So one day I was searching for Sigur ros on google and I found out that they're coming to Malaysia!!! I've been listening to them for a few years, thanks to the intro by popzags.
As I was clicking around the webside of the festival organiser, I found out that they're organising a competition too. Winner will get to perform during the festival :D
Have a listen to my submission, hope you like it! :D
My worry is that I'm kinda tired and I think it shows...
Edit:Mod, please change title to "Entering a music competition!!"
Of course I do! They are a huge influence in this song :D Though I slap it differently and don't play the strokes like Gab in this song because of the damn hard steel strings
Oh ya and I realised that the intro is basically Diablo Rojo haha. Was a bit disappointing beacuse I didn't conciously copy it.
haha I watched that before. That guy has way more soul than me. Though I'd be a different person if I were to play to someone in front of me instead of a machine.
it's great that you didn't think it was similar :D
Actually this was the result of fumbling around with this crazy mf