A Blog Novel Series by Seeker
Graphics by shiroiusagi
Table of Contents
Chapter 2
The hallway leading to conference room TLO was massive and grand. It was by far the most extravagant area within the TL headquarters. As Plexa walked towards the conference room with Nazgul right behind him, he began to revel once again in just how mesmerizing the sight was. The portraits of TLO along both sides of the walls that often reminded Plexa of how much influence TLO has had over TL never seemed so welcoming before. Both admins approached the grand doorway and took a few seconds to stare at the proud Liquid horse logo that stood in front of them. After taking a big breath, Plexa reached for the beard shaped handles and opened both doors.
As soon as Plexa opened those doors, the chatter and the noise within the conference room halted immediately. All eyes in the room turned immediately towards Plexa and Nazgul, who was right behind him. The writers respectfully stood up to address their admins, and then waited for them to take their seats first before sitting down themselves. It was apparent to everyone in the room that the atmosphere was more tense than usual and that this meeting would not be just any ordinary meeting. They held their breaths as they waited patiently for Plexa to break the silence.
PLEXA: (clears throat) Ahem. Thank you everyone for gathering here on such short notice. I realize that there are a lot of questions regarding the reasons behind this meeting so let's get started immediately. I will be brief and cut straight to the point. Waxangel called TL earlier this morning and said that he was resigning from his position as head of SC2. Though we weren't able to hear a reason from him as to why nor get any more details before he hung up, his resignation papers were a legitimate match to his signature that we have on file. Therefore, we have no choice but to move on and assign someone to replace his spot.
Plexa knew that this would not be an easy conversation. The instant murmuring from the writers and the confused looks on all their faces showed that clearly. Some seemed flabbergasted at this sudden news while others seemed more curious than ever before. Aware of the fact that he would soon be bombarded with questions from all directions, Plexa cleared his throat again and proceeded with his address to the writers.
PLEXA: Although this came as a shock to both me and Nazgul, we have none the less come up with a solution that we believe is the best course of action to take. I cannot say with certainty that TL will ever be able to replicate Wax's quality of work, but if implicated properly, with time, we believe very strongly that TL will not only come out on top of this but become stronger than ever before. Our solution is to promote three writers into Men in Red status and have them oversee the writers division as a trio of leaders. Ultimately, I will oversee all the writers but the main people everyone will need to report to will be these three.
At these words, everyone became alert and focused. The solution proposed by Plexa had never been done before at TL. And factoring in the fact that MiR promotions were not given so lightly, all writers eagerly awaited for Plexa to continue. Plexa looked towards Nazgul direction to see if he would add anything, but Nazgul continued to sit at his seat and remain silent. All he gave was a simple nod to signal Plexa to keep going.
PLEXA: The three writers we will be promoting are Zealously, DarkLordOlli, and lichter. All three writers have contributed an enormous amount of work for TL during their time here, and they each possess the leadership capabilities and the influential charisma that are needed to become the new head of writers. Because this process is brand new and has never been attempted before, there is no doubt that we will need time and experience to properly adapt to our new system. But Nazgul and I both have faith that this will truly strengthen TL in the long run.
After making this statement, Plexa once again ceased talking and observed the room to see everyone's initial reaction. It was quite clear to everyone in the room that they were each feeling the dire to need say something. Anxious as he was, Plexa kept his composure and decided it was time to hear everyone's feedback. He took a deep breath and continued.
PLEXA: At this time, I will now open the floor for questions and comments.
COSMICSPIRAL: (raises hand)
PLEXA: Yes, Cos.
COSMICSPIRAL: Have there been any attempts to contact Waxangel to see if he had any explanations as to why he was resigning?
PLEXA: Yes. Nazgul and I have tried numerously to contact Wax. We tried both his cell phone and his computer but there was no response. We even sent him multiple PMs and e-mails but we still have yet to hear back from him.
COSMICSPIRAL: Are we sure that it's actually him who asked for the resignation? Could this be some kind of joke or a misunderstanding?
