Losing in Challenger as a full-time player - Page 7
Blogs > Liquid`Snute |
United States12226 Posts
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Netherlands4691 Posts
I've had the biggest dream and desire of becoming a great pianist for years now. I feel like I don't have what it takes and it frustrates the hell out of me. I can practice a piece for 200 hours and still make stupid mistakes. I often too feel like it is a limitation of my brain. Is there any way around this problem? I wonder... I do not intend on ever giving up. A few days ago I actually told my teacher I set my ultimate goal to master Chopin's Ballade No. 1 before I die. So I will probably live to be over a 100 years old. ![]() If I do manage to master it - I haven't even bothered to try yet - I will set a new goal anyway. I have had the idea of being incapable of playing certain pieces before only to find out I could. Once you put your mind to it right, the sky is truly the limit! I hope you didn't completely neglect your piano skills. I have read many interviews about Flash back in his BW days. I remember him saying he didn't like to be called talented, because he works so incredibly hard to achieve his goals. He also said that to reach the top, being a star, you cannot be skilled at just one thing. | ||
JP Dayne
538 Posts
half the stuff in the "negative mindset" part, I'd put on a newly "reality" one it doesn't matter if you are not the best, dude as long as someone is paying you, there's no problem being mediocre I'm not in "sports" or "entertainment" tho, where the layman / fan opinion matters way more than your skills or technical knowledge if you care enough to try be one of the best, and you already know ffs that you can't, you've tried everything, you'll just be depressed in my country we have a saying, that's sorta like "stop punching the tip of the knife" try other stuff, and live a happy life | ||
United States953 Posts
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United States2779 Posts
This blog post was so well written, and to top it off you posted one of my new favorite tweets of all time. Whenever you get sad or frustrated, I hope you flash a look at that tweet, as I will, and embrace the spirit of the greatest champion this game has ever had. Those are, without a doubt, a true warrior's words. | ||
United States2027 Posts
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Australia1178 Posts
On August 28 2013 20:55 USvBleakill wrote: Maybe think of it for a different side: I dont want to argue about the exact numbers thats not the point, but you are: Top 10 in Europe Top 100 in the World Europe has 740 Million people The World has around 7.1 Billion people How many people can say "on a good day i am the best in what i am doing in fucking Europe"? People think they are good in their Job? You are in the Top100 of THE ENTIRE FRICKING PLANET in your Job. I think that is something you should really be proud of, maybe in 20 years from now you can tell your kids: There were more astronauts in space, more Super Bowl winners, more prime ministers of Norway than people that were better in Starcraft than me. holy shit this guy gets it | ||
1054 Posts
Fighting the overseer speed hehe x') Xeno is terran... I guess his body can't do it ;o (Xeno tvt is like always being bad and... after hellbat patch... hmm well...) | ||
United States8275 Posts
![]() I wish you all the luck in future tourneys, but you probably don't need any ![]() | ||
France10239 Posts
Snute you're probably one of the top 5 best foreigners out there, I'm sure that you could give both Naniwa and Scarlett a run for their money. You've got what it takes, you just needa go full JD. You can do it! | ||
United States1284 Posts
I'm surprised that good player(s) can really look at it like that. Sure there are a lot of people in the world, but how many actually play SC 2? Sure, millions have played SC but I've also played tether ball before: how many actually put in the time/games required to be "good"? Not that many people even give themselves a chance to be considered good. SC 2 is also not an easy game, so for those few that actually do give themselves a shot of being good, you probably do need some form of talent, or at least something that is different about you, in a unique way. In short, you end up not being overly impressed by say "being GM," and even if you are "talented," you realize that those ahead of you could very well be more talented/have a more rounded mind that isn't as 1 dimensional in its strength. And even if you accept it as some amazing feat and feel talented, how depressing is it to wonder "why did I spend so much time doing this? I guess I could have had success in another field, and not only would more people care, but I'd probably have more financial stability and it wouldn't be considered something you can only do for a "few years." I think, to some degree, players are a victim of time. In the US, if you played a major sport, as long as you're in the top 100-200 players, you will be making millions every year in salary and potentially even more in endorsements. In SC 2, it doesn't feel ok to just be able to say "I'm top 200 in the world." Whether