With "fast" connection in the village i discovered Counter Strike : Source. I didn't know why but, if i played only in FFA mods, i was "addicted" to this ugly and difficult game. Normally when i faced a difficult game, i gived up. not here, the social dimension was wondeful. The ability to flame your prey, to insult the first good player of "cheater". What a revolution !
After one year to play simply for the fun i integrate my first real team because of a friend. I was something like 14. I stayed 2 years and a half, till the disband. I played and discussed with older players who becomed friends with time and, as a person, i grew a lot with my gaming experience.
After the release of SC2 i deceided with 3 "IRL" friends to switch. I was the only one to continue to play often, but not in a competitive mind. After a failed reband of my previous CSS team i joined a fun team on a mumble : the team Split. We were on January 2012. One year later, the team is gone. We lived an epic bootcamp, evenings and evenings to train and play some mods, and last but not least laugh and share.
Sc2 is THE competitive game. you always want to go higher on the ladder and to win more and more clanwar. We started to talk about practice discipline in a team of 25 friends. The end was obvious, more and more players were not motivated anymore to train on SC2 : they prefer to play more and more to LoL, Diablo 3 or to simply stop online games. The atmosphere of our community started to change, everybody hasn't the same objective. As a result i leaved, with 6 of the more important players of the team and i started to looking for another place. We talked and try many teams, after all we are diamond-master on the EU server, not so good but not so bad. We didn't find anything great and as a result, our good old Team Split is nearly dead.
Oh I didn't leave without trying to fight the general demotivation, I organised with one of our leader so many events, trainings... We tried during 3 monts and we were pissed off.
My general question is where : I cannot think about playing alone, but how can i manage my will of progression and a community with a friendly and motivated atmosphere ?
I'm now a master player and all i heared is "Our team want to become strong and become pro" or "Yeah we are competitive, we have some (inactive) masters and a lot of silver-gold players". Honestly i don't care ! I'm a student, i don't want to practice 6 hours a day ! I just want to become better and better with friends.
The fact is, I'm motivated for the next year at 101%, but how can i share my motivation or find a good team with true lovers of Starcraft 2.
Don't forget i'm a french guy, so my english sucks ! You can be my grammar corrector if you want !