On November 07 2011 06:37 Falling wrote:I know some people see this as a brag thread, but it actually put me in mind of an old Day9 podcast... before he started doing video casts. Why You Should Play Against Worse Players The main reason is trying news styles of play against not so good players. If you only play against better players, new styles will get crushed before you find its actual use by perfecting them. Originally found: Day[9] Podcasts
Yeah, this is exactly why I haven't played by build orders now that I fell to diamond during the summer.( was afk for 4 months) I think my play is now on the level of getting back to masters and it has been really fun. I've been just winging my builds or gone by some crazy idea, then if it didn't take me anywhere I tried to fight my way out by outmacroing or microing. Got good training and maybe a few unique timing pushes.
Post a link to your sc2ranks profile. That would end alot of the shittalking.
I'm surprised people are so sensitive about this post. I'm not even in Diamond yet and I don't take it offensively, a player who obviously should be in a higher league is trying to get back to it (not even staying low to bash easier opponents but *trying* to win!) and is trying various things out.
Sure he comes off a little happy with himself, but it does sound like he's having fun and winning always makes people feel good about themselves.
Stop taking things so seriously guys.
Shit talking diamond players while on US server? Your mid masters = diamond in EU and probably lower in KR so yeah, your not as omgwtf awesome as you think you are xD.
On November 07 2011 06:27 Belial88 wrote:There's plenty of half decent diamonds. I guess there's just of lot of variety in skill in diamond. Show nested quote +trouble with protoss? try stephanos build...While watching stream i see him go 3 base then lair constantly building queens. Gets a +1 range and pushes creep to their base. when roach speed and +1 finihses, he goes with like 15-20 roaches with like 9 queens and just pushes their base You only go 3 base when protoss FFE, and I do do that. I don't like stephano's roach/hydra/corruptor play, and besides his (impressive) few, and recent, tournament results, I haven't been impressed by his play particularly. Just another roach/hydra/corruptor player. He does well because he goes fast third and how he expands is very good, but I don't like his strategy/unit choices. Maybe you'll have to give a replay of what you are talking about, I haven't heard of that specifically, of +1 roach/9queen push... Your missing the point of the blog, and it's my blog. It's what I feel atm, it's where I am. If you don't like me/my blog, cool. I'll be sure to take your feelings into account next time. I just lost a game to protoss who did a ramp block on me. So you know, there's stuff like that.
No wonder Stephano does not impress you! Where is his blog about winning matches in diamond?
I used to say that about myself. I was beating masters players left right and centre on Ladder, but then when I got promoted ot masters, and actually played mid/high masters I realized I'm not actually all that good. I think the same is with you. If you're holding 6 pools at masters level with hatch first, especially with all drones pulled, your control must be THE best in the world. Give me the replays, I must learn!
I was 1k+ masters. Not low masters. I'm not masters because someone tanked my MMR, I haven't played in a while, and I'm doing wonky stuff at the moment. I'm pretty much up to speed now and a better player, so I've been holding an extremely high win rate now, facing masters, etc.
You don't have to have THE best control to hold a 6 pool with hatch first. You just a-move your drones and then lings pop, and you clean up. If he pulled every drone, you'll make out (with an a-move that is) with either 2 drones or a few lings. If you actually do bronze level control, you'll do even better.
Although i do have to say, quite a bit of the pros do some wonky stuff during tournaments that you would probably refer to as "bad builds". Do whatever you can to win
No they don't. They may do something wonky like nydus or mass queens, but they aren't doing a really bad build opening like 10 pool into macro against hatch first in zvz or a 10 pool but not pulling drones against hatch first or getting banes, or some weird 3 rax reactor hellion (not an all in, at least not fast) or 3 gate stargate without being all-in.
Your mid masters = diamond in EU and probably lower in KR so yeah, your not as omgwtf awesome as you think you are xD.
Oh god no, I'm quite aware i'm pretty bad. I never claimed to be good at all, but I *thought* that diamond was about not getting supply blocked and constantly making workers, and having some modicum of a build order (maybe they get blocked at 30 supply, but they at least go reactor hellion, etc). I think that masters NA means that you have a build order, don't get supply blocked, and make workers. Obviously, even pros get supply blocked at times, but it's more the rare than the norm.
