So i started playing LoL in the last week or so. pretty fun game that gets away from the super srs starcraft. the problems im having are that there doesnt seem to be any content out there aimed at newbies to the whole DOTA style game, to help me get into it.
i know the basics on xp and gold and last hitting and stuff, that all seems pretty obvious
what i dont get is all the talk about laning. whats the ACTUAL difference between the lanes? why does everyone send 2 people to the side lands and only 1 down the middle.
is it normal that some characters seem to just be retarded against others? for example as soraka (or w/e i suck at spelling) if they have 2 melee characters i dont understand what im supposed to do to survive their damage for any time at all. maybe my pug team was just terrible but even with quite a decent amount of armor i felt helpless if they ever get on me (every melee has a gap closer)
is that normal?
and in general it seems like people just have super gimicky setups, obviously im new to the game so maybe its newbie whining but just stuff like melee dps stacking pure health items so they never die. seems super stupid ;/
tl;dr: need some tips for fairly newbie lvl lol
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but, usually it's 1 top 1 mid 2 bot 1 jungle, 2 bot for dragon control.
different heroes have good/bad matchups and different tools to overcome (or some are so one-dimensional that they're almost cheese-like in how all-in they are on one mechanic). Soraka is a healer she's more-or-less supposed to suck against dedicated damage dealers if she's ever caught alone.
melee dps stacking survival is what tanky dps was about, as some heroes have innately ridiculous damage output skills and so they don't need as much offense. most of these heroes have been nerfed down to manageable levels though, so you're probably simply looking at someone who's better and got really ahead and decided to secure a lead by being unkillable.
I don't play LoL(HoN for me) but I was a complete newbie to this style game a few months ago, and a good tip would be.....positioning is very important. Constantly be thinking things like......if they stun me here....do I have support? And, if I initiate on this guy, can I finish him off without having to tower dive....etc, etc. And for character advice, I would advice being a tank in the beginning. They are a little more forgiving than, for instance, a pure dps dealer, and if you just get dedicated tanking items, and stay somewhat relevant level-wise, you can be useful all game even with zero kills and just autoattacking, just by tanking damage and letting your better players stay alive longer. Once you get a feel for the game, start transitioning into support heroes that have clutch stun/heal mechanics, and then you can start getting a better feel for things like ganking and the like.
In HoN, I pretty much started playing with armadon and electrician, both of them can be virtually unkillable if you get a decent level lead, and can deal some damage to boot. I like getting armor items on electrician, having 25 armor + shield ability + bkb basically makes you unkillable for a solid 10 seconds at a time, and even without the bkb, you have to be ganged up on to be killed. Now that i'm getting a decent feel for the game, I've started using squishy heroes like polly, suc, and pyro.....support heroes that can start snowballing together kills once you have items and a level lead. Great fun is polly late game with ulti-stick and refresher.
I don't know what the hero equivalent to these guys in LoL would be, maybe someone else could help you out. But I would definitely go that style hero route to learning the game.
Couple sites I'd check out:
http://www.epikgamer.com/ A lot of newbie stuff here, and no need to dig for the good ones, just read them all it should help you a lot.
http://rog.clgaming.net/ A lot of Blogs on this site, you'll have to dig through them to find some newbies guides, but they are there.
http://www.youtube.com/user/colbycheeze http://www.youtube.com/user/stonewall008 http://www.youtube.com/user/solomiddotnet
All of those youtube links provide video guides to champions if you need a little help.
http://www.mobafire.com/ http://www.solomid.net/guides.php
These 2 sites provide builds and tips for champions. Solomid has a higher number of pro builds, so I'd use that first.
As for your question, it's hard to say what the right answer is, because you're probably still pretty low level, no one has runes or masteries, and people are new to the game just like you (barring any smurfs). I think the best answer is to play a non-support hero until you gain some levels and start playing with some better players. Most likely at your level, your partner in lane will have no idea how to play with a support, will overextend and feed those tanky melees, and they'll come for you.
If your partner is doing well and you are still getting owned, my tip for a support like Soraka, Taric, Sona, etc is to just stay behind the creep wave (near enough for exp) and keep your partner alive. No need for support to last hit or anything, leave that to your lane partner. Use the side bushes to hide yourself.
It's probably a bit hard for you to gauge how dangerous champs are atm because you're still learning abilities and whatnot, as well as what your allies can do. It'll be better with practice, just like SC2.
Good luck!
I'm not level 30 yet so I'm just a random scrub noob, but I would say that everything discussed about the metagame and picks and counterpicks etc aren't relevant for new players. The most important thing when you begin is to figure out the general mechanics of the game, e.g. how the brush works, how soft cc/hard cc work, whether your abilities scale off ap (most spells) or ad (some spells), and working out decent items to get for each type of champion. So you should just have fun, play more and learn as you go. LoL is quite an intuitive game and it is very easy to pick-up and yet it rewards intelligent exploration outside the box.
