I'm casting in under an hour.
It's weird how just that feeling of "I get to cast something" gets my mood and makes it soar. To be fair, i'm also listening to some good music, which definitely helps. This blog entry was, for the record, brought to you by the combination of a large dose of excitement and the music of The Who.
It's also a fun thing to note that I'm not casting a tournament, and I'm not casting the regular Monday show that my clan does. This is just going to be a practice session. We're gonna get on mumble and chat and play some sc2, and both people who are playing will get a coach in their on private mumble channel, and we get to comment where they can't hear. That mostly has the effect that we can talk about their timings without telling them each others builds.
It's a nice little setup, and for some reason, it's a real kick for me.
It's that feeling of a lot of energy that starts somewhere behind my eyes and makes me want to type like a maniac. Or run down the street. I'm not sure. And I've had a really bad day too. It was long, difficult and involved multiple fire alarms being set off, mostly just because it was meant to piss me off.
But then I come home, and I log onto sc2, and start setting up my rig to cast, and suddenly the energy that's been missing all day comes back with a bang and I can't wait to get started. Hell, it's only 19:10, I'm ready and the cast isn't until 20:00 UK.
And I'm aware that it's not something that just rolls together, because you need to do prep for this sort of thing. But for some reason, it's not work. It's effort, and it takes time, but I think I may have found something that I truly love. Which is a weird and awesome thing to be able to say, regardless of what point in your life you say it.
I don't know how much of that is the game, how much of it is the people I game and how much of it is the fact that I get to speak incredibly quickly for several hours, or the fact that despite the face that I'm only a silver level scrub.... people want to listen to me.
But whatever it is, I'm going to throw everything I have into the cast and see what happens.
Apologies if this seems like a rather random post to stick on my blog, but I just couldn't not type it out....