Game 2
Game 3
Game 4
Game 5
Game 6
Current Results:
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GumBa The_Templar
GumBa The_Templar
GumBa The_Templar
GumBa The_Templar
GumBa The_Templar
GumBa The_Templar
GumBa The_Templar
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Both players are shocked that it's the same matchup as the roach game!
Why did GumBa even pick alterzim stronghold? >.>
GumBa opens fairly standard, but gets a late nexus considering it's a huge map of unbelievable size.
The_Templar gets a fast three bases and is playing standa- wait a second, that's a hidden base.
This is probably not going to be like last game...
GumBa starts chronoboosting phoenixes. The_Templar hates, hates phoenixes as zerg because he likes to keep his overlords all out of the way so he doesn't have to look at them. Because of phoenixes, The_Templar has to keep his overlords all next to his spore crawlers, which is very frustrating for him.
The_Templar's face when he realizes that's actually a real phoenix.
GumBa also goes for zealot pressure.
Good thing The_Templar made roaches!
Everyone collectively yawns.
Phoenixes are super annoying.
At this point, The_Templar is really frustrated because he hates going up against phoenixes, hates playing macro ZvP, and is really tired after 6 long and exhausting games. He decides that he will go all-in with his roaches and leave if he doesn't do damage.
Not shown: roaches dying to a photon overcharge in the main.
Suddenly, The_Templar becomes inspired and builds an infestation pit. What could he be planning? Might it be passion hosts?!?
I am intentionally showing you phoenixes dancing with ling/roach instead of the tech that The_Templar is making.
Hint: it's ultralisks.
That's right. The_Templar used a hidden base to ultralisk rush.
The_Templar unleashes his battle cry, "enjoy coca cola", and charges in with a 55 supply lead.
The ultralisks show us the dance of their people.
By the time the ultralisks get to the stalkers and colossi, all of them are dead.
GumBa tries a counterattack. Meanwhile, more ultralisks.
This engagement went surprisingly well for the ultralisks.
A few zerglings kill probes.
GumBa unleashes a ferocious counter-attack and manages to kill some queens as well as deny mining at the third base.
If only The_Templar could get a 4 base economy up… oh wait.
The_Templar made a plan to attack the main with ultralisks while running into the fourth again, in order to catch the army unaware.
Meanwhile, 10 spores in the third base of The_Templar.
However, ultralisks love to spontaneously dance.
Worse than dragoons.
Predictably, GumBa sent his entire army to the fourth, thinking The_Templar would assault it directly and had sent his zerglings too early, and by the time The_Templar managed to get one of the ultralisks to attack the gateway at the ramp, the army had already gotten back.
Meanwhile, GumBa's vision of the map.
Excellent scouting.
The_Templar uses some #TheTemplarMicro and attacks into a choke with ultralisks.
One of the ultralisks is shiny!
However, zerglings get into the fourth and kill some probes.
The_Templar continues to take completely random bases while morphing brood lords.
This game doesn't make sense either.
Both players get their armies ready for an engagement.
GumBa doesn't need positioning, because he has great storm micro.
That's right, he killed brood lords and roaches with storms.
GumBa goes for a counterattack and since The_Templar was stupid enough to go mass ultralisk, all of his units are finishing at different times.
6 ultralisks > 3 immortals
The_Templar runs a bunch of zerglings into archons by accident. His multitasking is clearly falling down again because he hasn't gotten any drones in his two newer bases. He doesn't even spread creep. His APM is really inefficient or something.
At least he's not on 0/0 upgrades this time.
GumBa loves bases.
Hydralisk den?!
The_Templar, the only man crazy enough to transition from ultralisks to brood lords to hydralisks.
The_Templar doesn't send enough zerglings to GumBa's base.
GumBa likes cannons so much I'm surprised he didn't cannon rush in all of the PvZs that have been played.
The_Templar runs all of his ultralisks into GumBa's army again.
"Fool! Your storms can not kill my ultralisks so easily."
The_Templar actually trades well with the ultralisks O.o.
Obviously it's because of the two brood lords in the back.
Brood lords run away from the last archon.
Those immortals are sad because there are no ultralisks left to kill.
Here's what GumBa sees right now.
Surely, at this point, he thinks something is happening.
GumBa goes for another attack.
Both players have really bad positioning.
Ultralisk hero!!
Since GumBa has a ridiculous number of archons, he breaks through the brood lords and zerglings. However, hydralisks are still doing damage at the back.
Hydralisks are good against archons.
Especially with two drone support.
The_Templar still has 3 brood lords alive against no anti-air, so GumBa sacrifices his entire army to kill as much as possible.
Back at home, GumBa starts adding void rays into the mix.
Think game 5.
The_Templar starts attacking one of GumBa's outer bases with zerglings while rebuilding at home.
…But zealot warp ins save the day.
The_Templar spent too much APM harassing GumBa's bases and now his army is really badly positioned when GumBa attacks again.
Panic zerglings run right past a zealot/archon meat grinder.
GumBa gets into the main and natural. The_Templar can't hold there.
Zerglings manage to kill GumBa's 7th, but that's unlikely to matter at this point.
And the game ended as it begun, with ultralisks dying horribly.
Both players played well this series, but the winner was the one with more patience. With more consistency. More protoss.
The_Templar showed some entertaining games in this series but it wasn't enough to win. If only he had microed his marines better in game 1. Or attacked with his locusts in game 2. Or played better in game 4, or positioned his army better in game 7. He might have won those games. He might not have.
However, GumBa might have made void rays instead of carriers in game 3. He could have made enough vikings in game 5, or just not gone mech. He could have played better in game 6. What could have been done is irrelevant when something different happens, except for those that love intricate layers of hypothetical situations.
In the end, GumBa turned out to be arbitrarily the better player, by an inch.
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