![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/sqvzt.jpg)
Friday Night Retro Rumbles proudly presents
In association with clan Terror Australis
The Australian National Super Mario World Championships!
![[image loading]](http://www.joystickdivision.com/SuperMarioWorld.jpg)
Tonight, kicking off at 9pm AEST (30 minutes from this blog post going up!), four of Australia’s best gamers will be competing in this years official Super Mario World Drinking Race on SNES emulators! It will be kicking off at 9pm AEST, and if the DKC Championships are anything to go by, it’s shaping up to be one hell of an event for spectator and players alike.
Last week’s race summary:
+ Show Spoiler +
(Original thread: http://www.sc2sea.com/showthread.php?t=2243 )
Official Placings:
1st - Bigman Krunch: Came in as the underdog, but his previous DKC plays have paid off. Definitely deserving of first place, his game knowledge was superb. Had no real trouble with the game, and led the whole way through. Congratulations to Krunch!
2nd- Tie!! A huge comeback by Cosmic was on the cards as he flew through the final levels after struggling hard to come to grips with the alcohol content of Wild Turkey early on. Pinder the strategist that he is, tailed slightly behind Krunch, learning and mimicking what he saw through Krunch's stream. However this was of no help as he struggled for hours at a particular level, while Cosmic slugged away from behind to edge even closer. Pinder and Cosmic duked it out right at the very end as Krunch clocked the game to try and see who could take 2nd place on their last life, but it was not to be. Strong effort from both!
4th- EdgE: Being the battler that he is, EdgE came into this with no idea what to do. Coming to terms with his poor performance, he began to alternate between Goldeneye007 and various adult media sites to calm himself. While Krunch conquered the game, EdgE was finishing the 2nd world. Great showing by EdgE, but better luck in the next event!
Once again a big thankyou to all who tuned in and spent their friday night with us! Also a shoutout to Nirvana who got my stream up and listed on SC2SEA.
It was definately a fun filled night for the boys, albeit extremely rage-inducing, but at the end, it was all a great laugh.
Official Placings:
1st - Bigman Krunch: Came in as the underdog, but his previous DKC plays have paid off. Definitely deserving of first place, his game knowledge was superb. Had no real trouble with the game, and led the whole way through. Congratulations to Krunch!
2nd- Tie!! A huge comeback by Cosmic was on the cards as he flew through the final levels after struggling hard to come to grips with the alcohol content of Wild Turkey early on. Pinder the strategist that he is, tailed slightly behind Krunch, learning and mimicking what he saw through Krunch's stream. However this was of no help as he struggled for hours at a particular level, while Cosmic slugged away from behind to edge even closer. Pinder and Cosmic duked it out right at the very end as Krunch clocked the game to try and see who could take 2nd place on their last life, but it was not to be. Strong effort from both!
4th- EdgE: Being the battler that he is, EdgE came into this with no idea what to do. Coming to terms with his poor performance, he began to alternate between Goldeneye007 and various adult media sites to calm himself. While Krunch conquered the game, EdgE was finishing the 2nd world. Great showing by EdgE, but better luck in the next event!
Once again a big thankyou to all who tuned in and spent their friday night with us! Also a shoutout to Nirvana who got my stream up and listed on SC2SEA.
It was definately a fun filled night for the boys, albeit extremely rage-inducing, but at the end, it was all a great laugh.
The Rules:
- The race will last 4 hours from the start time, at this point if no player has completed Super Mario World, placings will be based on how far we have progressed through the game
- All players must be in teamspeak for the duration of the race
- Use of the 'save state' function, or any emulator function that you would not be able to do in a snes is considered cheating (this includes use of the tilde (~) key
- A player is not to enter star world at any time. Doing so will make you forfeit the race (any other alternate paths however are allowed)
- Use of the 'top secret area' where you get free lives and free mushrooms/feathers/fire flowers is banned
- After completing a level, you must not re-enter the level to gain easy lives. Re-entering the level to get to an alternate exit however is allowed
- Use of the cape to fly is banned, accidental slip ups are okay but obviously flying over levels (especially hard parts) is not
- Whenever a player passes a level, the player must drink
- If that player is the first player to pass that level, he must drink again
- Whenever a player passes a castle or haunted house, all players must drink (Person in first drinks twice, if two players are both on the same level, regardless of progress through the level, they're considered equal first)
- If a player loses all his lives and ‘game overs’, he must finish the rest of his drink
- If you manage to score 300,000 points, you must finish your drink (and 600,000, 900,000, etc. This is to stop gosu's from not having too drink due to never game overing)
- If you run out of drinks before the end of the race, you are disqualified
The Competitors:
Cameron 'TAEdgE' Murrin
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/PKu4p.png)
" Get the **** out of the game ****"
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/PKu4p.png)
" Get the **** out of the game ****"
Whilst Cam was coming in at long odds last week, no one expected his performance to be quite the way it was. Whilst he started out surprisingly strong, even ahead of favourite Cosmic at points, his progress rapidly waned and he performed multiple game overs in the first hour, resulting in him finishing most of his goonbag incredibly quickly, causing a decrease in coordination and attention span alike. This caused him to spiral down and for over half the night to cam’s cam could be seen dying to the first guard of golden on agent setting multiple times, and look at various, albeit entertaining and distracting, videos located at various websites on the internet.
