My flu unfortunately intercepted with Valentines Day. In my honest opinion, I feel pretty relieved that I had an 'excuse' for Valentines Day for being not gettin any love. The girl that I like was seeing someone else so I didn't really have high expectations Valentines day. Well, it was still Valentines Day. I decided to PM her on facebook a simple "happy valentines day".
The next day, I ran into my crush before one of her classes. I was almost towards the door when I heard my name being called in the distance and I turned around and ofc, I recognized her voice so I already knew who it would be. I noticed instantly that she got a LOT closer to me by invading my personal space bubble. This got me intrigued because she was kinda acting a bit different. Even though she didn't show it, I knew something was up. She asked if I had 10 minutes to kill before her class.
I didn't. I was in the middle of the day errands and I had a class in 10 minutes that I had to get ready for too. But I was contemplating in my head the consequences of not getting ready for the class and exactly how much I needed to prepare for the class. fuck it. Just as I was about to say alright, one of her friends came up and started talking to her about something that happened last night. I was confused for a minute until I started to listen more and get the context right. My crush broke up with her boyfriend. On Valentines Day. She was now single, but my opportunity to talk to her had disappeared because she had to go to class now.
Well...back to bed. Hopefully I will feel better tomorrow from the flu.