However, as it turns out they were right and I was wrong.
On Monday I came in to work as normal and she was super friendly and flirty again, but this time I wasn't biting. I totally Liam Lynch'd her ass. YEAH WHATEVER. I didn't completely ignore her, or treat her badly, I just wasn't interested in flirting back. Because of course, as I saw it, she was only interested in friendship (ugh).
But then I started to notice that she was doing a lot of stuff that someone who wasn't interested wouldn't do. And slowly, over the last couple of days I began to entertain the fact that maybe she actually was honestly and truly just getting over someone, and she didn't want to rush into things with somebody new.
So I started flirting back again, and sharing my breaks with her again. And the feelings that I had recently convinced myself to abandon started surfacing again.
But still, there was the possibility that she was just a tease. Believe it or not guys, there are some girls who just like the attention. They like stringing guys along for their own amusement, and really could care less how that makes you feel.
So I was in complete agony for a couple of days. I really liked this girl. A lot. I was falling for her a lot harder than I have for any other girl. But at the back of my mind, was this friend statement she made just a short while ago. And then on top of that, if I made a move and she was actually just wanting to wait a little, then that would kill everything.
Finally yesterday, near the end of my shift I came to a conclusion. If I was falling this hard, I was going to have to clarify where things where going. Consequences be damned.
However, at the end of our shift she asks me if I can walk her out to her car. Once we get to her car, she offers me a lift to my car. Which is literally like 30 yards away. So we climb in and we both just started talking.
And talking.
We talked for about an hour in that car. Engine running, defrost blasting. And then we went to a Tim Horton's and we talked for another hour after that. And it was awesome. So very cool, very easy conversation. I'm a lucky guy.
One last thing. We were talking about music that we liked, and as it was winding down she blurts out, "but I love trance and techno stuff the most of all". And then she sort of turns her ahead away and starts blushing, obviously embarrassed by making that confession.
Now I have never in my life, EVER, met anyone who liked trance and techno as well. And so I was like, "ya I love that stuff too". But she just rolled her eyes, thinking that I was trying to make her feel better. But then I start mentioning DJ Tiesto and Paul Van Dyk, DJ Doboy, and ATB. And as I'm listing all of this stuff I listen to, she starts pulling burned CD's out from under her seat with all the same stuff. Unreal.
Sorry for the long post, I'm just on a really big high right now.