everybody pretends, everybody is pretentious about something. For example, you made this thread pretending you give a rat's ass about other people being pretentious, but you are really just bragging about your own so call honesty by calling others pretentious. You are no better, just another hypocrite like the rest of us.
do you really want to know "Why don't people tell the truth? Because people can't stand the truth. Why? Because fuck you, thats why. Or at least that is the best reason I can deduce."
Your deduction lacks imagination, oh wait you wanted burtal honesty, you suck at deduction. Here is one of the infinitely many theories to answer your question, of why don't ppl tell the truth: because the when the truth is irrelevant, it would be a waste of effort to even tell. an example: Take history for an example, Telling the students that USA is built on the biggest hypocrisy of all times, when a bunch of slaves owners wanted freedom from the British ppl will not matter a bit to them. It doesn't affect them a bit, they will forget about it in a week or two.
Now on the other hand, if you tell bunch of religious students that god is not real just like Santa is fake then boom kids tells parents and teacher gets fired. Which leads to another one of the infinitely many theories to answer your question of why people don't tell the truth: because a lot of people are delusional and will ruin your life or even kill you for what they don't want to hear.
How about it? have a go eh? think of another theory on "Why don't people tell the truth?" it is certainly not as simple as "Because people can't stand the truth" and "fuck you, that's why" you my friend is someone with lack of imagination in your deduction. (oh wait you wanted brutally honesty, let me rephrase that, anyone with half a brain would have thought of a better reason than "can't stand the truth.)
On April 04 2012 15:13 dongmydrum wrote:Show nested quote +On April 04 2012 13:02 dronebabo wrote: funnily enough i guessed op's age from his writing in the op alone lol... its funny how EVERYONE's exactly alike and yet they all think they are somehow different/special etc. and i admit that I am guilty of this too. you know why people don't tell the truth? because its convenient. no reason to stir things up if i don't care. and why should you care? Haha yeah, now I'm thinking that all my friends at high school were probably as "deep" as I thought I was, it seems like everyone goes through pretty similar stages.
@OP, as a few have said, look back on this post in a few years and you'll probably be surprised at how you think. Also, as others have pointed out, there's a difference between telling the truth and have social tact. If you're as smart as you claim (I always laugh when people classify themselves as smart underachievers, they think they deserve all the glory without the effort) you should be able to read basic social situations like when you're out at lunch or in the classroom.
this is a hell of a blog to write just because some "pretentious asshole" on reddit gave you a downvote. better grow a thick skin, life sucks then you die.
You're fat? We'll let you know about it. A lot. You look like a faggot in those glasses? Take them off. Failed a test? Haha, guess who we'll be buying mcdonalds from?
Wow, really?? Do you really think it's okay to do that?
That's not being honest, a straight shooter or any other positive term you might have for it. That's what society calls being a gigantic arsehole. You might be able to get away with it in high school but keep that up in the real world and you'll find yourself in trouble.
of course he doesn't do it to just any faggot in glasses/fat/failed a test, not if said faggot in glasses/fat/failed a test dudes can physically beat the shit out of him, he can only say it to ppl who he think won't do anything about it. In reality people will do whatever they want if he can get away with it. At school this is what we refer to as bulling, but of course he doesn't identify himself as a bully.
On April 04 2012 11:52 419 wrote: Only two things on TL are infinite, bad girl blogs and illusory superiority, and I'm not sure about the former.
Agreed. But everyone (including myself) was like this at 16. Can't blame em. All that "knowledge" but no power to do anything leads to a lot of posts like OP's thoughts. We all identify with Light Yagami!
Interesting is how I often use the points you raised, OP, to troll people in arguments over nonsensical crap.
The true smart ones are those who realized the same thing you did, but instead of becoming a self-righteous, hateful jerk, went on with their lives and put the effort into achieving something so that they could perhaps change the world once they got older.
And how do you know that the social groups you hate at school are being just as you described? People backstab all the time its a fact of life. And maybe they are telling each other the truth. Maybe they don't think those eyeglasses make someone look like a "faggot," or that the couple isn't cute. Ever consider that they genuinely believe that the couple looks cute together, that the glasses make their friends look nice? How do you know they are backstabbing each other?
