So, I am going to community college and one of my classes is online. It is a philosophy(logic) class, and it is required and online was the only option that would fit my schedule. I also have a required amount of credits that I have to take in order to get my GI bill from the military.
It is now 3 weeks into the class and no one in the class has any idea what is going on or what to do, we have accomplished nothing, there is no guidance. The teacher is rude, takes forever to reply to any emails, and seems to have NO CLUE WHAT HE IS DOING AT ALL.
I stumbled upon this little gem
seems to coincide directly with what I think of him
I have a goal of throughout my education of getting a 4.0, it is very important to me... I absolutely do not want to get screwed over by something outside of my control like a horrible professor.
I am going to talk to administration but what can I do if they won't let me into another class and are not helpful?
well if you can't transfer you'll have to buckle up and just do ten times the work for your grade
it sucks and it's unfair, but there's really nothing else to do about it, is there
On September 11 2014 06:40 Dandel Ion wrote: well if you can't transfer you'll have to buckle up and just do ten times the work for your grade
it sucks and it's unfair, but there's really nothing else to do about it, is there
I don't know thats why I am asking lol
what I am worried about is getting a B or C grade regardless of how much work I put into it (getting like a C on a test because the professor is a dick).
United States996 Posts
you're probably screwed. working way harder + sucking up is probably your best shot
If you're not too interested in the subject or don't care too much about the time issue, drop the class. Usually for financial aid you're only required to enroll in a certain number of credits, not complete them. If you drop soon enough it may not even show up on your transcript.
I've had a few professors with ratings in that range and what it usually came down to was first figuring out what the professor wanted me to do in the class and then to make sure I could do that well. That usually meant a lot of self study like reading the text book, doing problems at the end of the chapter, etc.
United States24579 Posts
Document every aspect of your course. Build a tremendous paper trail. It will double your workload in that class, though.
The more evidence you can produce, the harder it will be for the college to tell you to go away when you want to contest your grade, should the situation arise.
Micro is on point. Be as meticulous as time and effort allow in taking detailed notes of what's going down, and them throw the book at them if your grade ends up being not what you want.
United States24579 Posts
Of course how you take action at the end of the semester will be key.
Learn the art of office hours.
If your test questions are free response, then the grading can be highly subjective. Unless you're prof. is blind grading your exams, your name can influence his decision on your eventual GPA. I've actually had professors give me a bump or two in my final GPA simply because I went to office hours and talked to them about stuff and made them feel important. It's kinda like sucking the professor's intellectual dick, but you do what you got to do.
I don't get why he's still teaching. The ratings of him were horrible! Just out of curiosity have you brought this up with his superiors?? I think they'd be pretty interested to see how he runs his class. He should be dismissed or put on administrative leave and then replaced by a substitute if the administrators see how poorly he's running his class.
Show the online ratings and document your experience, then present it to the dean or something...I think that's what I would do.
edit: Oh I saw the end of your post where you're going to talk to administration . Well I fully agree with you then
do whatever you need to do to get an A.
If you don't want to get really into this, do what others were saying. Work 10x as hard to get the grade.
If you're ready to get waist-deep in this shit, then you can report him to the department chair or, if that isn't working, one of the deans at your school.
Overall though, I wouldn't recommend agonizing over that 4.0. It'll drive you nuts since any little thing can go wrong that isn't related to how much work you put into the course to screw your grade just a little bit. In the end, it really doesn't matter that much.
You should also try to find out specifically what he looks for when marking/grading a test or assignment. Some professors are very systematic about their practices and procedures for marking and if you can find out the kind of answers and work he personally looks for it could make all the difference. In addition, I'm sure you'll also have to simply spend more time studying and practicing for his class as well.
If most of your class agrees with you regarding the professor try writing a collective email to either him or the administration. I think that's your best bet to fix the situation by either getting another professor or making him realise he's being unreasonable/unprofessional.
Whelp, I am still collaborating with the rest of the class to see what they think. I am also trying to do my best to do the work he assigns (but he doesn't give us an actual way to do it...). I am also documenting all actions I take and the work I do for the class.
Thank you for all the suggestions! Might be making a followup post in 2-3 months :/