PLEXA: As I stated before, we had a 100% match with his signature on his resignation paper. Wax also has not entered TL premises in over five days now. With no further explanation available at this time, I'm afraid we have no choice but to proceed forward with our plan to replace Wax's position.
COSMICSPRIAL: None the less, I feel that-
ZEALOUSLY: (interrupting) I would like to say something Plexa.
PLEXA: Go ahead Zeal.
ZEALOUSLY: First off, I appreciate your consideration in having me become one of the three leaders to replace Wax. Please know that I will do everything in my power to fulfill the expectations that have been set before me.
PLEXA: Thank you Zeal.
ZEALOUSLY: However, I do not believe that this is the best course of action to take. If we do not want to take a hit in our quality of work that gets produced here at TL, then I think that we should just elect someone to replace Wax as Editor in Chief. We have never done something like this before and I feel that the time to start should not be now. At the risk of sounding conceited, I feel that I am more than qualified to take on Wax's position as the new head of SC2 and therefore would like to nominate myself.
PLEXA: (stunned silence)
LICHTER: Now hold on a second there Zeal. Plexa, I share Zeal's sentiments and am honored that you considered me to become one of the new leaders for the SC2 writers. But I too feel that having one person replace Wax will make more sense than this trio of leadership thing you suggested. If Zealously is going to nominate himself, then I wish to nominate myself as well. I feel very strongly that I have what it takes to pick up where Wax left off and ensure that the efficiency of our products will not falter.
PLEXA: Is... Is that so?......
DARKHORSE: Are we sure that this is the right move? Maybe we should take some time to discuss this. Instead of a trio of leaders or downright replace Wax with someone else, perhaps we could implement some kind of new democracy system, where everything gets decided by votes.
LICHTER: That would take too long. We have so many ongoing projects at the moment that it would throw everything out of sync if we tried a new democracy system like that. There is also a chance that our votes could fall into a stalemate. Then what?
DARKLORDOLLI: A trio of leaders sounds like it could work out great. It's new, exciting, and never been done before. Perhaps this could end up taking TL to a level we never dreamed of achieving before.
ZEALOUSLY: I heavily disagree. I still feel that we need to elect one leader and one leader only. It does not make sense to implement a new system like this when we've got so many things we need to accomplish right now. We should properly vote on a new head of SC2 and go from there.
COSMICSPIRAL: But who will it be then? Electing a new leader will be a long and drawn out process. We run the risk of falling behind our work during that time.
LICHTER: Agreed. Let's put it a vote then, shall we? Again, I am nominating myself.
ZEALOUSLY: Be quiet lichter. It should be me.
LICHTER: Why should it be you?
ZEALOUSLY: Because I don't think that you have what it takes to single-handedly lead this group.
LICHTER: And you do?
DARKHORSE: How can you be so sure of that?
PEANUTS: Perhaps we really should put it to a vote.
LICHTER: I agree. Let's get on with it.
DARKLORDOLLI: Calm down. We're going in circles.
ZEALOUSLY: I firmly stand by my statement. I am the only person who can do this.
LICHTER: What's up with you today? Are you really that against me heading the writers?
ZEALOUSLY: I have my reasons. I need to become head of SC2. It needs to be me.
Instantly, the room became silent. Up till this point, Nazgul had not said a single word during the meeting. However, the minute he spoke, the whole room became aware of his presence once again. An infectious hush fell over everyone in the room as they watched Nazgul stand up from his seat and face Zealously.
NAZGUL: Why exactly do you need to become head of SC2 Zealously?
ZEALOUSLY: Umm... I... Because... Because of what I stated before. About how I am the only person who is capable of replacing Wax's position. I... I strongly believe this.
NAZGUL: Well that's great. I appreciate the confidence you are exuding. However, I don't agree with that. Is that clear?