Friend failed a test? You give them encouragement to do well on the next test so they will study harder and perhaps do better. That is what friends do. That is what genuine, happy, people do. It isn't pretentious. Being pretentious is thinking that acting like a jerk to everyone is the right thing to do because it leads to "truth" (which is a laughable concept if you realize how incredibly complex the very notion of truth is). Being pretentious is acting as if words have no meaning and throwing them around however you want because of what you read/saw on the internet.
Being pretentious is going about how you are a crusader for truth without fully understanding the nature of truth itself. Truth is something that's been debated for almost all of human history, since the dawn of civilization. And especially don't become an anti-social, hateful person because of it.
Ever wonder if you were wrong? Because if you haven't, then that makes you a hypocrite too.
I was going to post something encouraging and asking you to look on the bright side of things, but judging by your post, you value straight-talk over anything else so here you go.
Edit: typos.
Cognitive dissonance helps me get to sleep at night.
On April 04 2012 14:06 Demonhunter04 wrote:Show nested quote +On April 04 2012 10:54 Thaniri wrote:On April 04 2012 10:48 Zorkmid wrote:On April 04 2012 10:38 Thaniri wrote: As for classmates. There is one group in our school that my group of friends calls 'the happy group.' This group is full of the most pretentious people you'll have ever met. And no I don't mean a bunch of american celebrity personality types. I mean insane public showing of kindness. Failed a test 'oh you'll do better next time.' New glasses 'omg i love them so much.' 'Girlfriend/boyfriend couple is so cute!!!' Then when you turn your back they brutalize you. Is it that bad to just tell them to their face what you think?
Interesting read. People say and do things for other reasons than to put their true thoughts and intentions out in the open. It also may be worth considering that the people in "the happy group" are being dishonest when they are "brutalizing" each other. There's an aspect of peer pressure to talking behind people's backs. By the way, your teacher nailed you with just about the sickest burn ever, if I'm reading you correctly, you'd respect him/her for saying it. 5/5 Yep. I got pwned by that statement. I still don't like her, but I had a moment of insight into which I saw her critical thinking. She is smart. I hate her for other reasons, but I won't deny she's a very smart person and respectable. Her response was anecdotal and hardly a good argument, but since most people don't think too logically, it's a good burn lol. I would report the shit out of that teacher if she said that to me....
On April 04 2012 13:02 dronebabo wrote: funnily enough i guessed op's age from his writing in the op alone Haha, me too. The egocentrism is still strong in this one XD
Glad you admitted defeat OP. Hopefully it was honest.
The biggest problem you will face is that the people you choose to avoid now are exactly the people you'll be forced to deal with your entire life if you expect to be able to have a job to feed yourself.
There is no reason to be callous. It creates resentment. Expressing yourself, and what you believe to be the truth is crucial. You can do so honestly, and not at the expense of another's dignity. Don't censor yourself to get your way with people, but learn that all humans have an ego and that ego is a fragile thing. Recognize that humans are imperfect, treat them with love because you know what it is to be human, however different it may seem you are. Even if they are mean and nasty, treat them with kindness and acceptance, or they will never have an example.
I enjoyed "Summer" a great deal, I've never heard it before. Happy days! :D
On April 04 2012 11:43 Precipice wrote: Since you say you want people to speak their mind... and with the truth...
I think you're an arrogant and immature highschooler. Your line of thinking and criticism succeeds at not only capturing basic points that every adult on this planet knows, but it fails to understand how to interact with people in an effective and reasonable manner. Your logic is based around a capitalist/strife notion of victory as self justifying: the winner writes history and gets to make the rules. This logic is quite flawed. I hope one day you, above most other people, are mature enough to figure out why. As it stands focus on being humble, learning, and doing something better than trolling history classes just because you want to make some washed-up and worthless point.
Lastly, your opening paragraph pretty well captures how you're basically just a jackass kid. Not only do you discriminate, effective, based on sexuality (use of the term faggot), you also presuppose that you simply can say these things to people. I hate to tell you this, but not everyone on earth is in a position where they can be an asshole to others whenever they feel like it. All that you have done is demonstrate your own privilege. Further, at the exact moment you envision yourself as honest and everyone else as "fake" or "lying" you have constructed a personal identity of self, which, you clearly use to imagine a position for yourself in the world that is not accurate or correct. That is, when you proceed to correct everyone else for their biases and positions, you yourself have not yet managed to identify or get past your own.
