against it. He wishes for the position himself and fights hard for it.
- Meeting concludes with the chimaera plan going as is. Nazgul and Plexa discuss Zealously’s strange actions.
- Zealously, DLO, and lichter are seen talking to each other after the meeting. Zealously is constantly distracted and later departs from the group to take care of something.
- lichter asks DLO to get him into section Elephant and DLO agrees.
- As DLO runs off to get his key card, he noticed Zealously talking to someone on the phone.
- A2 is introduced. A2 calls S and informs him that the plan to take over SC2 writers did not go exactly as planned.
- A2’s identity is revealed: lichter
Chapter 3: - DLO gets lichter into section Elephant. lichter mentions to DLO that he needs to pretend that he was never there in the first place.
- lichter hurries off to see ChaptiyaqPTSM after getting into section Elephant. lichter meets CPTSM and asks him to explain everything he knows about Project HerO.
- CPTSM firmly tells lichter that Project HerO is none of his business and tells him to leave. lichter distracts CPTSM, knocks him out with chloroform, and injects him with a syringe.
- lichter locates CPTSM’s key card, hides the unconscious body, and exits section Elephant.
- A3 is introduced. lichter uses CPTSM’s key card to access the Liquipedia Command Center. lichter and A3 meet and discuss the next step to the plan.
- DLO returns to his station. He overhears Zealously having a private conversation with an unknown person on the phone.
- DLO senses Zealously is hiding something. He hurriedly calls Plexa and asks to meet with him. DLO suspects Zealously may be a traitor.
- Phase two is introduced
Chapter 4: - DLO meets up with Plexa and informs him of everything. Plexa decides to see CPTSM before Zealously can get to him.
- Over in the Liquipedia Command Center, A3 and salle are both in the main operations room and conversing with each other. A3 is nervous because he is trying to keep salle from seeing lichter through the security cameras.
- A3 decides to leave after being unable to stall salle any longer. He calls lichter and lichter informs A3 that he was able to get what he needed and that he has safely exited the area.
- lichter successfully escaped the Command Center. But just as he was getting ready to vacate the premises, he runs into NovembestOrm. lichter quickly makes up an excuse and gets away as fast he can.
- lichter calls A3 and explains that he was spotted by Nov. They discuss that Nov could end up becoming a problem later on. lichter decides to return the key card back to CPTSM’s possession before he is caught.
- Zealously heads over to see CPTSM. He sees the state CPTSM’s office is in and begins to search for CPTSM. He finds CPTSM’s unconscious body.
- Zealously and lichter run into each other. Zealously confronts lichter and says that he knows what lichter is up to.
- lichter notices that Plexa and DLO are about to walk in on their conversation. lichter decides to take a out a dagger and stab himself in order to make Zealously look like the enemy.
- Plexa and DLO appear just as lichter stabs himself and falls onto the ground. lichter reaches out to Plexa for help. Zealously decides to flee the scene and Plexa pursuits.
Chapter 5: - Nazgul is seen pacing around in his office. On his desk is a notice that KadaverBB is missing in action.
- Heyoka shows up to Nazgul’s office and once again confronts Nazgul about the situation at hand and Heyoka’s suggestion. Nazgul concedes and allows Heyoka to do what Heyoka wants.
- Zealously calls the person he was talking to previously in Chapters 2 and 3 and explains that he is in trouble. His call mate tells Zealously to go hide in his office for the time being.
- Back in the Liquipedia Command Center, salle and NovemberstOrm have a conversation. salle has noticed that someone has erased all the login records. NovemberstOrm mentions that he saw lichter earlier. salle realizes something through their conversation and immediately hurries off.
- Plexa is continuing his pursuit of Zealously. He meets up with the TL Strategy and Defense team members. ZeromuS, SC2John, Teoita, and Jowj are introduced. It is now a five-man team that is looking for Zealously.
- A4 is introduced. A4 calls A1 to update him on the situation as he is a spy within the TL Strategy and Defense team.
- A1 and S have a conversation. S is not happy with A2 (lichter)’s work. He orders all the other agents to eliminate lichter.
Chapter 6: - A3 and A4 discuss about what they should do in regards to S’ order to eliminate lichter.
- Plexa goes to R1CH’s office to find out Zealously’s whereabouts. While there, Plexa notices that lichter hasn’t use his key card at all. R1CH mentions that he’s running entry log checks for salle.