ZEALOUSLY: (gulps) Uhh... Yes, sir. (sits down)
NAZGUL: Good. (turns to address the rest of the room) I want to thank you all for your comments, concern, and feedback. However, Plexa and I are standing by our decision. Rest assured that this decision was not made in a quick manner. We heavily considered all options before deciding that this was the appropriate one to take. I know that this is very sudden and that we all will need time to adapt. However, I have no doubt in my mind that each of you has what it takes to get through this. We are a family first and a team second, let us never forget that. With the dedication and determination that you have all showed endlessly, we can continue to be the strongest eSports organization there ever will be, I cannot thank you all enough for your tireless efforts and the time you have committed so far to help TL become what it is today. With that being said, the time for discussion is now over as we all need to get back to work. Thank you for coming today. That will be all.
With this, Nazgul turned to Plexa and gave another nod to indicate to Plexa that it was time to conclude the meeting.
PLEXA: (clears throat one last time) Well then, thank you everyone, meeting adjourned. Zealously, DLO, and lichter, please come by my office later today in about two hours and we will discuss the final details.
At this final comment by Plexa, all writers got up from their seats and proceeded out the doorway. Once the doors closed, Plexa gave out a sigh of relief and headed over to Nazgul.
PLEXA: Well... That didn't go as well as I expected it would.
NAZGUL: It was fine. We were already anticipating this kind of scenario where the news would not be taken in so easily. Considering how it all went down, I say that the meeting was a success.
PLEXA: I agree. It looks like they're all okay with this new system for now.
NAZGUL: They'll need time to adapt to it but that's normal. I was expecting a lot of passion and enthusiasm from the writers through today's meeting and I'm glad we got exactly just that. But...
NAZGUL: I've never seen Zealously become that aggressive before. You could tell he really needed to become the new head of SC2.
PLEXA: That took me by surprise as well. Has he always been like that?
NAZGUL: No. This was the first. I knew there were going to be questions and concerns, but that was completely unexpected. I'm concerned about what went down just now... (turns to Plexa) Keep a close eye on him. Something doesn't feel right. I don't know exactly what, but I have a feeling that we'll find out soon enough.
PLEXA: Understood.
Over on the other side of TL headquarters, Zealously, DLO, and lichter were walking back towards their offices after having just come out of the meeting. After hearing the news that they would become the new trio of leaders for the SC2 writers divison, each person was feeling a form of anxiety and excitement. A cheerful conversation was taking place as they climbed up a set of stairs.
DARKLORDOLLI: This is crazy. Who would have thought that the three of us would become the new leaders for the SC2 writers?
LICHTER: I know right? I'm still trying to take it all in. I'm really nervous and excited at the same time.
DARKLORDOLLI: It's going to feel weird at first. We were holding the same positions as all those other guys, and now we're going to be their bosses.
LICHTER: (laughs) They're probably going to grow to hate us. I've already got some major changes planning inside my head.
DARKLORDOLLI: (chuckles) Hey, watch it there. This isn't a dictatorship. You have to run by all your ideas with two other people first.
LICHTER: Yeah, yeah, whatever you say.
DARKLORDOLLI: I wonder what kind of experience we're going to be having now that-, hey, you okay Zeal? You don't look so good.
During the entirety of the conversation between DLO and lichter, Zealously had not said one word to either of them since they came out of the meeting. But at the mention of his name, Zealously perked his head up and faced his two new co-leaders. A look of frustration and worry were screaming from his expression.
ZEALOUSLY: Huh? What? Oh... Sorry... Yeah, I'm fine.
DARKLORDOLLI: Is something wrong? You haven't said a word since the meeting.
LICHTER: Everything alright? You were so passionate just a moment ago in the conference room. Now you look all worried and conflicted.
ZEALOUSLY: Uhhh... Yeah... I'm kind of feeling under the weather right now.... (stops abruptly) Listen, I'm sorry about this but I'll catch up with you guys later. I need to be somewhere right now.
DARKLORDOLLI: Oh really? Where do you have to be?