About laning: mid lane is generally the safest lane as it has multiple paths to escape ganks and the distance between the middle of the river and the outer turrets is so small. Generally, weaker carries that don't have escape mechanisms will use the mid lane. Bottom lane will generally have 2 champions from each side contesting it because the dragon is located on the bottom half of the map, and dragon is usually contested within the laning phase of the game. It's not important to have 2 people from the team laning top because baron is usually contested mid/late-game when the laning phase is over. Solo lanes are generally given to carries, but the top lane, if it is a solo, is generally given to a sustainable type of carry or a carry with an escape mechanism. The side lanes (top and bottom) are far easier to gank because of the brush, lack of escape routes and the long distance between the river/creeps and the turrets. There's usually a jungler in mid/higher level play because it is a more efficient use of exp/gold, and it allows for one player to be permanently "MIA" and to have very good ganking potential. Usually, you have an AP going mid solo over an AD going solo, not because the AD is less squishy than the AP but because levels are usually more noticeable in AP carries, since the higher spell levels counts for much more than the increase in dps per level. So we come to the current meta of having an AD bot with another player, who is usually a "support". This support player is only support in the sense that s/he allows the AD champion to take all of the farm and be able to carry the team earlier (while sharing exp doesn't hurt AD carries that much, sharing gold does). By virtue of this mentality, the other player in the bot lane generally plays a champion that does not need gold to add significant value or utility to their team, i.e. champions like Soraka, Sona, Janna, Taric, Alistar, Blitzcrank & co. These champions will generally take 5gold/10sec items that contribute to their champion's role to increase their gold intake.
The middle lane is given to 1 person because, like tyCe said, it is the safest. It has the shortest path back to lane as well, so if you need to return to shop or something you can return to lane faster.
As far as Soraka is concerned, your main job is to hang out at the back and heal others. If their melee champs are getting in your face, either your team is doing a bad job of protecting you (likely) or your positioning is wrong (possible). In general though, I would avoid playing supports for a little bit until you get the hang of things. Mostly because supports only make your team last longer, and at your level your team is going to make newbie mistakes that get them killed.
As far as staking pure health on melee dps, there's a couple of possibilities. It's legit on a few champs, like Mundo, who basically scales off of health, or Garen, where his ultimate doesn't scale of his stats. It's also possible that your team just doesn't know what they're doing. There are lots of people who just don't know basic fundamentals, heck I was doing builds wrong sometimes until I was around level 15. Especially at your level, never assume your team knows what they're doing.
On August 17 2011 00:00 Megaman703 wrote: The middle lane is given to 1 person because, like tyCe said, it is the safest. It has the shortest path back to lane as well, so if you need to return to shop or something you can return to lane faster
It also gets ganked more often, meaning that you're more likely to get caught with your escapes on cooldown, you have more chances to get yelled at for someone beating you to a skirmish or baiting you to move to a skirmish and then ambushing you, you have more chances to die in a skirmish (especially for dragon), your lane is more likely to get crowded by people who're wandering around (often clueless about what to do), and if you go back once or twice, you may come back to find that your tower is gone because the creep push distance is so short.
Here we go.. Basically people get 1 in mid because of the extra exp and gold that you can get laning by yourself. BUT, there's the risk of getting ganked more, the creep push is REALLY short so you're tower can get pushed quite easy, and not everyone can mid well. In high ELO games you've got a jungler so its not always 2 top 2 bottom 1 mid, it can be 1 top 1 mid 2 bottom (to look after dragon if they have jungler as well) and your jungler goes around the jungle killing stuff and ganking a lot.
Soraka is a support character isn't supposed to be right at the front, she's supposed to heal, and she's squishy. It's normal for you to feel like you're gonna get owned by 2 melee characters, you were also in a pub game where people were also like you just starting the game. So you're team may have had bad composition leaving you kind of alone or something like that. Some characters aren't melee dps they are tanks, and they stack lots of armour or hp and stuff like that, and even though they are tanks and don't do a lot of damage they own little soraka. Pick characters with a low difficulty level so that you can have fun. Don't pick supports until you know what you're doing. Try somone like, Ryze a pretty cheap character (in terms of ip) and does a lot of damage, when you're building him build mana. Or pick Nunu a tanky mage dps kinda guy ( i believe?) pretty fun as well, only 450ip. Just try whoever you want as long as you enjoy playing, if you don't there's really no point in playing.
you guys seem to think im super retarded :d i understand that im a healer and i should hide at the back. the problems i had with her were more late game, when we are moving as a team either my team is shit, or positioning myself out of gap closers is super hard. because like i said every melee can close distance so if i get into a position to heal quite often they can just get on me : <
thanks for explaining the lane stuff, didnt really think it was just as simple as turret - river distance.
at the moment of the free to play choices (on EUwest) gangplank seems really overpowered ;o he has a ranged ability which gives him free wins against pure melee, and his melee is strong enough to beat pure ranged. wtfgangplank?!
www.liquidparty.net the direct to the LoL sub-forum and add "LiquidParty" channel in LoL is all you need . Just play the game out, you can learn alot by just mass game and dont buy runes untill lv20. Runes doesn't matter that much untill you reach 30 so just save your IP for champs and lv3 runes.