- Evacuation has occurred for safety reasons and every staff member has been gathered into conference room TLO. Shellshock, JBright, Meru, and shiroiusagi are introduced. JBright notices pPingu’s absence.
- A3 heads over to the medical facility to kill lichter (lichter stabbed himself last chapter). Smix is introduced.
- A3’s identity is revealed: pPingu. pPingu manually overrides the security system by logging in as salle in order to gain access into lichter’s room.
- pPingu injects *lichter* with a syringe. Plexa barges in and arrests pPingu. Plexa lifts the covers off and notices lichter was not within the sheets but instead DLO was.
Chapter 7: - Chatper starts with a flashback to 24 hours ago
- A0 is introduced. A0 and lichter are collaborating (not really because A0 is threatening lichter) to overthrow S and ruin his plan. A0 foresaw that S would order lichter’s death.
- ???? Turns out to be KadaverBB. He informs Zealously of S’ plan to put lichter into the head of SC2 position. KadaverBB advises Zealously to fight against this happening at all costs.
- Waxangel meets up with Plexa to discuss upcoming BlizzCon projects. Wax hands over a file to Plexa. He advises Plexa not to read any of the files or watch the disc until he is alone. Wax asks Plexa if he trusts anyone and Plexa mentions that he trusts stuchiu.
- Smix calls R1CH and Nazgul over to the medical facility. She has noticed that some confidential medical products have been stolen. R1CH and Nazgul discuss as to whether or not it’s time to tell Plexa.
- Chapter transitions back into Present time. pPingu has been arrested and is being taken to Disneyland cell block C per Plexa’s orders. Plexa talks to Smix about DLO’s current health status.
- Smix realizes that DLO has been injected with specimen Zerg 4. She calls up someone and asks what she should do. Smix is troubled and cannot speak properly anymore. She yells at Plexa to leave immediately and to go see Nazgul.
- Plexa leaves as Smix tells him not to hate her or “us” when he finds out.
Chapter 8: - NovemberstOrm is talking to Heyoka. NovemberstOrm “did” something and now he’s worried that “he might die.” Heyoka smiles and assures Nov that he did the right thing. Heyoka and Nov are collaborating to do “something”.
- Heyoka calls Zealously and explains to him that he can get Zealously out safely from his hiding spot. However, Heyoka demands something in return.
- Heyoka calls salle and explains to him that they need to meet up and fast. salle agrees even though Heyoka refuses to mention what the meeting will be about.
- Heyoka calls A1 and tells him that he knows his and A0’s identities. A1 genuinely has no idea what Heyoka is talking about.
- A1 goes to talk to S and relays the information about the call he just had with Heyoka. S is genuinely confused.
- Plexa reaches Nazgul’s office and enters to talk to to him. Nazgul has called R1CH over to join in on the conversation. Nazgul explains that he has been hiding crucial information from Plexa for years now. Nazgul explains that Waffles’ death was not an accident.
- Nazgul and Plexa’s conversation gets interrupted by an explosion. Nazgul suddenly received three emergency calls from Smix, Heyoka, and ZeromuS.
- Nazgul decides to put the conversation on hold due to the current circumstances. The three disband and each head out into a different direction (Plexa to Disneyland, Nazgul to the medical facility, and R1CH to the conference room).
- Phase three is introduced.
Chapter 9: - Wax is still being kept prisoner but he plots his escape. A1 walks into the room and taunts Wax. Wax asks for water but once A1 gets it for him, Wax is able to free himself from his chains and knocks out A1. Wax escapes.
- Over in the medical facility, Smix explains to Nazgul that the multiple explosions caused a long enough distraction that allowed for both DLO and CPTSM’s bodies to disappear. Smix explains that DLO was hit with specimen Zerg 4 and CPTSM was hit with specimen Terran 1. Smix asks Nazgul is Plexa will leave TL because of all the lies.
- Wax finds S’ records room and infiltrates it. Just as he is about to uncover all the secret details, S interrupts him. S and Wax confront each other. Wax taunts S to the point where S pulls out a gun and threatens to kill Wax.
Chapter 10: - Wax and S get into a gun fight.