ZEALOUSLY: Just.. Don't worry about it... I have to go now. I'll see you guys later. (hurriedly starts walking away)
LICHTER: (calling after Zealously) You sure you're okay Zeal?
Zealously did not respond to lichter's call. He hurriedly sped off in the opposite direction and began to climb down the stairs they had just come up. Confused and bewildered by their friend's sudden actions, DLO and lichter just stared at one another, trying to process what had just happened.
DARKLORDOLLI: What's up with him today? He's acting so strange.
LICHTER: I know. He's not being himself at all. I was afraid he was going to pick a fight with me back there.
DARKLORDOLLI: Maybe we should go after him. Make sure he's alright.
LICHTER: Nah, I'm sure he'll tell us all about it when he feels like it. He's a big man, he can take care of himself. (continues to walk forward) Oh, that reminds me, DLO, can you do me a huge favor?
DARKLORDOLLI: A favor? What do you need?
LICHTER: Can you get me into section Elephant? I need to speak to ChapatiyaqPTSM but I don't have access to his office place since I'm located in section Horse.
DARKLORDOLLI: Oh, sure. I can do that for you. Why do you need to speak to CPTSM?
LICHTER: It's not really something I can tell you about. Just know that it's something important.
DARKLORDOLLI: Oh really? You can't even tell me what it's about?
LICHTER: Nope. It's classified.
DARKLORDOLLI: Hmm... Well, alright then. Stay here. I'm going to quickly run over to the break room since I left my key card there.
LICHTER: Gotcha. Thanks DLO.
After telling lichter to wait for him, DLO quickly began to run towards the break room. As he began to descend a different flight of stairs, he caught something out of the corner of his eye. Zealously was standing at ground level, hidden behind a group of horse statues. DLO wasn't sure exactly what was going on, but all he could tell was that Zealously was frantically talking to someone on the phone. Although this sight piqued his curiosity, DLO shrugged it off to the side and continued to head towards the break room.
S: A2? Why did you take so long to call?
A2: I apologize sir. The meeting ran longer than expected. I was then accompanied by two others the second I left the conference room. I only just now got a chance to call you.
S: I see. Well then tell me, how did the meeting go?
A2: I haven't got a lot of time so I will have to tell you this quickly. The meeting did not go as planned. I was not made the new head of SC2. Instead, Nazgul and Plexa have made me part of a trio leadership, and the three of us will lead the SC2 writers together.
S: What?! This is unacceptable! You told me you were going to become the new Editor in Chief!
A2: I understand that sir. I fought for my case as best as I could but it was of no use. Nazgul stands firm at his decision. There was nothing I could do.
S: Damn it... Well this throws a huge curve ball into our operation. I am not happy about this A2.
A2: Neither am I sir. But I was still given MiR status and I have received power and influence over the SC2 writers. I know this is not exactly what you were expecting but I still think I can make this work.
S: You better A2. I have been planning this operation for three years now. And if it goes to shit because of you, then you will have hell to pay for.
A2: ...I will make sure that does not happen sir. Please just give me another chance.
S: No more mistakes A2. Do you understand me?!
A2: Yes, sir. Phase two is proceeding right now as we speak. I will be heading to CPTSM's office very soon.
S: Do not make me regret recruiting you into this mission. You do not want to know what will happen to you if you mess this up.
A2: ... (gulps) Understood, sir. I will keep you apprised of phase two's progress as much as possible.
S: Fine. I'm hanging up now. Get going.
A2: Yes, sir... Thank you sir...
S slammed down his phone into his receiver so hard that all the contents of his desk started shaking. He then picked up his wine glass and furiously walked over to the portrait of him and Nazgul. With a fierce swing, he threw his glass and shattered it all over Nazgul's side. Pieces of glass were scattered about all over the walls and the ground and the wine started dripping down Nazgul's face as if it were blood. S then walked over the to window next to the portrait and stared down at the grounds with a menacing look on his face.
S: Don't screw this up lichter. I have no need for failures in my operation.
End of Chapter
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