hi my name is nick im 18 just finished highscool so now i have a little more time for sc2... i play ever single race at top 8 master on na and have beaten gms with ever race however this is not about me playing...
i want to try casting, ive never done it befor or even thought about but all of a sudden i have the erge to to try it. If you also cast or are looking for a partner please respond to me only if you are very serious. If you respond we could practice cast a few games and see how it goes...
i have a copmuter with and i7 so i can do the streaming of the casts also if you have any tips for me or games you want casted please send them to me and ill see what i can do
United States10060 Posts
i cast too, but i cant do any duals or anything though i would like to.
tips: never stop talking. EVER. the commentary gets boring if you stop with awkward pauses or stuff. i mean if you need to take a breath and pause, thats fine. but you should always be commentating. if there's nothing to talk about, just talk about the background of the players or something to do like at the beginning of the games.
and dont just always say whats happening. thats not what a commentator is entirely there for. give analysis and what you think of the strategies and stuff. being top 8 masters with every race should give you a ton of analytical skills. because if you just say whats happening, it gets really boring.
GL HF with your casting!
tyty and just wondering why cant you do casting duos?
Hello, i'm 17 and i too just graduated high school, and i am interested in casting as well, i may not be as high a level player as you but i spend more time watching the game than i do playing. I desire to cast but i have no idea what sorts of programs i need in order to do it? can you help me out with that? and perhaps we could try and duo cast, that might be fun.
Calgary25964 Posts
Hi I'm 27 and I work full time (until 7pm EST). I used to cast more often but lately I haven't done much. I'd like to get back into casting shape. My Yeti microphone's USB cord broke so I will have to cast with my webcam's microphone. I usually use Skype, but I can also use Ventrilo, Teamspeak or Mumble. You can contact me via TL PM.