- R1CH arrives at conference room Jinro. He runs into shiro and she updates him on the situation. R1CH explains that he was called over by Heyoka but shiro says that Heyoka was never present in the first place. Just as R1CH is trying to figure everything out, Zealously enters into conference room Jinro with a gun and keeps everyone hostage within the room. Zealously explains that he is acting on Heyoka’s orders.
- Wax and S get into a gun fight part 2.
Chapter 11: - Just as S is about to kill Wax, KBB intervenes and saves Wax. KBB “kills” S.
- KBB begins to treat Wax’s wounds and the two converse.
- S angrily wakes up A1 and verbally punishes him for allowing Wax to escape. S grabs a sniper rifle so that he can snipe Wax and KBB. S explains that he tested out the hallucination machine and that his “death” was not real.
- Wax and KBB continue update each other on what has been going on. Wax gets sniped. Wax dies.
Chapter 12: - KBB mourns over Wax’s death. S calls KBB through a cell phone he snuck onto Wax. Enraged over his friend’s death, KBB smashes the phone on the ground and returns to the building to kill S.
- Plexa reaches Disneyland, only to see that the area is a mess and that Teoita has been knocked out. Plexa wakes up Teo and Teo informs Plexa of everything that happened. Teo explains that ZeromuS attacked him. Teo also explains that Nazgul has orchestrated everything.
- Plexa leaves to confront Nazgul. Teo tells pPingu that the coast is clear. Teo hopes Plexa fell for all the lies.
- A4 is revealed: Teoita.
- After escaping from the medical facility, lichter reunites with A0. CPTSM has regained his consciousness but is now under the control of A0 and lichter. A0 explains that he has an important mission for CPTSM.
Chapter 13: - Smix knocks over a golden waffle and picks it up.
- Flashback to 3 years ago.
- Waffles tries to get Smix to go on a date with him but she consistently refuses.
- Waffles uses a tablet and a key card input function to convince Smix to go on a date with him.
- Flashback ends
- Smix puts away the golden waffle into her desk, next to her engagement ring.
- Plexa calls Nazgul and says they need to talk.
- Nazgul ends the call and the chapter ends with Nazgul saying “Sorry Waffles, you trusted me, and I failed you."
Chapter 14: - R1CH walks up to Zealously and demands to know what is going on. Zealously explains that there is a traitor among therm.
- After being instructed to search around the room for anyone suspicious, R1CH asks Zealously if the traitor is NovemberstOrm. Zealously confirms.
- Just as Zealously is about to reveal what Heyoka said about NovemberstOrm, he is tasered and knocked out by DLO. DLO is in a state of disarray and is adamant that R1CH returns to his office at once. Midst the chaos, NovemstOrm has slipped away from conference room Jinro.
- As KadaverBB is getting ready to grab revenge for the fallen Wax, he receives an email from Seeker. The email explains that there is a plan going on within TL to kill nazgul and destroy the organization.
- After this, Seeker speak to Kadaver for five more minutes but the content of the conversation is unknown. After the call ends, Kadaver changes directions and instead heads downstairs towards the basement. He runs into ???? and they embrace.
- As Plexa is about to approach Nazgul, he gets a call from Seeker. Seeker explains to Plexa as well about the plan to destroy TL and Nazgul. Again, another five minute conversation takes place in which the contents are unknown.
- Nazgul opens the door to his office and meets with Plexa as discussed. However, Plexa is unresponsive to Nazgul’s comments. Plexa pulls out a gun and fires at Nazgul.
Chapter 15: - GMarshal and stuchiu are bringing in the newest recruits for the TL writers’ staff team. They enter into the building and notice that debris is everywhere and no one can be found.
- After the sound of gunshots is heard, GMarshal and stuchiu ready their own guns and proceed to investigate. Later, GMarshal decides the situation is too dangerous to proceed any further and orders stuchiu and the new recruits to retreat to a safe zone.
- Heyoka is hacking into the TL system through R1CH’s office when he notices that an email has been sent by Seeker. The contents of the email explain that Heyoka is AGENT ZERO and that the admins should arrest him immediately.
- Just as Heyoka is about to dispose of the email, R1CH walks in and sees everything. Heyoka and R1CH both pull guns and get into a shooting match.
- Over in Nazgul’s office, Plexa explains that Seeker told him the truth about what happened to Waffles. Plexa refuses to stand down and Nazgul is forced to draw his own gun. The two get into a shooting match as well.
