14/14 bane can be a lot of pressure, but you shouldn't die to it (you will if you crucially are late on your first overlord, something i did a few times when getting back into things, yesterday i lost to it on my first game in the morning because i totally forgot the overlord). You should be getting a baneling nest before speed against 14/14, whereas 14/14 will get speed first, so you will have banes earlier.
10 pool 8 drone all-in (nestea's anti hatch first build) and 10 pool bane (check does this) will autowin against hatch first (im afraid even a platinum doing it will autowin), but if someone does a 10 pool without pulling drones or getting banes, you will just end up even (or very much ahead due to faster hatch, but they should be expanding and forcing you to waste even more econ by at least following up with speed or banes). Although I don't know why you wouldn't pull 8 drones or get banes if you scouted hatch first when you went 10 pool though, but I guess a lot of people just don't know that, even those above diamond.
If it's 11 pool though, you'll win, especially overlord first into 11pool, like overpool builds.
You should try 14/14 instead of 14/13. 14/14 is better than any earlier pool (including 14/13) and safe against it, and both are too late against any hatch firsts. I actually think that something like 16g/17p would be a better build than 14/14, because you'll still beat earlier pools, you'll beat 14/14, and you won't be as far behind against hatch first, but of course that's just theorycraft. I don't understand why the convention is 14/14 though, I think you can get away with something like 15/15 and you'll still laugh off earlier pools.
I think not making roaches in ZvZ is the 'correct' way to play, but being where I was, I was having actually a lot of games where I was 4+ bases in a ZvZ, containing my zerg opponent, and knowing full well he was going roach/infestor or roach/hydra/infestor, and then he'd push at the 20 minute mark and I'd die. Some of the times I even had ultra tech, but I would never have ultras assembled, i would just die with 2-3 ultras in my army and about 8 more just coming in one by one as he killed off my bases. I learned that while roach/hydra gets owned by muta/ling (you just get speedbanes to counter hydras, and get more mutas), roach/infestor is a totally different story.
It's like, okay, I see hydras, I respond with speed banes. Then they get infestors and it's like WHOA total change, you have to drop what you are doing and just respond with a bigger roach/infestor army. Now if they go Roach/hydra/infestor on 3 base, then sure, you go ultralisks. But if they go roach with infestors on 2 base because you contained them, no amount of ling/bane/muta will kill it, you just have to go roach/infestor.
So I learned that while you always go mutas, if the opponent is stuck on 2 bases and is dumb enough to be going roach/infestor with no spire opener, you just get your own roach/infestor and beat them with a huge macro lead, since if the other player doesn't open spire in ZvZ it's basically an autowin. I think that the proper response if they go roach/hydra is to get speedbanes, but you have to scout a lot to make sure no infestors are coming. Which is fine, you know, I just wasn't sure what to do against roach/hydra/infestor, and now I know.
I also used to think, recently, that whoever went spire first wins, and now I know that whoever goes spire later, actually usually wins, because they will get more mutas. The thing is, is if the opponent goes faster spire than you, you have to get spores to defend and maybe even speed overlords so you dont getblocked. But, if you can survive long enough, with your huge macro lead you'll pop 2x as many mutas, and then push him back. You just can't die in the process. That was something I had to learn, because a short while I was going like 30 supply mutas on 2 base, popping 6 of them, and not doing any damage and then getting overrun by their mutas.
I'm sure you'll get masters soon enough in NA (if you want it). I think I've learned what I needed to know and am just winning all my games, no more silly stuff and no more forgetting my bo's lol.