a valid comment or not, I don't even know if that guarantees you can get some McDonald's via that. One must assume that very best at anything is an incredibly talented person. Given this burden of feeling like you have to win tournaments and be more of a "top 10 player in the world" than top 200 or w/e number, it is only natural to doubt how reasonable it is for any one person to be that good/talented. I mean, that's like winning the lottery. Those that buy a lottery ticket and feel as if they're going to win... we would call those delusional people or at least overly optimistic... It's a tough balance between being objective enough to recognize faults and to improve upon them in SC, meanwhile being confident enough in your abilities to keep putting in the time and perhaps be arrogant enough to think "you're the lotto winner." It is normal to need positive results to keep your confidence level up. The good news is, this isn't BW. No one is going to massively out macro you or w/e. One should be very thankful of that. It is definitely more of a strategy game. You seem very objective, which is needed, and as if you have high standards - also needed. A simple change in a build order can make a huge difference. Perhaps you simply need to spend more time making alterations and trying out different combinations. Since it isn't BW, it is more possible to lose to players you "shouldn't," but on the plus side, it gives more of us a chance to regularly compete with Koreans. Given your piano background, this probably is more of a negative change for you than others, since you probably already had the apm to compete with them. Anyways, great blog. Good luck. | ||
United Kingdom608 Posts
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United States12125 Posts
Germany35 Posts
There are basically to types of "great" players. Those who hit a local peak by finding a good strategy and executing it well like say parting with the immortal sentry all-in. And those like MvP who have great mechanics know lots of strategies and just do what they want. If you keep focussing on your playstyle too much trying to fit the game to your playstyle you will keep loosing. You are the one that has to bend, not the spoon;) You can do whatever you want outside of the normal build/timings/metagame you just have to do it within the boundaries of the game. Not the metagame or whatever forget that, just play what the game allows you to play. So as merchio said just putting in lots of hours isnt gonna cut it if the training you do during these hours is just blind repetition and metagame based analysis. Dont try to bend the spoon. Bend yourself. | ||
Sweden1277 Posts
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Croatia5281 Posts
I made some pretty good predictions about which players are really promising and which arent, even tho they got hyped at some point. I still feel pretty positive about you. You'll just have to emerge to a new ground in your head and become a dominant performer. Learn that role. Being the underdog is easy. I love this video, and I feel it's appropriate to post it once more: | ||
United States1 Post
Remember- it's okay to be depressed after letting yourself down, as long as it doesn't last forever and you can be happy again ![]() It's okay to be sad, angry, depressed. Don't invalidate your feelings- they make you a better man. But look to your true friends and fans and realize that you didn't really let them down. No matter how isolated and alone you feel about shouldering expectations, it's always a team effort - and no one's mad at you! Just the opposite - we admire your dedication and courage. To be able to put yourself out there and be vulnerable to failure takes a LOT of courage that 95% of the world doesn't have. It takes time to heal and become happy again, and admit to yourself that you are not a failure. But the harder it is the dig yourself out, the stronger you become when you finally do! I wish you the very best, and hope it doesn't take too long for you to be happy again - it sounds like you already are ![]() Thank you so much for sharing this. I like that you're human. Snute Fighting! | ||
United States2704 Posts
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Portugal17 Posts
I cannot put myself in your shoes, but what you describe I feel it´s the very essence of existing! Only those who fight, exist! A scientist, a sportsman, a academic, a musician... Whatever you do, if you do it with all your might, it will taste like that. The more you put in, the larger the hurdles, the more the obstacles. Only the very few reach the top but none goes unscarred!! Go back to the basics, recall what you enjoy in the game, make yourself the underdog, the challenger, the apprentice! Fight! In any case what I mean is get yourself together, because fans and friends will be here for you! No matter how many times you fall, we'll be here to lift you up! I see 10 or 20 players who were at the top and for some time and now are kinda down on results! WCS AM is not easy as some ppl say and missteps will happen! keep fighting with your heart and results will come! | ||
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