Chapter 16: - lichter brings CPTSM over to the Liquipedia Command Center. Salle is too busy working on a project to notice their arrival.
- lichter orders Chapa to proceed with the plan as discussed. He has convinced Chapa that sale is a traitor and that he must die.
- Chapa meets up with salle and engage into a conversation with him. Chapa tries to kill salle when he thinks salle is distracted, but as it turns out, sale knew what was going on the whole time. He stabs Chapa and takes him out of commission.
- lichter decides to step in and take matters into this own hands. salle confronts lichter and two enter into a battle.
- Over in the medical facility, a mysterious person intrudes upon Smix. He provides her with the files she needs to be able to decipher everything that’s going on.
- Smix realizes what is going on while the mysterious person constantly requests that she take action immediately. Smix mentions that TL’s allies may not really be their allies. When asked about his identity, the mysterious person just responds with “I’m a man who came back from the dead because TL needed me.”
- S is watching both fights between Nazgul/Plexa and R1CH/Heyoka. S calls A1 over and explains that he notices something is off with both fights. S did not order Heyoka to kill R1CH and he also feels that Plexa and Nazgul are intentionally holding back on each other.
- S smiles and says that he’s figured everything out. He calls up A5 (A5 is introduced) and says that he is speeding up the process of phase four. A1 leaves S’ side and sends out a text: He knows. Kill Nazgul now.
Chapter 17: - Chapter 17 covers three Flashbacks regarding events that have occurred in the previous chapters.
- My recommendation is that you go and read this chapter, as it explains many things have occurred behind the scenes from previous chapters.
Chapter 18: - Plexa vs Nazgul is covered.
- R1CH vs Heyoka is covered.
- lichter vs salle is covered.
- My recommendation is that you go and read this chapter, as it is kind of impossible to do a TL;DR version of it.
Chapter 19: - Chapter starts off with A1 double-crossing S. A1 then calls Teoita and wants a progress update.
- Teoita and pPingu navigate to the underground basement section of TL HQ, and locate an abandoned room. They find machines that haven't been activated in years. Teo pushes up a lever, machines come to life, and suddenly the room starts functioning again.
- pPingu inputs a bunch of codes and the machines activate. A giant light and a shock-wave is emitted. The shock-wave moves upward into the heart of TL HQ.
- During the Nazgul and Plexa fight, Plexa all of a sudden gets a reaction and becomes someone else. He violently attacks Nazgul with full intent to kill him. The fight continues, but Plexa successfully takes down Nazgul, and then puts a bullet straight through his skull.
Chapter 20: - Chapter begins with a flashback to 2 years ago.
- First scene involves Nazgul and Waffles. Nazgul is infuriated with Waffles for lying about Project HerO. Nazgul lets Waffles know that he can't be trusted anymore and that he is fired.
- Waffles frantically tries to explain what is going on but Nazgul doesn't want to hear it. Nazgul tells Waffles to leave. Waffles agrees, but gets one last word in about the truth in regards to Project HerO. Waffles explains to Nazgul that there's more to Project HerO then Nazgul realizes and that Plexa is the final key to completing the puzzle.
- Waffles goes on to explain further that Plexa will try to kill Nazgul and that he will succeed. But Nazgul will not actually be dead. Waffles hands Nazgul a file that will explain everything before leaving.
- Waffles tries to say goodbye to Smix before having to leave but Smix doesn't want to hear it because she knows about the lies as well. The two get into an argument and Waffles eventually concedes defeat and decides to leave.
- Before Waffles leaves, he lets Smix know that though he did lie about his true intentions with TL, he never lied about his feelings for her.
- As Waffles prepares to leave TL HQ premises, Plexa catches him. They exchange words and even though Plexa is also angry about the lies, decides to spend one last bro time with Waffles before he leaves. Before Waffles leaves for good, he hands Plexa a USB that is for his eyes only.
- After leaving TL premises, Waffles heads over to where S is. It turns out that Waffles has been working for S this whole time and that they will commence the next part of their plan.
- As Waffles leaves S, he mentions the words: "If you think for even a second… That I’m just going to let you have your way… That I’m just going to stand by idly as you destroy everything I care about… Then you are sorely mistaken General S… Or should I say… Father…"
End of Summaries