So to get down to it, I have been given room to move around and I thought what better way to find out the stories the community are most interested in than to ask them myself and find out.
Things I've been thinking over:
- Stress of the industry
- I would take into account the casters/players being constantly under the scrutiny of the community and the stress of the growing competition
- Struggles of Gaming
- this is where I will go into the stress professional players go through when playing at high levels for relatively small prize pools with comparison to the player pool
- The difference between addiction and competition
- In hopes of deflating the growing tension between gamers and society I would take a deeper into why the line should not be drawn between maple story and competitive gaming.
- In hopes of deflating the growing tension between gamers and society I would take a deeper into why the line should not be drawn between maple story and competitive gaming.
Anyway those are just a few, I have some more but I was curious about what YOU want to see ^^ get back to me.