DOTA 2 is one the few games that has really held my interest over a long period of time, joining the ranks of games such as SOCOM, Brood War, and Diablo II. However unlike SOCOM and Diablo II, and somewhat like Brood War, DOTA 2 can be a fantastic experience when it's going well, and a terrible disheartening mess when it's going poorly. I am not talking about the game itself, I am not talking about being paired with four people who all speak a non-English language and insist on all picking hard-carries - I am talking about the community.
I think the most irritating character you will run into while playing DOTA 2 is 'The Bro'. The Bro is the person who types, 'EZZZZZZ' when they kill your team, or who types 'get good fag' when they're winning and without provocation. The Bro is happy to tell you how badly you and your team sucked while they kill your ancient. The Bro has no time to wait if you pause for a minute with explanation. The Bro is common.
Oddly enough, typically The Bro has a microphone and loves to use it. The Bro loves to question your skill build, why you are building a force staff and not a mekansm, and lives for the moment where they can blame you for not saving them or not having the reaction time of a godly savant because for a split second a hero was vulnerable and you didn't instantly capitalize. The Bro is not fazed by their own misplays - The Bro cannot be reasoned with.
I have heard League of Legends is worse, and I have played HON and that game was bad as well, but I really feel like this 'it's cool to be a dick' attitude ruins the game in DOTA 2 - and if it's worse in other titles then that's sad as well.
I want to love DOTA 2 - when you play a game with friendly people, even if you lose, it's a great experience and it's one of the most satisfying experiences you can have on a PC with your pants on - but when it's bad, it's toxic, it makes me question why I continue to play. While I ponder that though I am going to queue up for another game.
Ignore and move on. I mean it's the internet, it's silly to think that a certain game only attracts certain types of people when assholes exist in anything involving anonymity. Even real life gasp.
Didn't know you played Dota 2 Salv. Let's play.
agree with you. It's a sad fact that games in which you interact with other players don't give you enough options to block "social" interaction these days.
Not enough muta, report, block, never play with that guy again options for grown up people who play those games because they enjoy them, not because they can't get laid and need to spend time otherwise.
If you can't deal with bad manners, you should question yourself if the gaming community is the right place for you.
Also, you know you can just mute/block/report anyone and won't have to deal with them anymore. It's not like you're forced to listen to them.
these games breed this kind of behavior from otherwise well-adjusted people. it's one of the reasons they are not designed terribly well. i'd find another game that's more enjoyable.
Well the very rare occasion where you mute/report somebody then next game have them on your team again is exquisitely frustrating.
Otherwise tho the solution is to simply queue with friends
The problem I find most is the type-a super serious gamer who thinks he is gods gift not only to dota, but to social interaction.
They get defensive so quickly, and have to win every argument. They take no fault of their own. It is extremely unfun to play with these type of people.
On October 04 2013 05:34 Jonoman92 wrote: Didn't know you played Dota 2 Salv. Let's play.
This is only a problem because Clan X17 migrated over to LoL and Dota2.
I've been playing solo queue pub dota more recently, and can attest to the frustration of being put with a bunch of randoms (or worse, a 3-4 stack that is terrible but will blame you for everything, because you're the scapegoat for their stack of terribleness). I've noticed the "bro" type, as you call them, but I honestly find them one of the easier types to ignore. Currently, my biggest pet peeves are what I call the "x chasers." They are usually brazilian, or possibly mexican (some kind of latin american, generally). They play dota to chase players around the map, no matter what. They don't give a shit about towers (yours or the enemies). They don't care about other objectives (roshan, ancients) or about farming (even if they are on hard carries). After about 5 minutes of a "laning phase," they will switch to x chase mode, which means any x on the minimap, and they are there. If you get 3-4 of these on a team, you have a pack of raving lunatics, that might actually win the game by accidentally playing 5 man dota. If you have 1-2, they quickly become feeders.
I tend to oscillate between three modes/philosophies when solo queue'ing in pub dota:
1. Pick what the team needs. This tends to be my most naive, or optimistic mode, that for some reason seems to believe that if I support, someone might actually carry. If I pick a carry, I might actually get support. There are enough games where this randomly happens, so that I think it might have some merit. It only takes a few games of brain-meltingly retarded teammates for me to get off this mode.
2. Always play a carry. I usually prefer a 2-3 (on the 5 scale) character when I'm in this mode. I tend to either end up mid (which I'm not a huge fan of, but I'll do) or solo farming jungle. I like bounty hunter and spirit breaker in this mode (keep ganking enemy carries/supports while I get rich, and maybe my team might actually do something). Hard carries tend to not get enough support, so I like the sort of "do it yourself" characters. TA or viper mid, or lifestealer or NP in the jungle also tend to do well here.
3. Nothing I do matters. This tends to happen after I've tried 1 or 2 for a while. Or when I've been drinking and don't give a shit. I almost always random here, or I pick whatever I feel like playing, regardless of team comp (usually bounty hunter or ogre magi). The idea here is that what I do actually has very minimal effect on the outcome of the game, so just do whatever I want and have fun, since I can't actually control winning or losing. It isn't uncommon for me to mute most of my team at the first sign of anything other than positive communication in this mode.
sometimes its in your best interest to preemptively mute douchey nerds before they manage to ruin the game for you, and just play the lovely game of dota
No option for disabling all chat in dota2? I did it in LoL cause people taunting me & vice versa kills the game for me.
I know how you feel Salv. I think I've been playing DotA at a high level since mid 2000 (2005/2006?) and the games where no matter how well you play result in a loss anyways can be very frustrating. So far I've found the presence of "the bro" to be the least on USEast. The quality of the games on West have completely pushed me off the server and now I only play on East. Over the years I've run into way too many players with this weird superiority complex on West. Even if they play like crap, they talk with a big ego and always blame everyone else. I've experienced it on East but its much less common, maybe try queuing only on East?
It's most people online isn't it? Still once you find a closer community, you get to ignore the shit :D
Yeaaaahp, I still think you're slightly mixing two different categories of people. There are the people offering constant overconfident and not necessarily correct critique. And then there are the flamers.
I played HoN as well, I haven't had enough experience with league to judge the game but I feel the people in HoN are outright angrier and are less often nice.
Honestly people are just dicks when they are losing, and when they are winning everyone is a bro. That is how multiplayer games go when they are team based. Rule #1: Everyone is at fault but you. I found myself enjoying Dota more as I started to play with friends and stuff. And now we just crush the other team because we actually communicate and coordinate its amazing how talking can up your game play lol.
I almost entirely play in groups of 4 or full stacks to avoid shit like that. I generally just want to mess around and have fun, normally leads to a lot of losing but the games are fantastic, I used to solo queue a lot but after finding enough people to play with at almost any given point in time I've started to enjoy dota2 a lot more. I've even started to type gl hf at the start of every game... old habits die hard I guess lol
Yeah, I try to queue ONLY when I have at least somebody else to play with, otherwise it can really really suck.