However this week Cam comes in with new motivation, having some previous experience with Super Mario World and a competitive spirit to make up for his lacklustre DKC performance, expect to see a fired up EdgE ready to take it to the leaders, and perhaps even a strong enough showing to peek his head up to the top 2.
Weapon of Choice: Smirnoff double blacks
Determined to not go on adult media websites
Proven to be a strong starter and finisher
Quick learner
Ability to pick up games quickly
Fan Favourite
Legitimately thinks that going off cliffs is the idea of platform games.
Limited experience with SMW compared to other racers
Not a strong platform game player
Has no controller and must use keyboard
Easily tempted by other media when intoxicated.
Odds: 20-1
Maxwell 'TAKrUnch' O'Callaghan
![[image loading]](http://img217.imageshack.us/img217/543/creepb.jpg)
" **** i dunno what i want for a quote”
![[image loading]](http://img217.imageshack.us/img217/543/creepb.jpg)
" **** i dunno what i want for a quote”
Last week’s victor, he came out of the gates strong and held the lead for literally the entire race, whilst his play definitely declined towards the end of the night, the lead he obtained through consistent strong play allowed him to still easily take the victory in the first ever Retro Rumble.
He’s going in with strong experience this week, however his major edge last week, the experience with the game, has been stripped from him, with all competitors having decent experience with SMW, he’ll have to prove it wasn’t just a one-off victory he pulled out of his ass, and will be looking to go 2 for 2 in the Retro Rumbles.
Weapon of choice: Miller's Draft
Strong consistent racer
Going in with huge momentum from a big win last week
Good experience in Super Mario World
Wants to prove last week wasn’t a fluke
Last week was a fluke
Over-confident and possibly too cocky.
Still sucks at every game.
No controller and must use keyboard
Odds: 4-1
Timothy 'TAcosmic' Roots
![[image loading]](http://www.mediafire.com/imgbnc.php/0fe82522e384ff25968ca94c7432ed009e3582ce20d641a42e8d3008b8aff8bc4g.jpg)
![[image loading]](http://www.mediafire.com/imgbnc.php/0fe82522e384ff25968ca94c7432ed009e3582ce20d641a42e8d3008b8aff8bc4g.jpg)
The nerves definitely got the better of Mr. Roots last week, going in the favourite, he failed to live up to the hype, and in the first hour was even seen to be behind 10-1 racer EdgE even with his stream-lead. However, that being said, he finished incredibly strong, (with a bit of help from some performance enhancing tildes…) and is definitely the competitor to watch in the final stages of the race.
Going into this week’s race, if Roots can compose himself early and finish strong once again, he’ll be looking to improve on his tie 2nd last week to take the gold. Confident and pumped, he’s definitely one to look out for.
Weapon of Choice: Wild Turkey
Strong finisher, handles alchohol well
Strong experience in Super Mario World
Strong platform gamer
Stream appears ahead of everyone else
Poor starter
Has actually kept playing Super Mario Bros 2
Easily frustrated
Still looks a little too smug
Odds: 5-1
![[image loading]](http://img341.imageshack.us/img341/1575/pinder.jpg)
"Yeah gg, dickhead"
![[image loading]](http://img341.imageshack.us/img341/1575/pinder.jpg)
"Yeah gg, dickhead"
The 2nd place finisher of last week Retro Rumble, he will have everything to prove this week. Coming 2nd thanks to the cheating effort of TACosmic, he blasted through the game, often challenging for the lead, before the alcohol consumption started to ironically consume him.
He’s going in with arguably the most experience with SMW, and with previous speedrun experience and last week to prepare him, he looks to be the favourite coming into this week to dethrone the king of last week.
Weapon of Choice: Jim Beam and Cola
Has controller, no need to use keyboard
Strong Jawline and incredible cheekbones
Experienced in Super Mario World
Very experienced in other Mario Brother’s games.
Weak Finisher
Folds under pressure
Does not handle alchohol well
Odds: 3-1
The Help:
Winson "TAMiles" Yong
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/yX21P.jpg)
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/yX21P.jpg)
Throughout the race, at the penality of a drink, players may ask Super Mario World expert TAMiles, famous for making cheekyduck cry on stream, for advice on how to get through tough puzzle levels, such as the haunted mansions.
Dylan 'TAscarlet' Arbon
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/WrvdG.jpg)
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/WrvdG.jpg)
For all the fabulous graphics, including the overlay!
Stream: http://www.twitch.tv/cosmicxo (All four racers in split-screen style)
So what will happen come the night of the race, will KrUnch perform back to back wins? Will Cosmic or Pinder knock KrUnch off his cocky high horse? Will Cam spend the majority of the night surfing red tube again? Only one way to find out! Tune in and enjoy the shenanigans of the TA crew as we waste our Friday night getting far to drunk infront of our computer screens for some more relaxed gaming by some of Australia’s finest sc2 players.
As always leave comments, and maybe some suggestions for the race, below!
Disclaimer: We clearly aren't professional Super Mario World racers, don't expect pros, expect a bunch of fun guys laughing and getting drunk!