But me being masters NA = diamond EU = plat KR, sure, I wouldn't argue. I don't play on those servers. I'm not saying I'm good at all. Never did. I just, you know, don't make a gateway then forge on 1 base, or don't make seige tanks, or make hydras.
No wonder Stephano does not impress you! Where is his blog about winning matches in diamond?
Sorry, don't get me wrong. I watch a lot of his play, he's quite good. What I meant is that his play isn't particularly unique, imo, he just plays extremely solid macro that is.... not sure how to put this... he plays a certain fast third vs FFE style that's recently become very popular, and he does it well. Aftewards his play is very generic, and I don't agree with roach/hydra/corruptor (in zvp). I would rather look to DRG/Idra/standard recent ZvT style and nestea/idra for zvz.
Not at all saying I'm good. I'm just posting a blog of a 1k pt masters commenting on his observations after being put in diamond league, and what i've been doing having been placed here.
btw here's my sc2ranks http://sc2ranks.com/us/1584798/Belial
It REALLY doesn't matter. I'm not a good player at all, I just avoid supply blocks and have the basics of how to play the match-ups down. I make drones, I avoid supply blocks, I get diamond NA. Then I have a little better play here and there, and that puts me masters level. Big difference between high diamond and masters is not making more than 65 drones (for zerg), not hatch firsting in zvz, and not taking a fast third in zvp vs ffe, that's really it. You can just see my ranking got tanked the day of blizzcon oct 22.
Looks like from sc2ranks you're losing just as much as you're winning.
Those damn kids tanked my mmr! Best absolvere of the day.
On November 07 2011 08:07 Zorkmid wrote: Looks like from sc2ranks you're losing just as much as you're winning. pwned.
Don't let the haters get to you belial! I've done the same thing and it's always absolutely comical to see how bad NA diamond and low masters is. You should try some funny shit like mass queen into ultra or something with transfuse spam xD
On November 07 2011 08:07 Zorkmid wrote: Looks like from sc2ranks you're losing just as much as you're winning. Well, I guess that wraps up this thread.
Wait, you're bashing about diamond players, when you are in fact in diamond? o.0
Is this a fail brag blog or what
Holy fucking shit I'll bet this guy plays StarCraft 2 with sunglasses on.
<- omg just fuckin' look at him. What a baller.
LOL ye I'm pretty sure 198 points with 64 wins means quite a lot of losses to those "incompetent" diamond baddies, as you put it.
On November 07 2011 09:15 Bibbit wrote: LOL ye I'm pretty sure 198 points with 64 wins means quite a lot of losses to those "incompetent" diamond baddies, as you put it.
Dancing lings fo sho!
Looks like from sc2ranks you're losing just as much as you're winning.
Yea I explained that in my op... I've been doing some wildly different strats (no roaches in zvz, roach timings in tvz, more banes in zvp, etc). And I'm not losing as much as winning either.
Those damn kids tanked my mmr! Best absolvere of the day.
if you look at the sc2 ranks page, you'l see it's more than just a bad day on october 22nd.
Don't let the haters get to you belial! I've done the same thing and it's always absolutely comical to see how bad NA diamond and low masters is. You should try some funny shit like mass queen into ultra or something with transfuse spam xD
I think most people are missing the point of the post. Masters hardly means good, but apparently they think I'm bragging when I say I'm mid-masters.
On November 07 2011 11:13 Belial88 wrote:Yea I explained that in my op... I've been doing some wildly different strats (no roaches in zvz, roach timings in tvz, more banes in zvp, etc). And I'm not losing as much as winning either.
You're 10-13 in last 25. Share some replays of those crazy shenanigans you've been doing!
i'll bet your win rate is extremely high. you can't see your win/loss ratio.
I don't have too much to add, except to critique your bashing of gateway forge off of one base (to start at least)....its my new favorite build in PvZ. Here is the liquipedia link.
Maybe it isn't the build that you were referring to, but in that case you should be more specific.