im trying to get good at osu, not only does it help with starcraft mouse accuracy, but its super fun

If you want to reccomend a somewhat hard insane osu map or even a hard one thats harder then this one i would love you to. Im trying to get better gradually so anything would be appreciated xD
and the song i beat was nishino kana beloved osu insane i only got a c on it though :|.
also if you could reccomend some awesome techno beatmaps it would be much appreciated
this is the song fyi its kind of unmanly but thats ok because i am manly

YEAHHH got another one to add to my insane difficulty beat list and it is Spec Dake Tsukaikitta Gamesoft no You Desuu , youtube video has a different skin then regular , i did it on regular skin

two down a thousand to go xD also i got a c on it also :|