updateAlso, I am going to get a haircut at some local place. Argued with mom, until she was like "LOL, spend $100 on haircut, I don't care. you're wasting anything past 10 bucks" Yay.
OK, so yeah. I was on IRC. People said it would be funny if I did a full out girl blog. So yeah, I'm going to attempt to meet this demand, with a 100% girl blog.
Couple notes on my experiences in the past
8th grade: talk to girl, she's nice and all. Girl tells my mom that "I"m taking it too fast" and then moves. Without saying anything to me. Even though its intirely irrelevant, I sorta got traumatized lol.
10th grade: Friend sort of tries to set me up with girl, I ask her to dance, she says "lol, I'm going with friends" So yeah. Sorta sucked. Now we're good friends, but it sort of sucked as well...
11th grade: nothing happened, because i didn't want to was a wimp.
This year I plan on going to senior ball. Depressing thing is a lot of my academically focused friends aren't, but whatever, I'll fit in for once. I just need to find somebody to ask to not be awkward, and to have a good time, whatnot. I've been thinking about it a bit, and it's sorta awkward. I really only know people in AP classes, as do all the people I know, who are in AP classes. Which significantly narrows my options. Of that maybe half are in a relationship, an eighth are really good friends with me. So that narrows options.
So yeah, I've been thinking about it. A couple months ago was takling about how I should ask this girl out. She is the subject lol.
Anyways, she is pretty nice, smart, whatnot. On the other hand, she is very attractive, and actually sorta flirty. But funny thing is she hasn't really been in a relationship, and keeps on talking about how there is no ideal man blahblahblah, I don't want to get married. Furthermore, she's talked to me a lot about personal stuff, which would lead me to think that we're more friends than anything else?
This weekend I went to a model UN conference with her. We talked a lot, got to know each other mroe. But the really funny thing about it is I feel like she just wants to be friends. But I'm not sure if that's accurate. In one sense, she's trusting me with a lot of information. In another, I may be reading too much into it.
Maybe I should just ask her and not worry ;;
Pitcairn19291 Posts
Man up.
If that shit don't work out, plenty of girls in college. Don't fret it son.
Oh yeah, just because you ask someone out to a ball doesn't mean you have to commit to a real relationship.
Yep, if she's talking to you about personal stuff that means that you're just friends to her. However, if she's not going to with anyone, doesn't hurt to ask. If she's attractive, other girls are going to notice and that will enhance your chances with them.
Go for it, yo. "Man up" Fo' reals. What's the worst that can happen?
Edit: lol, just made me think of my senior ball.... night was crazy.
Don't put her on a pedestal.
Just ask her. The worst case that happens is that she says no. Then what? Cool, now you know. You don't have to worry about it any more and continue with your time as normal. Nothing changes.
On February 06 2012 16:47 Roffles wrote: Man up.
If that shit don't work out, plenty of girls in college. Don't fret it son.
Oh yeah, just because you ask someone out to a ball doesn't mean you have to commit to a real relationship. ^that.
Just ask her out and be straightforward. Don't be afraid of rejection because it's refraining you from moving forward.
You're already doomed to fail. If you think she wants to be friends, that's 100% true. Gut intuition is usually the most accurate when it comes to failure.
Seeing as how you have no chance, you might as well improve your chance with future girls by experiencing rejection now.
On February 06 2012 16:53 husniack wrote: You're already doomed to fail. If you think she wants to be friends, that's 100% true. Gut intuition is usually the most accurate when it comes to failure.
Seeing as how you have no chance, you might as well improve your chance with future girls by experiencing rejection now.
What an odd and seemingly off advice. It just might work.
It's not uncommon to just go as friends to a ball as well :/ and even if you get rejected so what? It's senior ball so anyone that would make fun of you isn't going to have much time to do it anyways. But honestly, the most important thing is always confidence, girls usually want the guy that can take charge and so they like that guy who has the balls to do something.
Just ask to the dance, as said above that doesn't mean your like dating or anything.
But yea the sharing of personal stuff/confiding in is generally the point where its become a friendship but its not the "friend zone hell" that a lot of people say it is, Friends can develop deeper affections for each other but its always the "well if I make a move that it will ruin the friendship!" so no one does anything but pussyfoot around.
Baltimore, USA22247 Posts
Meh, it's just highschool. Once you get out into the real world you'll realize that 99.9% of HS doesn't mean shit for shit.
man up , chances are you already have been friendzoned but just go and ask her anyway. If she goes by the "friend" excuse you can always pretend that you asked her as a friend ( asuming u want to be friends with her ). =/
From the tone of this blog, it seems to me that you're not seeking a committed relationship. If that's the case, why fret? For my senior ball, I asked a girl that I was merely friends with, and we mutually agreed that it would be a between friends sort of thing. After that, that was that, lol. We had a great time and we're still just friends and we don't think anything of it.
From your description of this girl, the last thing she seems to want is a relationship, so just tell her that you want to take her to the senior ball as friends, and that she seemed the only girl cool enough to you that you wanted to ask her to chill for the night, maybe go to a party afterwards. Basically you're creating a no pressure situation for yourself. Easy, enjoy your senior ball!
On February 06 2012 17:07 EvilTeletubby wrote:Meh, it's just highschool. Once you get out into the real world you'll realize that 99.9% of HS doesn't mean shit for shit.
Also this , highschool really means shit most of the time. Highly doubtful you'll have any valid life exp comming out of it ;/ Just dont be a pussy and miss oppurtinities , thats my advice
On February 06 2012 17:07 EvilTeletubby wrote:Meh, it's just highschool. Once you get out into the real world you'll realize that 99.9% of HS doesn't mean shit for shit.
Agreed. I didn't even go to my grad, saved $500 thank you that paid for a new PC and nobody gives a shit about highschool.
I don't know about your own preferences, but I just took a platonic friend to senior ball. Nice pictures, some dancing, nbd. College is the best time for girl stuffs. Don't fret.
Best of luck but I just want to say THANK GOD I'm not 18 yrs old anymore and dealing with that dating scene. Jesus Christ. High school girl talking about marriage as if she has a clue LOL.
It's highschool... It doesn't mean a fucking thing, so just go for it.
Seriously, you will hit university and chances are nobody will know shit about your past, so worrying about outcomes is completely pointless. Try to get as much experience as you can (and want), man.
United Arab Emirates5090 Posts
omg high school... to be in high school again and hormone levels soaring and all that shit
Just go for the kill. Then you'll understand it's not such a big deal to be rejected. If she doesn't like you then it really doesn't matter what you do.
When you get rejected, just shrug it off. Just smile, look her in the eyes and give her a small nod. Then walk away make her think about if she just fucked up big time. Then do what ever the fuck you were going to do anyway. She sounds like one of those girls that think she's hot shit and so much more mature than everyone else and wants to date guys 10 years older than her. Just let her go and drown in her own delusions.
No offence, sounds like you're in friendzone. You can still give it a shot though.