So, I did it, 10k posts on TL. Something a fair few people have done and Shelbot with chide me as being a peasant, or will say, "bitch please," for only just having achieved. Other blogs on the matter, insofar as meaningless milestone blogs go, will attempt to name various users that have made my sticking with TL worth while, but I don't really see the need. If you know who I am, and are inclined to subject yourself to this my nth blog in those few years, you know why you're here.
I've mused on many things, most of them if not all subjectively, but TL has been just about the only place I continuously want to come back to online these days. This is as much a complex of people circa 25 not asking questions in the modern workplace about walls of text, as it is my enjoying your company so much over the course of the last few years.
I've gone a fair few years sharing bits of myself with TL, and more interested parties than your average TL Blog section have actually become as vested as one could expect in my bullshit, and for that I am appreciative. TL has been a constant in what has otherwise been a roller coaster ride of my early twenties. The advice has not always been sound, but the contact has been earnest, and for that I appreciate the role Team Liquid has played in my life. So as I type this, actually 9 or so posts away from 10,000 posts on TL, I can't separate from the idea that a community has so significantly impacted me as any other player in my life today.
To reflect my signature quote:
You think I wanna start making friends at my age? Christ, who would want me as their friend?
Team Liquid has been my staple in the sounding board that is your middle twenties; a period of time that you can't help but deal with your own bullshit. All I want to do is express my sentiments of appreciation for those who thought to be invested enough to give a rat's ass about my own melodrama.
The one thing I've learned about Team Liquid, is that you get out of it, what you put into it. Most people with 10k plus posts have fucked about in LRs to the point of general in-utility. The long and the short of it is that I have met nerds that far exceed my own capacity for compassion, and empathy vis a vis, this forum. To call any given one member for their own contribution to my mental ongoing would be entirely unfair.
I just want to say a big thank you to anyone and everyone who has paid attention to my drunk ass in the two years and change I've volunteered my opinion on TL. Some have contributed in earnest and for that I am appreciative.
Team Liquid, you have been a virtual home away from home, a place of honesty and general introspection these last few years.
I just want to say thank you to the countless, though likely sub 100, TL users who have put up with my bullshit either in post or blog. I won't name names for fear of leaving a well deserved individual out, but I will say thank you regardless.
An extra special thanks for the read this time TL.