Also, positioning is the most important and difficult skill to master, even pros messed up from time to time, dont be so hard on yourself. You will need ghost and flash to really have a good position in team fight.
Play all roles at before lv30 is really good. Ashe/Annie is good to start out cos they really cheap and powerful. Also, if you want to learn a tank, start with Shen then amumu. Then you need to learn how to jungle with WW.
Call mia fast and react fast when someone on the other team is mia, they are going AFTER you!!.
i played amumu when i first played, because he was free to play and had no arms. and annie seems fun but super reliant on tibbers? so i dont know if i would want to play her.
shens shield seems super gay to play against so maybe ill try him soon
On August 17 2011 01:28 turdburgler wrote: i played amumu when i first played, because he was free to play and had no arms. and annie seems fun but super reliant on tibbers? so i dont know if i would want to play her.
shens shield seems super gay to play against so maybe ill try him soon since you are new to the game, just pick a champions that you like. Shen's really bad right now, been nerfed lots, riots talking about a new rework on him, but like i said, if you just started playing, pick a champion that fun. Taunt newbies into towers lol.
Also I would say, if u want to improve your try out different types of champion, ashe is great if you are interested in an AD carry, Annie good as an AP, Yi pretty fun as a jungler/tanks dps, Alistar as a tank (I know people play alistar as a AP support he is a great introductory tank IMO) just dont play support they have little value in low level play.
On August 17 2011 01:28 turdburgler wrote: i played amumu when i first played, because he was free to play and had no arms. and annie seems fun but super reliant on tibbers? so i dont know if i would want to play her.
shens shield seems super gay to play against so maybe ill try him soon Annie is super powerful. Take Ignite and Flash when you playing her. The main trick here is to have stun on you at the starting of a fight. Last hit minion with your Q(free mana) you will earn a stun with 5 spells casted. Use that to initiate. In team fight, a mass stun with tibber is gonna let your team win ezpz. Annie is also the best nuker right now. Just play her if you like a strong strong caster, you will grow to love her.
A good idea is to play all 5 roles to get a good grip at everyones task.
Basically I would break it down like that :
Top lane : Beefy champion that will afk farm for the laning phases. Remember to buy wards and not much should happend to you, just keep up with the creep score of you opponent.
Solomid : Usually your AP carry (caster). Much more susceptible to land a kill during laning phase. Try to keep up with cs but be much more aware of potential ganks.
Jungler : The hardest one to keep track of when you start. You want to have a ward top and bottom lane to prevent his early ganks. A crucial moment in each game is when to jungle try to do first dragon (usually around 10-15 min if one side of the bottom lane is clearly winning.) Good cv from support is the best thing to keep track of him.
Bottom lane : In the current metagame, bottom lane is your range ad carry (ashe, cait, trist, mf...) and a support (soraka, taric, sona, janna, alistar...). Range carry get all the last hit and support buys gold/5 items. Farm the best you can, ward for ganks and help your jungle gets first dragon.
Bonus pro tip : Pick flash 99% of the time.
On August 17 2011 02:27 scDeluX wrote: A good idea is to play all 5 roles to get a good grip at everyones task.
Basically I would break it down like that :
Top lane : Beefy champion that will afk farm for the laning phases. Remember to buy wards and not much should happend to you, just keep up with the creep score of you opponent.
Solomid : Usually your AP carry (caster). Much more susceptible to land a kill during laning phase. Try to keep up with cs but be much more aware of potential ganks.
Jungler : The hardest one to keep track of when you start. You want to have a ward top and bottom lane to prevent his early ganks. A crucial moment in each game is when to jungle try to do first dragon (usually around 10-15 min if one side of the bottom lane is clearly winning.) Good cv from support is the best thing to keep track of him.
Bottom lane : In the current metagame, bottom lane is your range ad carry (ashe, cait, trist, mf...) and a support (soraka, taric, sona, janna, alistar...). Range carry get all the last hit and support buys gold/5 items. Farm the best you can, ward for ganks and help your jungle gets first dragon.
Bonus pro tip : Pick flash 99% of the time.
This really only applies to ranked games. Below level 30 nobody picks good team comps unless it's a premade.
You have to know that as soon as a team fight breaks out, everyone on the enemy team will target you. Soraka is pretty much the number 1 target in team fights just because her heal is really annoying. Plus shes squishy. Pretty much just play around with all the free week characters and get a sense of what different roles do. Amumu is a great tank but more suited towards jungling. Annie is possibly one of the best mages in the game, and the reliance on Tibbers is pretty much justified seeing if you have stun up as well, you can potentially AOE stun and Tibbers the entire enemy team. Annie is easy to play at the beginning, but hard to play well (I guess this applies to all other champs as well). If you want to play Annie, you pretty much have to learn how to smartcast. Look that up on google, it'll help you alot in higher levels.