There once was the story, of the toilet-stall killer,
who suffocated his victims, with his noxious room-filler.
This man sought out 2 victims, with hearts open-wide,
and drowned them in terror, wrecked them inside.
His victims would plead. "How dare you," he'd say.
"How dare you make me jealous on Valentine's Day."
They'd cower in fear, as gas filled the rooms,
"God save us!" they cried, as they breathed in the fumes.
He showed them no mercy, he had none to spare.
The result was 3 casualties, including the air.
He breathed in his essence, and gave a loud exhale.
"You couldn't expect better from a Russian Mikhail."
He then left the room as he sent them to hell.
And the name of this man: [UoN]Sentinel.