This, a million times over! I would a written something similar to this myself, but I'm terrible at putting my thoughts down on "paper", so thanks : ]
Very deep read. But it's only high school. Do you really expect to have that much freedom of speech? (if any) But I feel ya, I was the crazy kid that asked questions and didn't except what was given to us. It will get better in collage. I promise.
such a "straight shooter"
Canada13379 Posts
Are you in high school? The reason you can't have a serious debate is because of the fact in high school students can be idiots and say inflammatory things for the sake of being inflammatory. So when you start a discussion like that (aboriginals example) the floodgates open.
Also, there are certain things you don't have a good understanding of to be starting debates like that. Playing devil's advocate involves expressing an opinion that has some basis in fact or eventuality that the other people can discuss. First off you need to make it clear you are being devil's advocate and secondly you need to actually know what you are talking about.
Aboriginal people in Canada are horribly treated, and their current situation as what can amount to an underclass in many areas of Canada is due to a history of oppression and colonial practices. So before you start saying that people only hear what they want to hear you need to learn more concretely about the way the world works and things in society so you can have those serious deep conversations.
You can't bring up religion with the one teacher because his religion is an important part of his ontological and epistemological self. Its like trying to tell a scientist that technically all science is not 100% objective. Most of them just don't get it.
You can discuss the topic of your own belief system but not belief systems in general with that teacher. Its a matter of finesse and you are too young to understand that fact.
On April 04 2012 14:14 airtown wrote:Show nested quote +On April 04 2012 10:38 Thaniri wrote: And yet, after typing this out. Given the choice I would still go to this school rather than a public school. Public schools ban religious and political conversation completely. This school seems to have at least some degree of allowance to converse about these more controversial topics. It seems odd that this would be the case in Canada (maybe a tad more liberal than the U.S., but overall similar culturally). At my high school there are four different teacher-sponsored political groups, and a couple (not school-sponsored) religious groups. In debate class we obviously talk a lot about politics and we just about talk endlessly about religion and politics in AP World History as well (although the teacher does not really advocate for any one position). Note that this is a public school. It seems odd because it's a total ass-pull.
I could write a long post telling you why you are wrong, but i'll keep it short:
Yes, people are inhonest to each other all the time. It's called peaceful cooperation.
Once you start to work (and not at McDonalds or such) you have to cooperate with a lot of different personalities, some of them you might like, some of them you won't. Where i work, half of the other programmers are flat out incompetent, my boss is stuck in the 1980's, some of the (company internal) users of the system i have to maintain forget stuff i told them a week ago... every week. Oh, and one of my colleagues is someone where my desire to punch him in his face rises every time he opens his mouth. My company is nothing special at that, every company looks similar to this. How long do you think someone with your (blatantly hostile) attitude will last?
If everyone was honest all the time, society would have crumbled a few thousand years ago. You have to learn to ignore flaws and accept opinions - no matter how wrong - of others or you will run into walls whereever you go.
Telling the truth is good, telling others they are wrong/stupid/ugly unneccessarily is bad.
If someone doesn't ask you how he looks, why tell him he is ugly? If someone doesn't ask you for your opinion, why force him to listen to it?
TL;DR: Learning the "Smile and nod" will bring you a lot further in life.
PS: Defending an opinion that you know is stupid (like "conquered people should be happy about that") makes you a troll, not someone who can see other perspectives. PPS: Marketing is a whole different thing. You won't ever get honest marketing. The calories written on stuff are also marketing.
On April 04 2012 14:16 SpiritoftheTunA wrote:Show nested quote +On April 04 2012 14:14 airtown wrote:On April 04 2012 10:38 Thaniri wrote: And yet, after typing this out. Given the choice I would still go to this school rather than a public school. Public schools ban religious and political conversation completely. This school seems to have at least some degree of allowance to converse about these more controversial topics. It seems odd that this would be the case in Canada (maybe a tad more liberal than the U.S., but overall similar culturally). At my high school there are four different teacher-sponsored political groups, and a couple (not school-sponsored) religious groups. In debate class we obviously talk a lot about politics and we just about talk endlessly about religion and politics in AP World History as well (although the teacher does not really advocate for any one position). Note that this is a public school. state? state matters a lot when talking about an american public schooling experience...